America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Shoddy Reporting on the Religion of Islam by ABC News, Part 8
I came across a critique of the ABC News 20/20 program, “Islam: Questions and Answers.”
Bill Weir makes the following unfounded assertion:
[Transcription below for above video beginning at 11:54 on the video]
Miss Manji, this past June released a book with the almost laughable title, “Allah, Liberty and Love, The Courage to Reconcile Faith and Freedom.” Based on everything this modern moderate Muslim Madame muffed by her misstatements about Islam above, the book has got to be classified as fiction. One wonders if this woman has even read the Qur’an and other Islamic documents. Or, if she has read the ‘sacred’ texts, why she wants to so distort and to hide the truth of Islam from the American people. In addition, I never associated Liberty and Love with the god of Islam. However, Islam and its god are oppressive, tyrannical, and hateful, inspiring world-wide terrorism, but Love, Liberty, Freedom, Faith? I don’t think so.
For those curious about learning more about Miss Manji (I don’t know why anyone would), offers a bio of this liberal and revisionist Muslim:
To be continued
That flawed program originally was broadcast a year or so ago. A recent YouTube exposé points out more than 20 errors in the hour long supposed ‘news’ program. This is a eighth of a series of posts that will delve into the various errors made by Diane Sawyer, Bill Weir, and guests on this program. I am not quite sure whether this was just a case of very bad or sloppy reporting, or merely a succumbing to political correctness, or outright lies about the so-called ‘religion’ of peace.
Embedded below is the video, “Whitewashing Islam – 20 Errors on 20/20 (ABC News).” Following the video is a transcript of the next error found in the ‘news’ production.Error #10
[Transcription below for above video beginning at 10:26 on the video] Bill Weir makes the following unfounded assertion:
“And the Qur’an only calls for jihad against invaders threatening a Muslim home.”
Annoyed by yet another misrepresentation, David Wood states, “I’ll tell you what Bill, I’ll read the verse and you tell me where you are getting confused.Surah 9:29 – Fight (whom? Invaders? No) those who believe not in Allah [so this is based on fighting people based on what they believe] nor the last Day, nor hold that forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book (that’s Jews and Christians), until they pay the JUZYAH with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
“Does that sound like it has ANYTHING to do with fighting invaders? No. You know why? Because it has nothing to do with fighting invaders. It’s a command to fight unbelievers. When this was first ‘revealed,’ Muslims began their long tradition of OFFENSIVE JIHAD – fighting to subjugate all non-Muslims!“You will not learn any of this from ABC News, though."
Error #11[Transcription below for above video beginning at 11:54 on the video]
Bill Weir now interviews Ms. Irshad Manji. Manji is the Director of the Moral Courage Project at New York University. He asks her,
“Is there anything in the Qur’an that promises the 72 virgins for the ‘holy’ martyrs?”
Irshad Manji, a thoroughly modern Muslim, straight faced answer is just outrageous,“I don’t see any evidence of it in the Qur’an for the pledge of 72 virgins. This ‘notion’ of the virgins actually comes from a mistranslation with the ‘real’ translation being 72 ‘raisins.’
David Wood studiously reports, “There are actually 2 separate errors here [11A and 11B!].“Irshad Manji seems to think that the number of 72 comes from the Qur’an. It doesn’t. it comes fromthe Hadith.
“Then she tell us the Qur’an doesn’t say Muslims will get virgins in paradise. It says that they’ll get ‘RAISINS!’ This is a mangled edition of an argument by Chrisoph Luxenberg. "The main problem with Irshad Manji’s claims what the Qur’an says about these houtis. The Qur’an says these Muslims will marry the houtis. It says that the houtis will be chaste and beautiful. It says the houtis will have beautiful eyes and large breasts, and that they’ll love their husbands".
See Qur’an 44:51-54, 52:20, 55:54-56, 55:70-74, 56:22-24, 56:35-38, 78:31-34.
"It’s fine with me if Irshad Manji wants to translate ‘houtis as (meaning) ‘raisins,’ but if she does, Islam has got a lot creepier!"Miss Manji, this past June released a book with the almost laughable title, “Allah, Liberty and Love, The Courage to Reconcile Faith and Freedom.” Based on everything this modern moderate Muslim Madame muffed by her misstatements about Islam above, the book has got to be classified as fiction. One wonders if this woman has even read the Qur’an and other Islamic documents. Or, if she has read the ‘sacred’ texts, why she wants to so distort and to hide the truth of Islam from the American people. In addition, I never associated Liberty and Love with the god of Islam. However, Islam and its god are oppressive, tyrannical, and hateful, inspiring world-wide terrorism, but Love, Liberty, Freedom, Faith? I don’t think so.
For those curious about learning more about Miss Manji (I don’t know why anyone would), offers a bio of this liberal and revisionist Muslim:
(Irshad Manj) “is a Canadian author, journalist and an advocate of "reform and progressive" interpretation of Islam. Manji is director of the Moral Courage Project at the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University, which aims to teach young leaders to "challenge political correctness, intellectual conformity and self-censorship." Manji is a well-known critic of traditional mainstream Islam and was described by The New York Times as "Osama bin Laden's worst nightmare". Manji’s most recent book, Allah, Liberty and Love was released in June 2011 in the US, Canada and other countries. On Manji's website, the book is described: "Allah, Liberty and Love shows all of us how to reconcile faith and freedom in a world seething with repressive dogmas…”
The only repressive dogma seething and bringing terror throughout the world today is theocratic Islam, the political-militaristic-religious system!To be continued
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Supercommittee members a bust, then and now
Super Useless
“Last week the Congressional supercommittee was unable to reach agreement on America’s debt crisis.
“No worries, supercommittee members can now resume their duties of accomplishing nothing in the regular Congress!”
--- NewsBusted, Episode 11/28/2011
NewsBusted is a conservative comedy webcast about the news of the day, uploaded every Tuesday and every Friday. Their newest NewBusted episode includes the excerpt above.
See right panel of this blog and click on the picture to watch this 2-3 minute comedy YouTube video.
“Last week the Congressional supercommittee was unable to reach agreement on America’s debt crisis.
“No worries, supercommittee members can now resume their duties of accomplishing nothing in the regular Congress!”
--- NewsBusted, Episode 11/28/2011
NewsBusted is a conservative comedy webcast about the news of the day, uploaded every Tuesday and every Friday. Their newest NewBusted episode includes the excerpt above.
See right panel of this blog and click on the picture to watch this 2-3 minute comedy YouTube video.
Shoddy Reporting on the Religion of Islam by ABC News, Part 7
I came across an excellent critique of the ABC News 20/20 program, “Islam: Questionsand Answers.” That program originally was broadcast a year or so ago. A recent YouTube exposé points out 20 errors in the hour long supposed ‘news’ program. This is a seventh of a series of posts that will delve into the various errors made by Diane Sawyer, Bill Weir, and guests on this program. I am not quite sure whether this was just a case of very bad or sloppy reporting, or merely a succumbing to political correctness, or propagating outright lies about the so-called ‘religion’ of peace.
Here is the video, “Whitewashing Islam – 20 Errors on 20/20 (ABC News).” Following the video is a transcript of the next two errors found in the ‘news’ production.
"Who challenges the doctrine of abrogation? ABC News! So there you go, 14 centuries of Muslim scholarship and reality, itself get tossed out the window.”
“But none of that matters, because world-renown Qur’an scholar and theologian, Bill Weir, tells us that when the Qur’an says to Muslims fight those who believe not in Allah, it doesn’t really mean what it says. Maybe we can get Bill to write his own commentary. He could explain why 14 centuries of Muslims didn’t understand the Qur’an at all."
The so-called ABC News journalists are hell-bent on presenting a false picture of Islam. They are succeeding in propagandizing America as to an unreal version of Islam. They quote sources that are diametrically opposed by the historic record. They do this much like the modern historians have revised the influence of Christianity out of the founding of our nation. They are intent on purging the Judeo-Christian God and elevating false gods or no God in our culture. The 20/20 program is a prime example of media malpractice and manipulation of the masses.
Here is the video, “Whitewashing Islam – 20 Errors on 20/20 (ABC News).” Following the video is a transcript of the next two errors found in the ‘news’ production.
Error #8
[Transcription below for above video beginning at 08:58 on the video]
Now ABC’s Bill Weir gets in the act. The two quotes below are from the 20/20 program and not from the Whitewash video. [“…Whether the Qur’an urges kindness in the first half (of the Qur’an)… and violent jihad in the second… Scholars agree that Mohammed’s words turn more militant later in his life because at that point in history his tribe was in a bloody war.”]
[Eliza Griswald, author of “The Tenth Parallel,” a guest of the 20/20 program at this point adds, “He’s (Mohammed) under siege by his own people, he becomes a warrior, a statesman, and a religious leader all at once.”]
Weir asks Griswald the following, “Is it true though that those words (recorded in the second half of the Qur’an, then supersede what he said earlier (recorded in the first half of the Qur’an)?”
Griswald replies,
“Not at all.” [in the 20/20 program itself she also says, “In fact this is one of the hottest debates inside of Islam today…”]
David Wood paints a very different picture of what is termed abrogation’ saying, “In Surah 2:106 and Surah 16:101 the Qur’an says that later teachings abrogate earlier teachings…“Mohammed said that later teachings abrogate earlier teaching…
“All classical Muslim scholars said that later teaching abrogate earlier teaching."Who challenges the doctrine of abrogation? ABC News! So there you go, 14 centuries of Muslim scholarship and reality, itself get tossed out the window.”
Error #9
[Transcription below for above video beginning at 09:34 on the video]
ABC’s Bill Weir purports,“While a fundamentalist Muslim follow Mohammed’s instructions to fight the infidels, moderate scholars agree the infidels he was talking about were specific enemies that have been dead for 1300 years.”
David Wood exclaims, “Wow! Mohammed’s violent teachings only apply to a few enemies for a certain period of time. Of course Mohammed didn’t interpret it that way. The rightly guided Caliphs didn’t interpret it that way. Mohammed’s companions didn’t interpret it that way. Centuries of Muslim leaders and scholars didn’t interpret it that way.“But none of that matters, because world-renown Qur’an scholar and theologian, Bill Weir, tells us that when the Qur’an says to Muslims fight those who believe not in Allah, it doesn’t really mean what it says. Maybe we can get Bill to write his own commentary. He could explain why 14 centuries of Muslims didn’t understand the Qur’an at all."
The so-called ABC News journalists are hell-bent on presenting a false picture of Islam. They are succeeding in propagandizing America as to an unreal version of Islam. They quote sources that are diametrically opposed by the historic record. They do this much like the modern historians have revised the influence of Christianity out of the founding of our nation. They are intent on purging the Judeo-Christian God and elevating false gods or no God in our culture. The 20/20 program is a prime example of media malpractice and manipulation of the masses.
Islam’s Secret Santa
Hat tip goes to for the YouTube video they recently produced. The video exposes another absurdity of the ‘Religion of Peace” (not).
I recently discovered this website and appreciate the depth and quality of their work.
I recently discovered this website and appreciate the depth and quality of their work.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Shoddy Reporting on the Religion of Islam by ABC News, Part 6
I came across an excellent critique of the ABC News 20/20 program, “Islam: Questions and Answers.” That program originally was broadcast a year or so ago. A recent YouTube exposé points out 20 errors in the hour long supposed ‘news’ program. This is a sixth of a series of posts that will delve into the various errors made by Diane Sawyer, her fellow staff, and guests on this program. I am not quite sure whether this was just a case of very bad or sloppy reporting, or merely a succumbing to political correctness, or outright lies about the so-called ‘religion’ of peace.
Error #7
[Transcription below for above video beginning at 07:35 on the video]
ABC’s Diane Sawyer chatters on about some nonsense regarding early ecumenicalism,
“According to Muslim sources, after Mohammad died, Abu Bakr went on a killing spree against all the people who tried to leave Islam because they only became Muslims in the first place to avoid getting slaughtered by Mohammad.
“Umar took over after Abu Bakr and he forced Christians to sign an agreement, Pact of Umar, saying they wouldn’t build churches, repair damaged churches, sing loudly in their churches, or wear crosses. They had to give up their seats for Muslims. They had to feed Muslims. And they had to let Muslims sleep in their churches. And if Christians ever violated any of those rules, the penalty was death.
“Over the next 14 centuries over 270 million people were slaughtered in the name of Islamic jihad – Christians, Jews, Hindus, Zoroastrians, everyone who refused to become Muslims.
“And Diane Sawyer and ABC News whitewash all of it describing, life under Islamic rule as an interfaith paradise. It’s kind of offensive, isn’t it?”
I am reminded of Jesus calling the religious people of his day, “whitewashed sepulchers” or tombs. Isn’t that an apt description of the nicely groomed, professional, polished news persons or so-called journalists and their self-serving chosen guests appearing on the 20/20 program on Islam? They look good on the outside, they sound good, but they knowingly are purveyors of the worst distortions, falsehoods and outright lies about the evils inherent in the Islamic system through the ages.
As an example, one source on the Internet reveals the violent nature of Islam in regard to the men who carried the torch after Mohammad expired:
Here is the video, “Whitewashing Islam – 20 Errors on 20/20 (ABC News).” Following the video is a transcript of the next error found in the ‘news’ production.
[Transcription below for above video beginning at 07:35 on the video]
ABC’s Diane Sawyer chatters on about some nonsense regarding early ecumenicalism,
“And after he (Mohammad) died, history saw the first real interfaith era.”
Islamic Imam Yahya Hendi, President of Clergy Beyond Borders, supports Sawyer’s ridiculous, grievous untruth:“For hundreds of years the Jews, Christians, Muslims, and atheists lived together, debated God, debated religion.”
David Wood is incredulous, “Welcome to Fantasy Land. Population: Anyone who watches ABC News (and unquestioningly believes what they present).“According to Muslim sources, after Mohammad died, Abu Bakr went on a killing spree against all the people who tried to leave Islam because they only became Muslims in the first place to avoid getting slaughtered by Mohammad.
“Umar took over after Abu Bakr and he forced Christians to sign an agreement, Pact of Umar, saying they wouldn’t build churches, repair damaged churches, sing loudly in their churches, or wear crosses. They had to give up their seats for Muslims. They had to feed Muslims. And they had to let Muslims sleep in their churches. And if Christians ever violated any of those rules, the penalty was death.
“Over the next 14 centuries over 270 million people were slaughtered in the name of Islamic jihad – Christians, Jews, Hindus, Zoroastrians, everyone who refused to become Muslims.
“And Diane Sawyer and ABC News whitewash all of it describing, life under Islamic rule as an interfaith paradise. It’s kind of offensive, isn’t it?”
I am reminded of Jesus calling the religious people of his day, “whitewashed sepulchers” or tombs. Isn’t that an apt description of the nicely groomed, professional, polished news persons or so-called journalists and their self-serving chosen guests appearing on the 20/20 program on Islam? They look good on the outside, they sound good, but they knowingly are purveyors of the worst distortions, falsehoods and outright lies about the evils inherent in the Islamic system through the ages.
As an example, one source on the Internet reveals the violent nature of Islam in regard to the men who carried the torch after Mohammad expired:
632-634 A.D. Under the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, the Muslim Crusaders re-conquer and sometimes conquer for the first time the polytheists of Arabia. These Arab polytheists had to convert to Islam or die. They did not have the choice of remaining in their faith and paying a tax.
This shows the true nature of Islam, then and now. to be continued
Times They are a Changin' by the Arab Spring Choir
Hat tip goes to the BlazingCatFur blog where I first was linked to this bodacious YouTube video. The lyrics to this updated Bob Dylan tune follow the video.
This song could easily be dedicated to the current occupier of the White House, members of his regime, and those fools in the House and Senate who have no clue as to what is really going on in the turbulent Middle East. The Choir tries, in the parody of Bob Dylan's 1960’s song to offer some hints as to the real situation happening in North Africa.
Would it surprise you that America's 'Occupy' Movement has Islamic connections and support? It does. What you see happening in Egypt or Lybia could happen here as soon as Islam has a sufficient level of followers and support and as soon as we recognize Sharia in America.
We appreciate you giving Sharia a chance
It’s the voice of freedom and social advance
O this culture is so amazin’
Taking harems of wives, cutting heads, chopping hands
For the times they are a-changin’
From Bahrain to Tahrir and Tunisia we bring
All the modern reforms of the Arab spring
Though its hot in the burka, we’re happy to sing
About how you’ve been so lazy
Praising each killer as the new Martin King
Even though we are a-crazy
So keep on applauding with a grin on your face
As the dear holy mobs take over the place
To admit you’re a jerk might be kind of disgrace
So, my friends, better start prayin’
Cause we soon gonna show you the spring’s next phase
Praise Allah – times are a-changin’
This song could easily be dedicated to the current occupier of the White House, members of his regime, and those fools in the House and Senate who have no clue as to what is really going on in the turbulent Middle East. The Choir tries, in the parody of Bob Dylan's 1960’s song to offer some hints as to the real situation happening in North Africa.
Would it surprise you that America's 'Occupy' Movement has Islamic connections and support? It does. What you see happening in Egypt or Lybia could happen here as soon as Islam has a sufficient level of followers and support and as soon as we recognize Sharia in America.
Times They Are A Changin’
By The Arab Spring Choice
Come ‘round holy brothers wherever you roam
Its democracy time, bad dictators were thrown
Take ahold of a gun, or a knife, or a stone
And come out and join in the slayin’
If they’re dead or alive, you can still break a bone
For the times they are a changin’
Come writers and leaders, from DC to FranceIts democracy time, bad dictators were thrown
Take ahold of a gun, or a knife, or a stone
And come out and join in the slayin’
If they’re dead or alive, you can still break a bone
For the times they are a changin’
We appreciate you giving Sharia a chance
It’s the voice of freedom and social advance
O this culture is so amazin’
Taking harems of wives, cutting heads, chopping hands
For the times they are a-changin’
From Bahrain to Tahrir and Tunisia we bring
All the modern reforms of the Arab spring
Though its hot in the burka, we’re happy to sing
About how you’ve been so lazy
Praising each killer as the new Martin King
Even though we are a-crazy
So keep on applauding with a grin on your face
As the dear holy mobs take over the place
To admit you’re a jerk might be kind of disgrace
So, my friends, better start prayin’
Cause we soon gonna show you the spring’s next phase
Praise Allah – times are a-changin’
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Hell, the Bottomless Pit, and the Lake of Fire
Jesus said. “Broad is the way that leads to destruction and many there is that find it, but narrow is the way that leads to life and few there be that find it.” How about you, which path are you on?
In Revelation 9 we read of an angel who is given keys to the bottomless pit. When he opens it, outcome locusts which torment men five months. We learn that there is an angel of the bottomless pit who is also a king. His name is ‘Destruction’ or ‘Destroyer’, king over the locusts. Some believe that this is Satan himself, but I think not. Satan has many kings under him, Daniel points this out, and he is the god of this world. Satan is more than a king.
Satan does not have unlimited power as is shown in the Old Testament Book of Job and eventually Satan comes up against the Lord Jesus Christ and is thrown into the bottomless pit for a millennia. Some believe his evil angels are also put into the bottomless pit with him. This may be the case. I read nowhere that people are ever placed into the bottomless pit. Some equate the bottomless pit and hell. I do not believe this, but think they are separate places within the earth.
Some equate hell with the lake of fire and this is not the case. Hell is thrown into the lake of fire which is also called the second death. Presently no one is in the lake of fire but the first ones to go will be the antichrist and the false prophet. They will be thrown alive into the lake of fire. Satan will be the third person to be thrown into the lake of fire. At The Great White Thrown Judgment whoevers name is not written in The Book of Life will be cast into the Lake of Fire. All the angels that followed Satan against God will go to the Lake of Fire. Death and Hell will be the last ones to be assigned to the Lake of Fire.
Death and Hell are angels that preside over those institutions. The place of hell will be destroyed when the earth is destroyed. This destruction will take place, some think, before The Great White Thrown Judgment. Not only will the earth be destroyed but also the whole universe. It came from nothing and will return to nothing.
What will be your state at this end of affairs? If you do not want it to be a sad state, then repent of your sins and invite Jesus into your heart. A sample payer is, “Lord Jesus Christ forgive of my evil and come into my heart.”
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Cartoon: A Kagan Rue Court
Hat tip goes to, which sent me this great cartoon in an email this morning. Former Obama Inspector General (with intimate involvement with ObamaCare strategy) and now Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan should recuse herself from the ObamaCare decision. But like the good radical liberal that she is, she will hang in there and subvert everything she can, including our health care system.
Shoddy Reporting on the Religion of Islam by ABC News, Part 5
I came across a critique of the ABC News 20/20 program, “Islam: Questions and Answers.” That program originally was broadcast a year or so ago. A recent YouTube exposé points out 20 errors in the hour long supposed ‘news’ program. This is a fifth of a series of posts that will delve into the various errors made by Diane Sawyer, her fellow staff, and guests on this program. I am not quite sure whether this was just a case of very bad or sloppy reporting, or merely a succumbing to political correctness, or outright lies about the so-called ‘religion’ of peace.
“I hereby invite ANYONE from any planet to show me where Mohammad said ‘we should all be tolerant of each other’s religions.’ It never happened. (However,) Mohammed did say:
Here is the video, “Whitewashing Islam – 20 Errors on 20/20 (ABC News).” Following the video is a transcript of the next error found in the ‘news’ production.
Error #6
[Transcription below for above video beginning at 06:25 on the video]
ABC’s Diane Sawyer asserts some gobbledygook about Islamic tolerance,
“And Mohammad said that we should all be tolerant of each other’s’ religion.”
David Wood questions, “No source, Diane? No chapter and verse? “I hereby invite ANYONE from any planet to show me where Mohammad said ‘we should all be tolerant of each other’s religions.’ It never happened. (However,) Mohammed did say:
Qur’an 9:29 – Fight those who believe not in allah.
Qur’an 9:123 – O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and them find in you hardess.
Qur’an 38:29 – “Mohammad is the messenger of allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves.
Sahih Muslim 33 – “I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god by allah.”
Qur’an 5:51 – O you who believe do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are the friends of each other.
Sahil Muslim 4366 – I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslims.
“I guess that is almost like telling people we should all be tolerant of each other’s religion, as long as you live in opposite world with bizzaro reporter Diane Sawyer.”
Based on the texts Mr. Wood quoted, Islam is anything but tolerant of any religion’ but itself. The very word “Islam” means submission or surrender, for pity sake!
The free dictionary definition found on the Internet further defines Islam as being a “monotheistic religion characterized by the acceptance of the doctrine of submission to God and to Muhammad as the chief and last prophet of God.” That “acceptance” can be either willing or can be coerced. In many parts of the world where Islam dominates, a person could literally lose their head over refusing to make the ‘right’ choice to submit to that ‘religion.’ In America where Islam is weak, they try to portray Islam as something that it truly is not.
There is only one conclusion I can make about this and other blatant misstatement by Sawyer. She is deliberately lying when she portrays Mohammad as having said that we all should be tolerant of each other’s religion. Again, she may fancifully wishing that it would be the case, but the reality is something very different, just ask, for one example, the Coptic Christians in Egypt.
Based on the texts Mr. Wood quoted, Islam is anything but tolerant of any religion’ but itself. The very word “Islam” means submission or surrender, for pity sake!
The free dictionary definition found on the Internet further defines Islam as being a “monotheistic religion characterized by the acceptance of the doctrine of submission to God and to Muhammad as the chief and last prophet of God.” That “acceptance” can be either willing or can be coerced. In many parts of the world where Islam dominates, a person could literally lose their head over refusing to make the ‘right’ choice to submit to that ‘religion.’ In America where Islam is weak, they try to portray Islam as something that it truly is not.
There is only one conclusion I can make about this and other blatant misstatement by Sawyer. She is deliberately lying when she portrays Mohammad as having said that we all should be tolerant of each other’s religion. Again, she may fancifully wishing that it would be the case, but the reality is something very different, just ask, for one example, the Coptic Christians in Egypt.
to be continued
Friday, November 25, 2011
Budget Cutting Made Easy by a Game Show Host
Hat tip goes to Glenn Beck’s where Tiffany Gabbay introduces the YouTube video below with these words:
In this video Woolery suggests 9 proposed government cuts to achieve what our inept Congress and it’s not so “Super Committee” could not do.
John Boehner where are you?
It is time for Speaker John Boehner, as leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, to show some real leadership. You have it within your power to stop the deficit spending now, not next year, not next decade, but now! Why are you not doing it?
“It’s so easy; a game show host can do it.”
That’s what legendary game show host and Hollywood conservative Chuck Woolery — perhaps best known for his time hosting “The Love Connection” and the pre-Pat Sajak years of “The Wheel of Fortune” — says about cutting government spending by $1.5 trillion over ten years…
In this video Woolery suggests 9 proposed government cuts to achieve what our inept Congress and it’s not so “Super Committee” could not do.
John Boehner where are you?
It is time for Speaker John Boehner, as leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, to show some real leadership. You have it within your power to stop the deficit spending now, not next year, not next decade, but now! Why are you not doing it?
Are you so comfortable being part of the entrenched GOP establishment in Washington that you happy with the status quo? Are you so confident of your re-election that you only have to pretend to be a conservative only around election time?
We the people are growing increasingly uncomfortable with you and other so-called 'conservative' members of Congress. You are proving to be just as much do-nothing as your predecessors and as the House Democrats.
We the people are growing increasingly uncomfortable with you and other so-called 'conservative' members of Congress. You are proving to be just as much do-nothing as your predecessors and as the House Democrats.
Shoddy Reporting on the Religion of Islam by ABC News, Part 4
I came across a critique of the ABC News 20/20 program, “Islam: Questions and Answers.” That program originally was broadcast a year ago. The recent YouTube exposé points out 20 errors in the hour long supposed ‘news’ program. This is a fourth of a series of posts that will delve into the various errors made by Diane Sawyer and her fellow staff on this program. I am not quite sure whether this was just bad or sloppy reporting, or merely a succumbing to political correctness, or outright lies about the so-called ‘religion’ of peace.
Here is the video, “Whitewashing Islam – 20 Errors on 20/20 (ABC News).” Following the video is a transcript of the next error found in the ‘news’ production.
Error #4
[Transcription below for above video beginning at 05:18]
ABC’s Diane Sawyer says of the tenants of Islam,
“And also in the Qur’an, the heart of Islam, Mohammed’s five pillars.”
David Wood corrects Sawyer, “Sorry, Diane, but the Five Pillars don’t come from the Qur’an. They come from the Hadith. You won’t find the shahada (faith, the first pillar) in the Qur’an. You won’t find ‘pray five times a day’ in the Qur’an. You won’t find a list of the five pillars in the Qur’an.
“I point this out because this is as basic as it gets and you’re not even getting it right!”Error #5
[Transcription below for above video beginning at 05:43]
Edina Lekovic (of the Muslim Public Affairs Council or MPAC) is recorded as saying on the ABC program about the mosque,
“You know the reality is that the vast majority of Muslims in the United States are not mosque-attending Muslims. And that is okay.”
David Wood facetiously asks, “It’s okay for Muslims to do other things when they are supposed to be at the mosque?
“In Sahih al Bukhari 657, Mohammed was about to burn Muslims alive and burn their houses because they did not show up for prayer. Seems Mohammed took this whole mosque thing seriously.
“But not to worry all you Muslims, who don’t want to go to the mosque. ABC News has a thoroughly Westernized Muslim woman telling you it’s okay to ignore your prophet’s command.”
Edina Lekovic, the Director of Policy and Programming for MPAC, now joins Diane Sawyer in presenting misinformation. Political correctness seems to rule the ABC News airwaves. There seems no regard for the truth.
To be continued
Funny Video: ‘Peanuts’ Characters Star in GOP Debate Remake
Hat tip goes to where I first saw this very funny video satirizing one of the recent GOP debates. It was produced by the Jimmy Kimmel TV Show. It pokes fun at the jousting that went on between Governors Perry and Romney.
In the cartoon YouTube video Charlie Brown plays Mitt Romney, while Lucy plays Rick Perry. Another ‘Peanuts” character plays Herman Cain. It is refreshingly funny.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
George Washington's 1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation
Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me to "recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:"
Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enable to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been
pleased to confer upon us.
And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.
Given under my hand, at the city of New York,
the 3d day of October, A.D. 1789.
President George Washington
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Shoddy Reporting on the Religion of Islam by ABC News, Part 3
I came across a critique of the ABC News 20/20 program, “Islam: Questionsand Answers.” That program originally was broadcast a year ago. The recent YouTube exposé points out 20 errors in the hour long supposed ‘news’ program. This is the third of a series of posts that will delve into the various errors made by Diane Sawyer and her fellow staff on this program. I am not quite sure whether this was just bad or sloppy reporting, or merely a succumbing to political correctness, or outright lies about the so-called ‘religion’ of peace.
Error #3
David Wood retorts (to this obvious Sawyer misstatement), “‘Jesus sits at the right hand of God,’ that’s what Christians believe, but it is that what the Qur’an says? Once again, (she provides) no chapter, no verse. Why? Because the Qur’an never says it!
Here is the video, “Whitewashing Islam – 20 Errors on 20/20 (ABC News).” Following the video is a transcript of the next error found in this ‘news’ production.
[Transcription below for above video begins at 04:36]
ABC’s Diane Sawyer says of the Son of God, Jesus,
“And until Jesus comes, in the Qur’an He sits at the right hand of God.”
David Wood retorts (to this obvious Sawyer misstatement), “‘Jesus sits at the right hand of God,’ that’s what Christians believe, but it is that what the Qur’an says? Once again, (she provides) no chapter, no verse. Why? Because the Qur’an never says it!
“The Qur’an does say in Surah 3:55 and 4:158 that allah raised Jesus to himself, but that is not the same things as saying Jesus now sits at the right hand of allah. According to (the Hadith) Sahih al Bukhani 34:30 (?), Jesus is in the second heaven with John the Baptist several heavens away from allah, certainly not at allah’s right hand!”
Diane Sawyer is on a roll with another distortion of the truth. One wonders where she is getting her material. Obviously, it is neither from the Judeo-Christian Bible nor from Islamic texts. So how does she get away with such a blatant misrepresentation? Is it poor journalism, or pandering histrionics, or plain deceitful political correctness? It may be all of the above.
to be continued
Diane Sawyer is on a roll with another distortion of the truth. One wonders where she is getting her material. Obviously, it is neither from the Judeo-Christian Bible nor from Islamic texts. So how does she get away with such a blatant misrepresentation? Is it poor journalism, or pandering histrionics, or plain deceitful political correctness? It may be all of the above.
to be continued
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
An Array of Democrats Shamefully Support the Occupy Mobs
Hat tip goes to DefeatObamaCampaign for their excellent YouTube video, which I found today in my email. The video graphically reports, in the Democrats’ own words, their shameful support of the outrageous and anarchistic Occupy Wall Street Mobs. They dare to compare this rag tag group of college and union Saul Alinsky inspired radicals to the true patriots of middle class American Tea Party Movement.
Surely the video demonstrates that the Democratic Party USA has more in common with the Communist Party USA than most of America today. That is why it is so important that President Obama and members of Congress like my Senator, Sherrod Brown, must be fired this time next year.
Literally all hell will break loose if Obama and the likes of Brown are returned to office without a clear Conservative Congress majority and a Conservative (read that as being not Mitt Romney) President.