Tuesday, August 13, 2013

America Looking Eerily More and More Like Rome

Legendary game show host Chuck Woolery explains how the U.S. is slowly becoming the fallen Roman Empire.  Below is today's "Save Us Chuck Minute" YouTube video. It offers an excellent summary of where America stands (or falls) right now...

http://www.RestartCongress.org / http://www.SaveUsChuckWoolery.com

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Common Core Repeal Bill Introduced

Please write to your Ohio representative and tell them to support the bill to repeal Common Core.  Here is a sample letter:

I urge you to consider cosponsoring HB 237 which is a bill to repeal the Common Core initiative for Ohio. Common Core is a program which dumbs down children, teaches them to rebel against their parents and to be selfish and argumentative. It is not at all about real education, but behavior modification.

Sin Hurts

Sin Hurts

by Dr. Patrick Johnston
One of the devil's tricks is, "This is good for you." Isn't that what he told Eve in the Garden of Eden? "This is good to eat. It'll make you wise. It'll make you like God."
  serpent offers fruit
It's a seductive lie. It's never right or good to disobey God. Never.

Women like Marla, whose unfortunate story is told below, frequently fall prey to the physician's argument that this abortion is "good for you." Marla's death during her abortion is a sad memorial to how sin sprouts out of the soil of lies, and breeds misery and destruction.

Pro-life groups, unfortunately, have fallen prey to the same lie. They think that it's good to justify some abortions in our pro-life legislation. They think that maternal health, rape, or incest justify the killing of an innocent child. They think that exceptions to the divine commandment "Thou shalt not kill" are necessary in order to do "the greater good."

Don't believe the lie that abortion is sometimes good for women. Abortion hurts - always.

Dr. Johnston preached recently at Amsterdam Church of God in Amsterdam, Ohio, and his sermon was entitled "Sin Hurts." 

Click the title to listen to the sermon. You'll also hear testimonies from the pastor's wife and two other woman on how sin brought them suffering.

God gave us His law because He loves us. He wants what's best for us. Deuteronomy 5:28 reveals that He wants us to obey His commandments so that it will go well with us and our children. God's way is always best, and not just abortion, but all sin always hurts. 

Marla's Shocking Story

Marla Cardamone was 18 and pregnant. She would not make it to 19.
A medical counselor told Marla that the medication she had been taking would cause her baby to be born with severe birth defects. They recommended an abortion. At first, Marla refused, but their pressure to abort the baby increased. They told her that her baby would probably die anyway, and if the baby survived, it would be deformed and suffer.

The abortionist aborted her baby - and Marla! Looks like "safe and legal" is not that safe after all. Following Marla's death, it was determined that her baby was normal.

This is Marla, before and after her abortion. She died from abortion-related septicemia (infection).

These photos are used with the permission of Marla's family. They want the world to know what "safe and legal" abortion did to their child and grandchild, in hopes that it won't happen again.

This video is of an interview of Marla's mother about the death of her daughter.  
To read the stories of other women killed by abortion, click here.

(The information about Marla is taken from a Life Dynamics tract entitled "Safe & Legal.")

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

He Had a Dream (MLK) We Got a Nightmare (BHO)

Hat tip goes to Tom Janoski's (@tsj_Washington) recent tweet, where he included the photo above. It says everything about America in 2013! 

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Truth and Tradition

Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?
Matthew 15:3 (KJV)

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
Colossians 2:8 (KJV)

"You May Lynch a Black Slave If..."

by Dr. Patrick Johnston

July 25, 2013
If it were legal to murder people who fit your description, would you consider it "loving" to regulate how and when you may be murdered? No? Then "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." 
What about Texas' "20-Week" Abortion Bill?
I was asked to lend my support for the Texas "20-week" bill in its infancy, but once I read it I could not. Many pro-life leaders support such bills, yet haven't even read the bill. Some of these bills re-affirm Roe v. Wade, dehumanize the preborn, and justify the killing of some children. Those supporting such bills believe that the abortion any preborn child is murder, and yet their bills permit some murder. Hypocrisy is not a fruit of the Spirit. It's like an opponent to slavery in the colonial era actually owning a slave. It's like condemning the lynching of slaves UNLESS the lyncher is informed that the slave can feel pain (similar to the fetal pain awareness bills). Or unless the lyncher has viewed a mandatory ultrasound of the slave's heartbeat first. Or unless the slave being lynched is under a certain age.

The Texas "20-week" bill actually nullifies itself if it poses an "undue burden" on a women intent on killing her baby. The Ohio Heartbeat Bill actually nullifies itself if a judge overturns it!

Since when do godless judges and undue burdens" on murderers trump the commandment "Do no murder"?

"Some lives will be saved," the argument is made. That remains to be seen. A federal judge recently overturned North Dakota's heartbeat bill, calling it "unconstitutional". Many oppose personhood bills because they worry that the courts will overturn them, but many of these regulatory bills get overturned, too. If we'd start trying to protect all the threatened children, instead of trying to legalize circumstances in which they may be killed, or designating an age at which they may be killed, then maybe we've have a law worth defying the feds over, a law God would bless.

Think about this: Should we "do evil that good may come"? Would you blaspheme God's name to stop an assault? Would you commit sodomy to stop a terrorist attack? Would you dismember and kill one Downs Syndrome baby in order to save others from dying?

You shouldn't, not if God's law is the standard of right and wrong. Relative morality is affront to God's sovereignty and Jesus' lordship. Situational ethics is a satanic alternative to God's rule. God is the standard of morality and justice, and "He that keeps the whole law and offends in one point is guilty of all" (James 2:10). His law says "Thou shalt not kill", not "Kill this baby, but not this baby." Thou shalt not kill!

We shouldn't be hypocrites, condemning the murder of dehumanized babies out of one side of our mouths, and justifying the murder of some dehumanized babies out of the other side of our mouths through supporting compromised bills. Read the bill before you fall prey to the advertising campaigns, and be sure that is compatible with God's Word.

The American Right to Life articles "Oppose Abortion Regulations Because..."and "Oppose Abortion Exceptions Because..." show why Christians cannot support most so-called pro-life bills that
- attempt to regulate abortion (for example, bills attempting to make child-killing clinics more sanitary, safer for the killers); or
- designate an age at which some children may be killed (like most heartbeat bills and late-term abortion bans), or
- designate circumstances, such as rape, incest, or fetal handicap, when some children may be killed.

Study these articles, and learn the biblical arguments well, for just as in the days of American slavery, when many Christians rested content with "incremental" bills regulating the slave trade, so today many of God's people are comfortable with some child-killing, bringing the guilt of innocent blood on themselves.

We don't have to wander the wilderness of "abortion regulation", staining our hands with the blood of the innocent children our legislation permits to be murdered. No! We can enter the Promised Land of "liberty and justice for all." "It is not the will of your Father in heaven that one of these children should perish", and "if we ask anything in His name, believing we have received it, we will have it." Will you pray and believe with us? Will you help us?

Join our cause. Don't try to regulate the killing. Be an abortion abolitionist.

To help us fund booths at fairs and Christian concerts around the state, donate now.

To print out petitions to gather signatures, and to hand out petitions to others to gather signatures, click here. Thank you for your prayers!