America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Prez's U.N. Address
“Hey, with (Soetoro alias) Obama in charge America can’t even fix its own problems.”
- - NewsBusted, Episode 9/29/09
NewsBusted is a conservative comedy webcast about the news of the day, uploaded every Tuesday and every Friday. Their newest NewBusted episode includes the excerpt above.
See right panel of this blog and click on the picture to watch this 2-3 minute comedy YouTube video.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Czarist Amerika! Part 1
This may be one way that the false messiah may be able to move on so many damaging fronts simultaneously. He has his front men and women doing the dirty work for him. Each czar or czarina is seemingly racing to help Dear Leader to foist, or to get-one-over-on-the –American people before they catch on to what is happening.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Copenhagen Chicago Caper
...a playful leap or dancing step
...a lighthearted adventurous act or prank . . .
President’s Unprecedented Trip to Copenhagen, Denmark to Tout Chicago
Our president has nothing better to do than to fly to Europe to pitch the windy City as the site of the 2016 summer Olympics? Who is he paying off now, the Mayor Richard Daley political machine? When Iran‘s braggadocio claims of now being able to hit Israel and U.S. military bases in Europe, when our own economy is faltering, where the citizenry of our nation is upset with the proposed so-called healthcare proposal coming out of the White House and Congress, he gallivants off to visit his admirers in Europe and to beg them to grant his adopted city of Chicago the right to hold the ’16 Summer Olympiad.
To me along with his foolish proposal to lengthen the classroom hours in U.S. Schools compounding much of the bureaucratic ineptness, and his foolish and incompetent handling of almost everything he and his czars have touched since January 20, he now seemingly on a whim dashes off to Copenhagen on behave of his Chicago cronies. This is not only a first among American President; it demeans and disgraces the position. He has reduced himself to a community solicitor. This man’s ego is so big that he has become blinded by his own vision of himself.
The hard lesson, I hope that America has learned, is that elections do have drastic repercussions and we are experiencing them now on a daily basis. Everyday I awake and shutter to find our president meddling in or messing up some aspect of the America that was so carefully and sacrificially created and sustained. He is a human wrecking ball, not the media-made messiah he apparently believes himself to be.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
A Man is Unworthy of Being Worshiped
There is a new religion in town in the United States of America. It appears to be the worship of Barack Hussein Obama (B. H. O.). Only God is to be worshipped.
Students in a class room were singing worship praises to BHO the music of which was used to praise the Lord Jesus Christ. Since the United States is no longer ‘a Christian nation’ perhaps such conduct is acceptable. Didn’t the Hitler youth sing praises to the Führer, Adolf Hitler? Are not Communist Dictators treated this way; Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Stalin, and Fidel Castro? Obama exhibits all the actions of a Communist Dictator. Are you ready for his reign?
During the time of Pharaohs in Egypt they were regarded as gods and given worship by the people. During the time of Roman Empire; Emperor Worship was followed by its faithful citizens. Christians were disliked and persecuted because they failed to show what was considered proper respect to Emporers, which were worship.
We read of one in the Holy Bible who allowed himself to be called a god. This displeased the God of Heaven who struck Herod with worms which ate him while he was still alive because he did not give glory to God (Acts 12:23). Haman was unhappy that Mordecai would not worship him and was hanged on the very gallows intended for Mordecai (Esther 3:1-7:10).
God says that He will not give His glory to another, or His praise to graven images (Isaiah 42:8). Pharaoh, who considered himself god, had no regard for the God of Heaven and did not know Him so he refused to honor Him (Exodus 5:2). God says that He raised this Pharaoh up that He might display His works in him for the world to see (Exodus 9:16; Romans 9:17). Egypt was trashed as a result.
Barack Hussein Obama shows total disregard, even disrespect, for the God of Heaven and the Lord Jesus Christ in his words and in his actions. If Obama does not repent and receive Jesus into his heart, then his ultimate and eternal destiny will be the Lake of Fire. God has dealt with the likes of Obama through the ages. Perhaps Obama was raised up to in order for the Almighty and Holy God to once again display His awesome power.
The message is clear, Obama should avoid demanding or encouraging or even allowing any worship of himself to continue. All Obama has to do is ask Stalin, Hitler or Mao how they are enjoying eternity today . . .
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The U.N.: A House of, by and for Radicals . . .
"What passport did he use when he was shuttling between New York, Jakarta, and Karachi ?
"We will pass over the question of how a young man who arrived in New York in early June 1981, without the price of a hotel room in his pocket, suddenly come up with the price of a round-the-world trip just a month later. A much simpler question tells us all we need to know.
"Once he was on a plane, shuttling between New York , Jakarta , and Karachi , what passport was he offering when he passed through Customs and Immigration?
"The American people not only deserve to have answers to these questions, they must have answers. It makes the debate over Obama's citizenship a rather short and simple one.
Q: Did he travel to Pakistan in 1981, at age 20?
A : Yes, by his own admission.
Q: What passport did he travel under?
A: There are only three possibilities:
...1) He traveled with a U.S. Passport,
...2) He traveled with a British passport, or
...3) He traveled with an Indonesia passport.
Q: Is it possible that Obama traveled with a U.S. Passport in 1981?
A: No. It is not possible. Pakistan was on the U.S. State Department's "no travel" list in 1981.
"When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981 he was traveling either with a British passport or an Indonesian passport.
"If he were traveling with a British passport that would provide proof he was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961, not in Hawaii as he claims.
"And if he were traveling with an Indonesian passport that would tend to prove he relinquished whatever previous citizenship he held, British or American, prior to being adopted by his Indonesian step-father in 1967.
"Whatever the truth of the matter, the American people need to know how he managed to become a "natural born" American citizen between 1981 and 2008.
"Given the destructive nature of his plans for America, as illustrated by his speech before Congress and the disastrous spending plan he has presented to Congress, the sooner we learn the truth of all this, the better."
Friday, September 25, 2009
One-Term 'Wonder'?
Well, the way things are going (Soetoro alias) Obama will be REALLY comfortable!”
- - NewsBusted, Episode 9/25/09
NewsBusted is a conservative comedy webcast about the news of the day, uploaded every Tuesday and every Friday. Their newest NewBusted episode includes the excerpt above.
Our Enemy Appeasing & Pleasing President
Thursday, September 24, 2009
New HESC Cell Lines for Research
I got this in my inbox recently...
The NIH on Monday announced that it is now accepting requests for human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines to be approved for use in NIH-funded research. The review process and submission form were detailed earlier. The NIH Director also announced the members of a new working group of the Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD): the Working Group for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Eligibility Review. The Working Group, which will vet requests and advise [sic] the NIH Director, is being chaired by Jeffrey R. Botkin, M.D., M.P.H., professor of pediatrics at
Continental Congress Update
Please spread the word about this!
For two weeks in November, delegates representing The People of the fifty states will join together in the tradition of the Founding Fathers and their Continental Congress of 1774.ContinentalCongress 2009 will convene as a national assembly of We The People and attest to the increasing abuses of our Governing Documents. Together, we will decide what peaceful, legal steps can be taken to bring about compliance with our Freedom documents. Watch the above video for more information on the purpose of the Congress.
I would like to announce, on this forum, my candidacy for delegate to 2009 Continental Congress. Furthermore, I would like to urge the readers of this forum to get involved with the election which will take place on October 10, 2009, from 10am-4pm. They need people to register the voters, count ballots, and video tape the voting. Final information about polling locations will be forthcoming. For people can't make it to one of the polling places, here is a link to instructions as to how to vote by mail.
There will be an online video of a question and answer session for Ohio candidates which is to take place Saturday, September 26 at the Kent Free Library, located at
The site and dates for the 2009 Continental Congress have selected. Three will be elected from each state and the
1. the right to life
2. parental rights (not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, but no less indispensible)
3. the immunity from federal prohibitions of speech
4. the immunity from federal infringements on the free exercise of religion
5. the right to limited federal government via the 10th amendment and the general welfare clause
6. the right to a Congress which does not give itself unconstitutional pay raises (27thamendment)
I will also be discussing a plan to institute electing presidential electors in the state legislature rather than the general populace to eliminate or greatly reduce the corrupting influence of corporations and the news media on our electoral process.
You can read the profiles of all of the candidates here.
Finally I would like to ask the help of the readers of this forum in my preparations if I am elected as a delegate to represent
First of all, please pray for me that I would convey the seriousness of the additional issues that I wish to raise. I don't know if everyone at CC2009 is pro-life and pro-family.
Secondly, if there are any other issues concerning constitutional violations besides what is in the video and what I have written here, I could include these in my speech and if elected, bring them to the attention of the Congress. It would also help me if you have knowledge of references (court case titles, etc.) of specific instances of the violations of the right to free speech and religion or any of the others.
Thirdly, I would like to ask the readers for advice. One of the subjects that will be brought up is how to hold the
Thank you,
Matthew Miller
The Right Way to Amend the Constitution, part 14
Continue viewing this video at the following links:
This is part fourteen of an ongoing series of articles containing my proposals for amendments to the Constitution. For someone who claims so fervently to be a “Constitutionalist”, how is it that I can be so eager to change the Constitution? Well, there are several reasons. For one thing, I believe that after the Bill of Rights, much damage was done by some of the amendments that were added and the legitimacy of some of their ratifications are questionable. Secondly, the Constitution has been violated so much that the necessity of further amendments is needed to resolve the resulting problems. But this should be done extremely cautiously. My amendments are extremely unlikely to ever be introduced, much less ratified, but hey, I can dream, can’t I?
Here is my fourteenth proposed amendment (subject to revision):
Section 1: In all criminal prosecutions and Suits at common law, the right of the jury to judge the law and well as the fact of the matter shall not be infringed.
Section 2: The jury shall be informed of the right to nullify the law before any such case shall proceed.
Section 3: No Person shall be compelled against their will to serve on a jury and all jurors shall receive just compensation for performance of their duties.
Commentary on this proposed amendment:
This would help to keep big government from enforcing unjust laws. We live in a day and age when laws are passed by legislators who do not even read their content. I believe that we already have these rights, but since they are being violated, it is good to explicitly place them into the Constitution.Jean Schmidt: The [Federal] Courts are the “Ultimate Power”
Republican Congresswoman Jean Schmidt admits to voting for unconstitutional legislation. Her excuse is the typical one, its up to the courts to decide what is and what isn't constitutional. "The [Federal] courts are the ultimate power", she said. Not according to Article III section 2, Ms. Schmidt. It reads:
In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases* before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make.
*includes "Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party"
President Thomas Jefferson wrote to a friend in 1821:
You seem … to consider the [federal] judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions, a very dangerous doctrine indeed and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy … The constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that, to whatever hands confided, with the corruption of time and party its members would become despots.
Source: “An End to Judicial Tyranny?” by Thomas R. Eddlem, The New American, October 18, 2004, p. 44.
Tell Jean Schmidt that her actions are unacceptable.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Presidential Public Disservice Infomercials
- - NewsBusted, Episode 9/22/09
NewsBusted is a conservative comedy webcast about the news of the day, uploaded every Tuesday and every Friday. Their newest NewBusted episode includes the excerpt above.
See right panel of this blog and click on the picture to watch this 2-3 minute comedy YouTube video.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The President’s Missile Missive
“The (Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack) Obama administration has decided to cancel the missile defense system protecting Poland and the Czech (Republic).
“We assume (Soetoro alias) Obama has no use for them since they are FORMER communist countries.”
- - NewsBusted, Episode 9/15/09
NewsBusted is a conservative comedy webcast about the news of the day, uploaded every Tuesday and every Friday. Their newest NewBusted episode includes the excerpt above.
See right panel of this blog and click on the picture to watch this 2-3 minute comedy YouTube video.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Has the GOP taken itself off life support?
Here is a letter an acquaintance, R.C., wrote to Chairman Michael Steele. I concur with R.C.'s wise words and counsel.
Dear Chairman Steele,
I see that you said recently (again!) that the Republican Party must be open to "abortion rights" candidates. This is only one of the most obvious reasons, and most egregious, that the Republican Party will die, and deserves to.
I disagree with virtually everything the current Democratic Party stands for, but I have to give them credit for at least one thing - they believe fervently and uncompromisingly in many things, and they don't welcome, and support, candidates in their party who hold views that don't line up with those deep beliefs.
The Republican Party, the other hand, obviously believes in nothing, except getting candidates elected who have an R after their name, whatever their beliefs. It is this total bankruptcy of belief, principle, courage, and morals, its utter failure to stand for anything, that has consigned the Republican Party to the dustbin of history, and all I can say is "Good riddance!"
A once great party, the party of Lincoln, the party that abolished slavery, is now a pathetic, contemptible, vote grubbing coalition of political hacks willing to sell their souls for a vote or a buck.
Though I despise the Democrats and don't want to see them re-elected, I'll vote my conscience and my principles in 2010, perhaps the Constitution Party or America's Independent Party - they may not get elected but at least they've got integrity. The Republican Party doesn't even know the meaning of the word anymore.
Yours truly,R.C., Ohio
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Mummy (1999)
The city had a curse on it, that whoever opened the burial vault of a particular mummy would be killed and the ten plagues of Egypt would come upon them. The woman determined that the mummy was not a mummy at all, but the person had been buried alive with flesh eating beetles and was eaten alive by the beetles. If he was disturbed then he had the power to cannibalize other people to make his own body flesh out, and once that was done, he would then be immortal with immense power and could sacrifice a woman and make his wife immortal also.
To prevent this scenario from happening, the locals in the area would fight against those who would find the city of the Dead and keep them from living to tell about it. Once the Mummy was unleashed they fought to destroy the Mummy along with the archaeologists. One local was promised gold treasure if he helped the Mummy; which he did. He met a terrible fate.
The archaeologists read accent manuscripts to determine how to take away the Mummies power and immortality, which they did, and he was soon subdued.
My sister observed that I was upset over the movie and said, “It is only a movie”. “Only a movie,” I thought. “What about, “Towering Inferno,” a year after the movie came out a sky scraper caught on fire above where any ladders could reach. Then we had the twin towers knocked down by fire. Only a movie, I used to watch “Star Trek”. The people would walk up to a door and it would open automatically. Today I walk up to doors and they open up automatically and I am not even on the Star Ship Enterprise. You never know when what you've seen in a movie might come true.
God is misrepresented in this movie. Unless one knows the true God and the Scriptures, one is likely to believe wrongly about God. God does not cannibalize the living to put flesh on bones. The Bible describes that in the Valley of Dry Bones, when the prophet Ezekiel spoke no one was cannibalized for flesh to be put on the bones. People do not arise from the dead and resume their marriage. Death cancels one’s marriage. After death comes the judgment of the deceased by Jesus Christ. The ten plagues on Egypt was a display of God’s power and brought about the release of Israel from slavery. Today, we have Israel as a nation, the celebration of the Passover and Easter as reminders of the event.
Archaeologists studied the ancient manuscripts as if they were true, but ignored the more ancient true manuscript, which is the Holy Bible. In it, we learn about eternal life and immortality which even the archaeologists and you, the reader, can obtain.
If you desire eternal life and immortality for yourself, and if you want to escape from eternal torment by fire, then you must do something. You must, put your faith in the fact that Jesus died for you, that He received in Himself the wrath of God for you. Then, you must accept by faith the fact that He rose from the dead. You must believe that Jesus is simultaneously human and divine: You must believe in your heart, your inner being, that He is the only begotten (unique, one-of-a-kind) Son of God. YOU can pray, now, confessing you are a sinner, separated from God, and invite Jesus into your heart. A sample prayer is, “Lord Jesus Christ forgive me of my sin and come into my heart.”
Saturday, September 19, 2009
ObamaCare: Targeting the Elderly for Rationing & Worse
The YouTube description of the newest ALL Report reads, “American Life League exposes the euthanasia agenda of the sponsors of HR 3200. Henry Waxman and co-sponsors John Dingell, George Miller, Peter Stark, and Frank Pallone all voted against a federal ban on use of drugs for physician assisted suicide. Not only that, (Barry Soetoro a/k/a) Barack Obama equates physician-assisted suicide with "end of life issues" and the elderly.”
The following is a loose transcription of the opening remarks of the video.
Now the uproar is over the question whether end-of-life care translates into EUTHANASIA. Since the answer to the question raised above apparently isn’t above his pay grade, we’ll let President (Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack) Obama provide the answer.
A reporter in late 2008 asked (Soetoro) Obama in Oregon if he supported the concept of physician assisted suicide and medical marijuana, (Soetoro) Obama answered it this way:
I think that the people of Oregon did a service to the country in recognizing that as a population gets older we’ve got to think about issues of end-of-life care.
The Pinocchio President
“So much that even the Associated Press (AP) had to report it.”
- - NewsBusted, Episode 9/15/09
NewsBusted is a conservative comedy webcast about the news of the day, uploaded every Tuesday and every Friday. Their newest NewBusted episode includes the excerpt above.
See right panel of this blog and click on the picture to watch this 2-3 minute comedy YouTube video.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Is that Amore or is that a Racist?
'That's A Racist' Parody of 'That's Amore'
MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Musician Rippin' Richie isn't offended by accusations of racism from Jimmy Carter and others on the left.
"These accusations are too ridiculous to be taken seriously, so It's hard for me to be offended."
Jimmy Carter and New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd are among those that have implied that resistance to Obama's radical socialist agenda is due to his skin color.
Rippin' Richie says the people in the all black choir (except for Richie) he used to play in would get a good laugh at the idea that he could be a racist.
"I'm also a semi-pro break dancer, so that wouldn't look very good on my KKK application, either," Richie joked.
Richie's latest musical endeavor is a parody of "That's Amore" called "That's Racist." YouTube link: Rippin' Richie's web site is:
Here are the lyrics to the parody:
When some congressman guy says the chosen one lies
That's a racist
When some tax payer minds that we're robbing him blind
That's a racist
Though they screamed all of the same things, all of the same things
at that white Clinton fella
We will play race cards everyday, race cards everyday
cause we got nothing betta
When a man won't be fooled by our dump trucks of bull
That's a racist
When he takes to the street to protest the deceit
That's just hate
Wanting government lean not utopian dreaming
and statist
Scuzza me, but you see, to us in the left wing
The President is a real card, the Joker!
Wikipedia describes the Joker card, thusly, "The Joker can be an extremely beneficial, or an extremely harmful, card. In Euchre it is often used to represent Benny, the highest trump. In poker, it is wild. However, in the children's game named Old Maid, a solitary joker represents the Maid, a card that is to be avoided."
The alleged President, Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Obama, has been depicted as the socialist, patterned after the painted Joker of Batman fame. That is accurate. Still the President is a wild card. He is totally inept in handing the economy. He is vastly inexperienced. He is an ideologue. He is driving our nation quicker, than any of his predecessors, to the brink of bankruptcy. In every action he has undertaken fiscally and socially, he has undermined the foundations of, and is drastically changing the face of this nation. Unbelievably, he even touts that we are a Christian nation.
Above all, and if we make it as an intact nation by 2012, then we should, like the Joker in the Old Maid game, avoid (not re-elect) him at all costs.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Right Way to Amend the Constitution, part 13
This is part thirteen of an ongoing series of articles containing proposals for amendments to the Constitution. For someone who claims so fervently to be a “Constitutionalist”, how is it that I can be so eager to change the Constitution? Well, there are several reasons. For one thing, I believe that after the Bill of Rights, much damage was done by some of the amendments that were added and the legitimacy of some of their ratifications are questionable. Secondly, the Constitution has been violated so much that the necessity of further amendments is needed to resolve the resulting problems. But this should be done extremely cautiously. These amendments are extremely unlikely to ever be introduced, much less ratified, but hey, I can dream, can’t I?
The title for this week’s proposed article of amendment (subject to revision) is The Peace and Tranquility Amendment, the text of which follows:
Section 1: The
Section 2: Any Congressional declaration of war must contain clear instructions as to the objectives of the war and an exit strategy.
Section 3: Any Congressional declaration of war must be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the whole number of members of each House of Congress.
Section 4: Congress shall make no law appropriating funds for war except funds obtained by the voluntary purchase of war bonds. This section shall not be construed to apply to the peacetime maintenance of the Navy and of the Militia.
Section 5: The Marines and the Coast Guard shall be reintegrated into the Navy for all purposes. All power over the National Guard shall be given to the States, except in times of war, and it shall serve as the Militia. All other branches of the armed services shall be abolished and none shall be established except in times of war. The Posse Comitatus Act shall not be violated.
Section 6: This article shall not be construed as modifying, limiting or abolishing the Power of Congress to grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, to define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations, or to make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.
Section 7: Henceforth, no citizen of the United States shall be liable for the payment of taxes, fees, or other moneys to be received by the United States and no such moneys shall be collected or withheld from a citizen whenever the United States is in violation of the terms of this article of amendment and for one year following any such violation.
Commentary on this proposed amendment:
The third and fourth sections are the meat of the amendment. The rest are really redundant, given the 10th amendment and the fact that no authority to do these things exists in the Constitution. Over and over again, the
Section 7 is necessary to put some teeth into it. Without it, if the amendment were violated, then any case brought by the People against the government would be dismissed on some basis like “lack of standing”. Section 7 would force the courts to either make things right or do a lot more mental gymnastics than usual.
Click here to go on to my next proposed amendment.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Faith of an Elder, a Parable
There was a little old lady, who every morning stepped onto her front porch, raised her arms to the sky, and shouted: 'PRAISE THE LORD!'
One day an atheist moved into the house next door. He became irritated at the little old lady.
Every morning he'd step onto his front porch after her and yell: 'THERE IS NO LORD!'
Time passed with the two of them carrying on this way every day.
One morning, in the middle of winter, the little old lady stepped onto her front porch and shouted: 'PRAISE THE LORD!Please Lord, I have no food and I am starving, provide for me, oh Lord!
The next morning she stepped out onto her porch and there were two huge bags of groceries sitting there
The atheist neighbour jumped out of the hedges and shouted: 'THERE IS NO LORD; I BOUGHT THOSE GROCERIES!!'
The little old lady threw her arms into the air and shouted: 'PRAISE THE LORD! HE HAS PROVIDED ME WITH GROCERIES AND MADE THE DEVIL PAY FOR THEM!'
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
ACORN, A Partner in Crime
.ALG Condemns 7 Senators for Voting to Continue Funding ACORN, Calls for Complete Cutoff of Federal Funds.Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today condemned seven Senators for voting to continue funding ACORN with federal housing grants, terming them the "Sordid Seven" and promising to hold them accountable. Yesterday, the Senate voted 83-7 to prohibit ACORN from receiving housing grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Voting no were Senators.Roland Burris (D-IL),Robert Casey (D-PA),Dick Durbin (D-IL),Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY),
Patrick Leahy (D-VT),Bernard Sanders (I-VT), andSheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) . . ..Read the entire story here.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sergeant Joe Friday advises the President, Just the Facts, Sir
National TEA Party, Washington, D.C., 9.12.09
Up to two million march to US Capitol to protest against Obama's spending in 'tea-party' demonstration
Up to two million people marched to the U.S. Capitol today, carrying signs with slogans such as "Obamacare makes me sick" as they protested the president's health care plan and what they say is out-of-control spending.
The line of protesters spread across Pennsylvania Avenue for blocks, all the way to the capitol, according to the Washington Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency.
People were chanting "enough, enough" and "We the People." Others yelled "You lie, you lie!" and "Pelosi has to go," referring to California congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.
Read more and see some more great photos here
“Many of us are excited and thrilled to see we are not alone in our serious concerns about where this country is headed. Thank you, Daily Mail, for printing the truth. The tea parties and townhall meetings throughout the country over the past few weeks have been incredible displays of Democracy in Action, where regular folks are finally starting to speak out. The turnout today in DC was incredible. We are all so fortunate to live in freedom, the United States and our friends across the pond. God bless!” GoCardsDeb, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 13/9/2009 00:36
Here is another article about the D.C. TEA Party:
Here is a a big picture view of Saturday's D.C. TEA Party:
Sunday, September 13, 2009
G.I. Joe (2009)
There are several layers of villains. The chief villain is the mastermind of the new nano-technology and whose sister is the heroine and also a villain. The second villain is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of an arms company which supplies 70% of the military weapons to the world. The third villain is a group of enforcers who carry out the orders of the CEO. The fourth villain is a group of human robots. The fifth villain is the security detail for the operation.
In the old western or cowboy movies the good guy always wore the white hat, while the villain wore the black hat. In GI Joe the main enforcer villain wears white and the enforcer heroine villain wears black. The best fighter of the good forces wears black. The symbols for good and evil are being reversed in some cases.
The chief villain can inject nanos into people and cause them to do what the chief villain wants, or have them destroyed if they are no longer useful to him. One might think of it as a form of socialized medicine. In the case of the United States of America; Barack Hussein Obama is the CEO. In the United States today there is a good versus evil battle going on, but it is not a melodrama. It is for real and for keeps. On which side of this battle are you?
The movie is totally godless. There is no reference to God or Jesus Christ in the movie. The outcome of the situation is totally dependent on technology and ability. God’s ability is not even considered.
In this world there is a chief villain and his name is Satan. He does not have to rely on nano-technology, but has and uses demonic spirits, which can enter into people and control them and then destroy them when finished with them. You can be set free from such a situation by repenting of your sins and inviting Jesus into your heart. A sample prayer is: ‘Lord Jesus Christ, forgive me of my evil and come into my heart.’