Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Too Early to Talk Impeachment?

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President Barry Soetoro (a/k/a Barack Obama) is amassing quite a list of lies.
He by his inaction in producing documents proving his birth as a natural citizen, which is required of the office of President and his hiding his college records is hiding something. What is he hiding? America deserves to know whether its President is a usurper or the real thing.
The new President promised that he would not have lobbyist involved in his administration. He lied.
The new President promised integrity in his administration. He lied.
The new President promised to insure transparency, yet he and the Democratic controlled Congress ramrodded the mega-Spending bill, called an economic stimulus package through Congress without the promised 48 public opportunity to read it.
He claimed to have nothing to do with ACORN, which is a lie.
He claimed to he never heard Jeremiah Wright spew hatred of America. He lied.
The lies are mounting. There will come a time when America will have enough.
The Democratic controlled Congress will not have the will nor the votes to do anything with their messiah. However in less than 2 years we will vote for the all of the House of Representatives. It will definitely be time for a real House cleaning party . . .

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