Thursday, March 29, 2012

Who In the World Said That?!

 Patrick Johnston, the director of Personhood Ohio, has come up with an interesting contest.  Personhood Ohio exists to support the Ohio Personhood Amendment, the only proposed legislation to restore all God given rights to the unborn in Ohio.  Here is Patrick's idea:
A couple weeks ago, the Johnston family manned a booth at the Cleveland Right to Life Convention. Hundreds signed and took petitions and lit, and we had lengthy conversations with many faithful pro-lifers - including several positive conversations with leaders reluctant to support our Personhood Amendment. Tom Raddell, George Porter and I met with two theological consultants to the Ohio Catholic bishops, and had a very profitable discussion. 
Pray that the seeds sown will bear fruit, and that these leaders will catch the vision to end abortion in Ohio this year through the Ohio Personhood Amendment. For a prize, see if you can match up the quote with the pro-life leader:  
1. "I agree with the Ohio Personhood Amendment in principle - personhood should be established at conception - but I don't think it will work."

2. "I know Section B of your Amendment says that 'This Amendment shall not affect genuine contraception' that doesn't kill children, but some can interpret that to mean that this Amendment shall affect contraception. Just mentioning contraception can be seen as an endorsement of contraception."  
3. "I'm against personhood. It's bad strategy. Roe versus Wade is the law of the land."  
4. "Put personhood amendments aside [and] focus on ending abortion."  
5. "We're working with Tom Raddell, and gathering signatures in front of the abortion clinic and at my parish."
6. "The Supreme Court wouldn't uphold the Ohio Personhood Amendment if it passed. We need a Human Life Amendment at the federal level to end abortion here."  
7. After signing and then crossing out his own signature, he said, "If the Ohio Personhood Amendment passed, then the liberals will be taking busloads of pregnant women to other states to get their abortions."  
A. Denise Mackura, former director of Ohio RTL 
B. Mike Gonadakis, director of Ohio RTL 
C. Austin Ruse, president of Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute 
D. Steve Ertelt, editor of Life News 
E. Amy Mushinski, Cleveland director, 40 Days for Life 
F. Theological consultant to the Ohio bishops 
G. David Yost, State Auditor 
The one who gets it right (or gets closest) gets a signed copy of my novel - The Revolt of 2020 - for FREE (plus $29.95 for shipping and handling). Post your answer on our Personhood Ohio facebook page. 
(Just kidding about the shipping and handling fee :-)
I think that this idea would be more fun if the quotations were from more well known politicians.  Maybe we should come up with a contest like this for the Presidential candidates!

Monumental the Movie

I haven't yet seen Kirk Cameron's new movie, but people have been buzzing about it.

Find out more at:

Liberty vs. Socialism

Even the Chairman of the GOP is a die hard socialist.  And all the Republican Presidential candidates except Ron Paul fall right in line under the socialist banner.  Our country survived and thrived for many generations before there ever was a Department of Health and Human Services.  You don't need to replace it with anything except the gospel of Jesus Christ and the sound principles given to us by the Founding Fathers of our country. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

October Baby (2012)

October Baby is reality. It opened on the same weekend that Hunger Games did. I saw it twice this weekend. The first time I saw it, I came in late so I wanted to see the entire film. In both cinemas I attended Hunger Games was being shown on several screens. I heard on the radio that somewhere in California, that movie was shown on every screen in a multi-screen complex. I heard that Hunger Games had a lot of violence; October Baby depicted the sad aftereffects of the violent and hideous abortion procedure.

October Baby is the story of a survivor of a botched abortion. That is the kind of person if the former Illinois Senator Barack Obama had his way in that state, would have permitted to be exterminated even after her birth! This girl survived, though she had severe medical problems including asthma, epilepsy, and numerous hip surgeries as a child. The movie was inspired by the true story of abortion survivor Gianna Jessen.

The movie tells the story of Hannah, the abortion survivor, and her road trip to find her birth mother. It shows the love of her adoptive parents, the multifaceted tragedy of abortion, friendship, and forgiveness.

The movie had quality acting by everyone involved, it had a touch of humor, it was fast paced, entertaining and inspiring. I would recommend that everyone 12 years old and older see this movie. It is a ***** out ***** movie!

Exercising Authority over Satan at Work and Elsewhere, Part 8

Many times situations happen in our lives which we do not know how or why they take place.  The main source of conflict is Satan.  He and those evil angels under his command can work through various situations. These evil entities also put ideas into people’s heads, which people think are their own ideas, to bring about Satan’s desires.  It is also for possible for people things to have demonic spirits in them.  Jesus has given those, who are in Christ, authority over all the power of the enemy.

Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases (Luke 9:1).

Elsewhere - The Weather - Merrill
One day Merrill took Dan to work. It was raining very hard.  When Dan was about to get out of the car Merrill said, “Wait, let’s see if this storm is of the enemy or not.”  Merrill rebuked the storm in the name of Jesus and the weather cleared right up.

You’re Response

The disciples came back to Jesus after ministering in the country side and said, “Even the devils are subject to us.”  Jesus said, “Don’t rejoice that the devils are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in the Book of Life.”  Reader, is your name written in the Book of Life?  If you are not sure that your name is already recorded in the Book of Life, or if you know your name is not in the Book of Life, then right now you can repent of your sins and invite Jesus into your life.  A sample prayer is, “Lord Jesus Christ, forgive me of my sin and come into my heart.”  

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Case Dismissed: Personhood Ohio Wins Suit

I just got word that the case against Personhood Ohio has been dismissed.  Praise God for giving us this wonderful victory!  Go to to find out how to help us get enough signatures to get our amendment on the ballot.  The Personhood Amendment is the only proposed legislation in Ohio which would protect every unborn baby in Ohio from being murdered.

Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International

This post is about one of my favorite organizations.  The Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International does a lot of good work for the LORD.  They go on medical mission trips, spreading the gospel and at the same time delivering much needed medicines to third world countries.  They go to churches and help their members to get off costly and unneeded medicines, often sparing them from unwanted side effects, while being careful not to take them off of any meds they really need.  They take blood pressure readings, do glucose monitoring and other medical diagnostics in both the mission trips and church visits.  CPFI is also a support group for Christian PharmD students (people who are studying to become a pharmacist).  They work together help each other face challenges that a Christian typically encounters in a secular institution.  They believe in the sanctity of life, that it begins at conception and that no pharmacist should be required to fill prescriptions that would go against Biblical principles.  Therefore they support legal conscience clause protections.

Click here to donate to CPFI.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Meaning of Obama

I really like the All State Insurance commercials starring Mayhem. He’s much more realistic than GEICO’S gecko.

“Obama” translated into English literally means mayhem. “Obama” also means foolish spending, economic and societal destruction, misery, crony capitalism, pro-death, and Marxist ideology.

After 2012 he would be perfect as the star of the All-State Insurance commercials!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Exercising Authority over Satan at Work and Elsewhere, Part 7

Many times situations happen in our lives which we do not know how or why they take place.  The main source of conflict is Satan.  He and those evil angels under his command can work through various situations. These evil entities also put ideas into people’s heads, which people think are their own ideas, to bring about Satan’s desires.  It is also for possible for people things to have demonic spirits in them.  Jesus has given those, who are in Christ, authority over all the power of the enemy.

Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases (Luke 9:1).
Elsewhere - Faith in God Rules

There is an exception to this.  Jesus said, “Those things what so ever you say, if you believe, you will have what you say (Mark 11:22-24).”

“Jesus answered and said unto them, ‘Verily I say unto you, If you have faith, and doubt not, you shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if you shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.   And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive’ (Matthew 21:21, 22).”

You’re Response
The disciples came back to Jesus after ministering in the country side and said, “Even the devils are subject to us.”  Jesus said, “Don’t rejoice that the devils are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in the Book of Life.”  Reader, is your name written in the Book of Life?  If you are not sure that your name is already recorded in the Book of Life, or if you know your name is not in the Book of Life, then right now you can repent of your sins and invite Jesus into your life.  A sample prayer is, “Lord Jesus Christ, forgive me of my sin and come into my heart.”

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Listen Up, Mr. President!

Hear the Tea Party Movement’s Message, Mr. President

Hat tip goes to the, where I first saw the video below. It is a powerful purposeful statement to this rogue and tyrannical President and his socialistic administration. Mr. Obama should be thanked in that he is the reason for the creation of the TEA party!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Barack Obama and Derek Bell, Joined at the Lib

Hat tip goes to where I first saw this video:

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Exercising Authority over Satan at Work and Elsewhere, Part 6

Many times situations happen in our lives which we do not know how or why they take place.  The main source of conflict is Satan.  He and those evil angels under his command can work through various situations. These evil entities also put ideas into people’s heads, which people think are their own ideas, to bring about Satan’s desires.  It is also for possible for people things to have demonic spirits in them.  Jesus has given those, who are in Christ, authority over all the power of the enemy.

Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases (Luke 9:1).

ANYWHERE – You Must First Bind the Strong Man
Jesus said that you cannot destroy a person’s house until you first bind the strong man.  The strong man in this case is Satan and/or his unholy angels.  These evil entities must be bound first.  That is why I first say, “Satan I bind you In the name of Jesus of Nazareth.”  Jesus said, “What you bind on earth is bound in heaven.”  This means that God binds from heaven what you command to be bound on earth.  This is found in Matthew 18:18:  “Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

After commanding Satan to be bound then I speak what I want to take place; like.  Satan I command you to get out of here in the name of Jesus or rain I command you to stop in the name of Jesus.  The weather can be controlled by Satan and if a particular storm is being brought on by him the believer has authority over it.  One does not necessary know if a particular incident is caused by the devil.  If it is not, taking authority will may no effect.

You’re Response

The disciples came back to Jesus after ministering in the country side and said, “Even the devils are subject to us.”  Jesus said, “Don’t rejoice that the devils are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in the Book of Life.”  Reader, is your name written in the Book of Life?  If you are not sure that your name is already recorded in the Book of Life, or if you know your name is not in the Book of Life, then right now you can repent of your sins and invite Jesus into your life.  A sample prayer is, “Lord Jesus Christ, forgive me of my sin and come into my heart.”  

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kucinich Falls, Will Kaptur Now Lose to “Joe the Plumber” in Ohio’s 9th District?

The man has a target on his back. Wouldn’t it be refreshingly American for Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher to upset the long-time liberal Democrat Marcy Kaptur as well as the Left-Wing Media Machine in the Ohio North Coast U.S. Congressional District race? The odds were beaten in 2010, they can and must be overcome again in this race and in others in which conservative candidates participate!

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Why not call them what they really are?

This post is about semantics.  In particular, why is it that the names we use to describe political opponents and their ideologies are important? 

For years, we tended to call Democrats like Bill Clinton liberals.  To us, the word liberal was a negative term.  But actually, a liberal is someone who believes in liberty.  The word liberal can also be used to describe one who is generous.  But when we talk about Bill Clinton or Barack Obama as being liberal, this is hardly what we mean.  In fact, they are quite the opposite.  So I don’t think that we should use this term.

In recent years, the word progressive has perhaps become a more popular term for the type of political bent we are trying to describe.  There is even an auto insurance company which has taken on this name (and they are, in fact, very progressive in that sense).  But progressive really just means someone who is in favor of progress.  This is not necessarily bad.  Despite what Michele Bachmann says, the United States did start as a Republic in which slavery was legal (in most states, at least).  In other words, after winning the Revolutionary War, not everyone was instantly free.  Although other approaches to gain racial equality were actually detrimental to the cause of freedom, nonetheless there were beneficial progressive measures like the 13th and 15th Amendments.  In fact, the American Revolution itself and the adoption of the original Constitution and Bill Rights were, at the time, very progressive as well.  In a larger sense, positive progress can take place in areas other than political, such as science.  The word progress (in regards to science) even appears in the Constitution.  But “progress” is not good when it comes to mean legalizing murder and forcing people to support and condone degrading behavior such as homosexuality.  “Progress” which denies parental rights and accepts the neglecting of the parental responsibilities is also not beneficial.

Everybody has probably seen the bumper sticker “Socialism Doesn’t Work”.  If you are thinking that word Socialist is better to use for the type of people we are talking about, you are getting a lot warmer.  But here is why that word is still not quite right.  A socialist tends to want to take away all private property by means of government legislation.  In contrast, a fascist (or corporatist) is someone who wants all property to be confiscated by means of a corporate takeover of everything.  Same result, different means.  But modern leftists in America seem to be employing both tactics simultaneously.  So the distinction between “left” and “right” is now nothing but a mere illusion.  An umbrella term for this desire to put all property into a central ownership is called collectivism which is a form of totalitarianism or statism.  Another reason why Socialist isn’t quite right is because there is such a thing as voluntary socialism (i.e. utopian socialist societies).  But we are really talking about people who want to force this way of living onto everyone.  And thirdly, the words socialism, collectivism, totalitarianism or statism do not necessarily encompass things like abortion, homosexuality, and other social issues as the words liberal and progressive did (although sometimes erroneously). 

So what is the best word to use?  How about extortionist, murderer, kidnapper, thief, or pervert?  If you want to sum all these up into one word, that one word could be God-hater, criminal or lawbreaker.  Why not call them what they really are?

Rand Paul Votes In Favor of Sanctions on Iran

Last week I posted an article about Ron and Rand Paul and why a lot of conservatives seem to like Rand, but won’t vote for Ron for President.  The news about Rand’s recent vote on sanctions on Iran may be a very revealing answer to the question.

Before I get to Rand’s answer, let’s look at Ron’s position on the issue.  I don’t want to put words into his mouth, but I know he considers sanctions to be an act of war.  (And therefore they would only be appropriate if war were officially declared.)  Consider two typical businesses, one in America and one in Iran.  Imposing sanctions would prevent these two businesses from engaging in commerce.  Even though Iran may have wicked leadership, to cite that as a justification for sanctions (or war) would be a case of the pot calling the kettle black (consider who our President is).  What if a business in Iran doesn’t subscribe to the agenda of the leadership of its country?  Why should they be punished for what someone else did?  There are actually some Christians in Iran who haven’t yet been killed.  In general, if you deprive two people from engaging in legitimate commerce, then you are depriving them of liberty.  I realize that there could be extenuating circumstances in which exceptions could apply (i.e. if the business in Iran would be required to pay taxes that would go to support terrorism or other criminal activities).  But just because Iran may get a nuclear weapon, does not justify such extreme measures.  The basic principle is to allow as much liberty as possible without supporting an obvious suppression of it in another case.  One tenet of my political philosophy is that nothing should be against the law unless you can prove from the Bible that it is sin.

Rand said that he would not support a war against Iran because it would rally the Iranian people against the United States.  He also said that we would not be able to afford it.  He said that innocents would be harmed.  But sanctions would also rally the Iranian people against America.  And any sanctions would be meaningless unless we used force to enforce it.  This would also cost a lot of money.  And innocents would be harmed because they would be deprived of the liberty of engaging in commerce as I described above.  All these negative effects could in fact lead to a war which Rand says he is against.

So that is why I conclude that sanctions on Iran are not good unless they actually attack the United States and we formally declare war on them.

Conscience Protection Narrowly Defeated

The bill "To amend the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to protect rights of conscience with regard to requirements for coverage of specific items and services" was tabled by the Senate.  The vote was largely along party lines.  The only democrats to vote against tabling the bill were Nelson (NE), Casey (PA), and Manchin (WV) while RINO Olympia Snowe, independent Joe Lieberman and Socialist Bernie Sanders also voted in favor of tabling the bill.  Republican Mark Kirk of Illinois did not vote on it.  The final tally was 51-48.

This is why we need the Ohio Personhood Amendment.  The federal government is not going to do what is right.  Sign up for emails, join their facebook group, and read their website to get information on how Ohioans can help to get the Personhood Amendment on the ballot.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Bye Bye Barney Frank and Dennis Kucinich!

Hat tip goes to Americans for Limited Government for the following video:

Another Day, Another Apology.

Hat tip goes to for the following commentary.

Monday, March 05, 2012

"Santorum In, Tiberi Out"

That is the Election Day battle cry in Ohio. Rick Santorum is the only marginally acceptable candidate on the GOP ballot. Fellow blogger, Matt, points out in a number of posts some of Santorum’s shortcomings. However, to me the other three candidates have even worse flaws than the former Senator.

Romney and Gingrich are serial flip floppers and inconsistent. As Governor and as Senate candidate Willard Mitt Romney was for same-sex marriage, abortion, and government mandated healthcare before he was against it. Speaker Newt Gingrich sat on the couch with Nancy Pelosi touting global warming.

Despite his right-on fiscal and government restraint ideas, Representative Ron Paul believes that Iran and Islam are inconsequential threats to America. He believes that hard drugs should be legalized. He believes that the federal government should have no involvement in the matter of abortion or same-sex marriage. These issues, he claims, should be left to the states. I disagree.

John Boehner’s boy, Congressman Pat Tiberi, wants to be my new congressman, thanks to the magical process of redistricting. Unfortunately he towed the GOP line in regards to the debt deal and the debt ceiling, voting the party line on both of these matters. The Tea Party participants and members of Congress who stand for Tea Party Movement principles decried both the debt deal and increasing the debt ceiling without any meaningful future cuts in spending. Pat Tiberi, like many others in Congress went along to get along. I will vote for Bill Yarborough, Tiberi’s opponent, primarily because Tiberi is just another unprincipled, compromising “conservative.”

“Apologize, For What?”

Barack Obama offers an offensive (to me) apology to radical Islamists in Afghanistan for the inadvertent disposal of a few marred and marked up Qur’ans by a few incorrigible prisoners in that God-forsaken country. Rush Limbaugh apologizes for a calling a Georgetown leftist activist a “slut.” Apparently, both of the apologies were rebuffed. So in the case of Rush Limbaugh’s apology, Judson Phillips in the video commentary below asks, "Why apologize in the first place?"

Exercising Authority over Satan at Work and Elsewhere, Part 5

Many times situations happen in our lives which we do not know how or why they take place.  The main source of conflict is Satan.  He and those evil angels under his command can work through various situations. These evil entities also put ideas into people’s heads, which people think are their own ideas, to bring about Satan’s desires.  It is also for possible for people things to have demonic spirits in them.  Jesus has given those, who are in Christ, authority over all the power of the enemy.

Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases (Luke 9:1).

ANYWHERE – The Proper Authority is Necessary

Those people, who are not a part of the body of Jesus Christ, do not have the right to exercise authority over the satanic realm. They are actuality in a part of the satanic kingdom. There is a recorded account in the New Testament of the seven sons of Sceva who tried to cast a demon out of a man. The account is found in Acts 19:11-17.

Acts 19:11, 12 and God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

Acts 19:13-14 then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, we adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth. And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests, which did so.
Acts 19:15-16 and the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you? And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.

Acts 19:17 and this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.

It is not by one’s own personal power that demons are conquered, but it is by the power of God. It is by The Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus Christ.
You’re Response

The disciples came back to Jesus after ministering in the country side and said, “Even the devils are subject to us.”  Jesus said, “Don’t rejoice that the devils are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in the Book of Life.”  Reader, is your name written in the Book of Life?  If you are not sure that your name is already recorded in the Book of Life, or if you know your name is not in the Book of Life, then right now you can repent of your sins and invite Jesus into your life.  A sample prayer is, “Lord Jesus Christ, forgive me of my sin and come into my heart.”  

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Rick Santorum Voted to Confirm Sonia Sotomayor

Hat tip to Jay Sekulow of ACLJ for spreading the word about Rick Santorum’s vote to confirm Sonia Sotomayor, a Constitution-hating black robed-bandit.  I got a call with a recorded message from the Mitt Romney campaign with Sekulow’s voice telling me this today. This was not the nomination to the Supreme Court, but for the almost as important 2nd Circuit Court of the U.S.  (I checked this out because I trust neither Romney nor Sekulow to tell the truth.  Click here to see the vote which took place October 2, 1998.)  It is, in fact, true that Santorum joined the majority of the Democrats and RINOs like Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Arlen Specter, Mike DeWine, and Lisa Murkowski in voting for the abortion-loving jurist.   But even John McCain and the liberal Chuck Hagel didn’t vote for this confirmation. 

If there had been just five more no votes, then the confirmation would have failed.  I don’t think that could have happened, though.  The outcome was obviously predetermined.  Rick Santorum must have drawn the short straw and he had to vote for it just like No Child Left Behind.  What a “team player”!  What an idiot! 

But I cannot, however, take Sekulow’s advice and vote for his choice Mitt Romney because he is even more reprehensible.  Instead I will vote for Ron Paul, the author of the judicial activist-busting We the People Act.

His Final Message to America, Will We Listen? Andrew Breitbart at CPAC 2012

Was Andrew Breitbart assassinated this week, or did he really die of natural causes? I would put nothing past the vitriolic left in our country! His death should be thoroughly investigated. Was it a well orhestrated hit? Did the White House allied Chicago political mob have anything to do with his death? Again, I would not be surprised.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Stop Term Limit Violators

This is in response to Greg’s posts “Time for Tiberi Term Limit” and “Why Term Limit Congress!”. 

I personally oppose term limits because they disqualify candidates who may be perfectly able to serve their country.  There is no magic bullet for stopping tyranny.  There is no substitute for education, vigilance, and a virtuous, Christian majority.

However, Ohio’s voters went to the polls in 1992 and legally voted for a state constitutional amendment to impose term limits on its U.S. Representatives and Senators.  The Supreme Court, without constitutional basis, struck down this amendment.  But the law is still on the books for all to see:

“No person shall hold the office of United States Senator from Ohio for a period longer than two successive terms of six years. No person shall hold the office of United States Representative from Ohio for a period longer than four successive terms of two years. Terms shall be considered successive unless separated by a period of four or more years. Only terms beginning on or after January 1, 1993 shall be considered in determining an individual’s eligibility to hold office.”

Article V, Section 8, Constitution of Ohio

So, though I don’t personally agree with term limits, term limits for Ohio’s Representatives are just valid as any other law.  The Supreme Court’s decision was nothing less than pure tyranny.  Therefore, any honorable congressman will abide by these limits despite the opinion of the black-robed bandits.  And it is the duty of Ohio voters to refrain from voting for the term limit violators.  Otherwise, you are abetting a criminal.  Those who have violated the law (or will violate it if elected this year) are: 

Steve Chabot, Jean Schmidt, Mike Turner, John Boehner, Dennis Kucinich, Pat Tibieri, Marcy Kaptur, Steve LaTourette, and Tim Ryan.

None of these candidates are a “Good Choice” in this election!

22 other states besides Ohio also passed term limits on their representatives in Congress.  These are Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. If you live in one of these states, check your state constitution or state code to find out what the laws are, and don’t vote for any who are in violation of it!

Ron and Rand

Photo is courtesy of Gage Skidmore.  Please attribute to Gage Skidmore if used elsewhere.

It just seems so strange to me that so many of the same people who are so afraid to vote for Ron Paul are ones who were so wild about his son Rand when he ran for Senate just two years ago.  I mean, yeah, Ron and Rand are not exactly same on all of the issues, but they are very close on most of the important ones.  Whenever someone gives me a reason why they are not going to vote for Ron Paul, they usually say that they like him on economic issues, but not his foreign policy.  Some cite the drug issue also.  Well, Ron and Rand are very close on these issues.  Of course, you can’t have your cake and eat it too.  Either you are in favor of cutting spending on the military and things like the war on drugs, or you are in favor of borrowing more money to pay for these things and putting the nation into an even deeper debt.  Regardless of whose fault it is, that is the situation we find ourselves in.  We can dig ourselves out of this hole we are in, but we can’t do it if listen to the scare tactics of the big spenders.  There are few problematic issues with Ron Paul--most especially that he supported allowing federal funding for needle exchange programs, but most people don’t know about this.

Here are a few theories I have about why people won’t support Ron, but would support Rand.  Firstly, I think people listen to the radio talk show hosts and to certain organizations who are telling them to bad things about Ron Paul.  These would include Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, the Family Research Council (Action), and possibly the Christian Coalition. But these same talk show hosts and organizations were much more favorable to Rand.  Some people just listen to these guys and do what they say without thinking critically.  People tell me the same reasons for not wanting to vote for Ron Paul almost word for word, like as if they were repeating a mantra that they heard over and over again.

There was an email rumor going around that claimed that Ron Paul was somehow associated with George Soros.  This is totally ridiculous.  Ron Paul and other Republicans were chosen by John Boehner to serve on a particular committee.  The Democrats on the committee were chosen by Nancy Pelosi.  This happens all the time.  The committee was charged with the task of selecting a task force which would prepare a non-binding report on findings about how military defense spending could be reduced without compromising security.  Apparently there were some members of this task force who were also members of organizations supported by George Soros.  But this email does not say which congressmen were the ones who selected those particular panelists.  The email also fails to mention that two of the members of the task force were members of well respected conservative think tank, the CATO institute.  (In my opinion, the CATO institute is actually not so hot, but it would be to most of the intended recipients of the email.)  And there were also CFR members and at least one Rockefeller Institute member on the panel.  (For those of you who don’t know, these are One World Government advocating organizations.)  So the panel was not very good, but was that Ron’s fault?  The fact that Ron Paul would be chosen for this committee is a pretty good indication that it didn’t have very much power.

Another reason why Rand may be more popular is his message.  Even though he is against the war on drugs, unreasonable searches and seizures, and overextending our military, he tended to focus more on populist messages directed at the general public.  For example, his campaign platform included term limits, a balanced budget amendment, and not allowing corporations to lobby Congress if they receive more than some much money a year in government contracts.  But none of these things are really was makes a Constitutional conservative.  Ron Paul mockingly asked why anyone would be so stupid that they would need the government to tell him that he shouldn’t take heroin.  Rand took the exact same position on the issue, but said it in a kinder, gentler manner.  In my opinion, both of them need to incorporate the 10th Amendment into their answers to questions more often.  And not just on the drug issue, but healthcare, entitlements and a lot of other things.  I think there needs to be more talk about using our precious tax dollars on maintaining and improving our missile defense system rather than trying to stop nations from having a nuclear bomb. Rand Paul started out saying that Gitmo prisoner should be tried in courts or released, but later changed his tune.

I am interested in readers’ opinions on why people will vote for Rand, but not Ron.  What do you think?  Is it all just because of media hype or campaign strategy?  And what will happen if Rand runs for President in 2016 or 2020 (if we have anything left of our nation by then)?  Will the “conservative” talk show hosts turn on Rand to prevent real change?

Write in Rusty Bliss for U.S. Senate

Update 3/2/12 : I changed my mind about this.  See the first comment to this post.

OK I don't really know that much about the GOP candidates for U.S. Senate.  I would be happy if any of our readers could enlighten us on this.  The reason why I'm choosing Bliss is just because he an anti-Agenda 21 article on his website.  Well that's not much to go on, but these candidates don't have much if any voting record.

Josh Mandel is not a Christian (he is an unfulfilled Jew).  This is a big negative for me.  He seems to be Republican establishment candidate.  That is another big negative.  I have also heard that Mandel promised to serve out all four years of his term as Treasurer of Ohio.  I say help him keep his promise--vote for somebody else.

The most of rest of the candidates have things on their websites which show they probably do not have a basic understanding of the constitutional separation of powers (i.e. the 10th Amendment).  They promise things which they can't possibly deliver within the framework of the Constitution.

Remember you have to write in Rusty Bliss' name in order to vote for him.

Free Speech Alert!

I got this from Ohio 2.0:

In Cincinnati - Federal Lawsuit for 1st Amendment Freedoms           

A Young Americans for Liberty Chapter at the University of Cincinnati has been prevented from circulating Workplace Freedom Amendment petitions on the University of Cincinnati campus. 

Because of this infringement to the 1st amendment, Young Americans for Liberty is suing the university to put an end to designated "free speech zones" on campus, with the goal of making the entire university one big free speech zone once again!

The 1851 Center for Constitutional Law in cooperation with the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) will be handling this lawsuit for Young Americans for Liberty.

See their story below, and if possible - please send them a few dollars to help with their legal defense. Donate to 1851 Center HERE or Young Americans for Liberty HERE. 

A student group filed suit yesterday against the University of Cincinnati in federal district court, alleging that the university's tiny "free speech zone" violates the First Amendment. The University of Cincinnati chapter of Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) and its president, student Christopher Morbitzer, sought permission to gather signatures and talk to students across campus in support of a statewide "right to work" ballot initiative, but the request was denied. Morbitzer was told that if any YAL members were seen "walk[ing] around campus" gathering signatures, campus security would be alerted.

Morbitzer and YAL seek a temporary restraining order to prevent the University of Cincinnati (UC) from quarantining the group's advocacy to the university's free speech zone. The suit was filed by Ohio's 1851 Center for Constitutional Law in cooperation with the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). Ohio attorney Curt C. Hartman joins the 1851 Center's Ryan Walters as co-counsel.

"The University of Cincinnati is a public, taxpayer-supported institution that brazenly refuses to respect the First Amendment rights of its students," FIRE President Greg Lukianoff said. "Herding students who wish to engage in core expressive activity into a tiny 'free speech zone' may make life easier for campus bureaucrats, but it betrays the idea of the university as a true marketplace of ideas. FIRE has warned UC in the past, and now the university must answer for its disregard for free speech in federal court."

UC requires all "demonstrations, pickets, and rallies" to be held in a "Free Speech Area" that comprises just 0.1% of the university's 137-acre West Campus. University policy further requires that all expressive activity in the free speech zone be registered with the university a full ten working days in advance, threatening that "[a]nyone violating this policy may be charged with trespassing." The suit, filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, Western Division, challenges the constitutionality of both requirements.

Morbitzer and YAL ask the court to ensure that they be allowed to advocate throughout campus for the Ohio Workplace Freedom Amendment, a recently announced ballot initiative. To qualify for inclusion on the ballot in November, supporters of the amendment must gather at least 385,000 valid signatures by July 9, 2012. On February 9, Morbitzer and YAL requested permission to immediately begin collecting signatures and discussing the merits of the amendment with their fellow students across campus, citing the need to get started right away.

UC denied that request, instead assigning the group to the "Free Speech Area" and imposing a waiting period. UC even told Morbitzer that he and his group were "not permitted to walk around," and stated that "if we are informed that you are, Public Safety will be contacted."

Working in conjunction with the 1851 Center, FIRE aided Morbitzer in finding counsel and filing suit.

UC has been on notice that its policy is unconstitutional for more than four years. FIRE named UC's policy its "Speech Code of the Month" in December 2007, calling it "truly shameful" that a public university "threatens students with criminal prosecution merely for exercising their constitutionally protected rights outside of the paltry area it has designated for free speech." FIRE also wrote to UC in December 2008, explaining that UC's free speech zone represented a serious threat to liberty on campus.

FIRE's efforts have defeated similar free speech zones on campuses across the nation, including the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, West Virginia University, the University of Nevada at Reno, Citrus College in California, Valdosta State University in Georgia, and Texas Tech University.

"UC's illiberal decision to restrict this kind of political speech to one tenth of one percent of its campus is shocking enough, but making students register to use that space ten working days in advance is even worse," said FIRE Director of Legal and Public Advocacy Will Creeley. "UC cannot deny its students their First Amendment rights. FIRE is confident that UC's free speech zone will be the latest in a long line to fall in federal court." 

Again - Please send them a few dollars to help with their legal defense. Donate to 1851 Center HERE or Young Americans for Liberty HERE.  

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Chris Littleton
Managing Partner, Ohio 2.0 

Randall Terry's Super Bowl Ads, part 4

Here is another one of Randall Terry's ads.  He and Ron Paul are the only two pro-life candidates.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates' plans to kill off millions.  Boycott m i c r o s o f t if you can.