Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Good Idea. A No-Brainer, In Fact.

If you donate up to $50 per year to an Ohio candidate you can write it off your taxes. This is not just a tax deduction, but a tax credit. So you will get your $50 back in full with your refund. So there is no reason not to do it as long as you can find a Good Choice. I have not researched the voting records of the candidates mentioned by Tom Zawistowski in the video. (I already donated $50 for 2013.) You can find out more about these candidates (and all candidates) at Act fast, you have to get your donation in for 2013 by the end of the year!  Here is more information from the Ohio Liberty Coalition:
As year end approaches, we urge our liberty minded supporters to take advantage of an Ohio tax credit that allows you to make a contribution of up to $50 (or $100 per couple) to certain political candidates and claim it as a credit on your state income tax.  By doing so, you can provide valuable financial resources to Ohio Assembly members who have been steadfast in their support of conservative issues.

These leaders have:
  • Stood strong against Medicaid expansion
  • Voted against the severance tax increase
  • Voted for the heartbeat bill
  • Supported restoring gun rights
  • Opposed state budget increases
Now the Ohio Republican Party is looking to primary these individuals in 2014 and replace them with politicians who will do the party's bidding.  OLC supporters need to show conservative leaders who have stood with us, that we will protect them from Republican party retribution.  By helping fund their campaigns, we can give them the resources they need to get their message out and to continue to move forward liberty-minded principles.
To take advantage of the tax credit, you can donate up to $50 (or $100 per couple) to one candidate or spread out the donation between all the conservative candidates.  Any dollar amount up to the $50 per person limit will make a difference.
Please include on the memo line, "Donation from the Conservative Strike Force," so that  these conservative leaders know the OLC is behind them.
Please watch the following message from Tom Zawistowski for further details.

Defend Voter Freedom by Supporting our Seven Conservative Candidates!

And thank you for the time, energy and personal resources you have given to the cause of liberty this year! Donations can be made on line by clicking the links to the candidates' websites or mail your contribution to the appropriate address(es) below.Matt Lynch - Ohio House:  Geauga/Portage Counties
Lynch for Ohio Committee
17392 Sugar Hill Trail, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023
www.mattlynch.comRon Young - Ohio House:  Lake County
Friends of Ron Young, 9110 Tyler Blvd, Mentor, OH 44060
www.ronyoungforohio.comKristina Roegner - Ohio House:  Summit County
Kristinia Roegner for Ohio, 222 East Streetsboro Rd., Hudson, OH 44236
Ron Hood - Ohio House:  Hocking/Fairfield/ Pickaway Counties
Ron Hood for Ohio, 14553 Walnut Creek Pike, Ashville, OH 43103
www.ronhood.comJohn Becker - Ohio House:  Clermont County
Friends of Becker, 925 Locust Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45245
www.beckergop.comNino Vitale - Ohio House:  Champaign/Shelby/Logan Counties
(John Adams is term limited)
Friends to Elect Nino Vitale, 4940 Benson Road, Urbana, OH 43078
www.votevitale.comKris Jordan - Ohio Senate:  Delaware/Knox Counties
Friends of Kris Jordan, 161 Stonebend Drive, Powell, OH 43065 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Gail McWilliams Story

Its nice to see that some people still believe that children are a gift from God and not a punishment, inconvenience, or an unwanted financial burden.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

I Hate Christmas, But There are Alternatives

Once again, its time to celebrate the Roman Winter Solstice, the holiday that has been disguised by the Roman Catholic Church as being a Christian holiday.  Jesus is not "the reason for the season".  Christmas is for Sun worshipers,  not Son worshipers!  Its a holiday for suckers!  The Roman Catholic Church just took the Roman temples and changed the names of their idols into the names of Christian saints so that the idol worshipers could keep worshiping their idols and so that Christians would be fooled into thinking that it was a good thing.  The Pope's mitre comes from the Philistine god Dagon--it is not a Christian symbol.  Somehow, most of these paganisms were not carried over into Protestantism, but the celebrating Easter and the Roman Winter Solstice persisted for some reason.

Today the Christmas holiday is used by retailers to take advantage of well-meaning, but deceived Christians.  Every year Christian preachers tell their congregations that they need to not get caught up in all the hustle and bustle, commercialism, and over-preparation for this unholy day and that instead they should remember the real reason for Christmas.  But by perpetuating the celebration of the Roman Winter Solstice, they themselves participate in the societal pressure to keep the useless time-consuming and money-consuming traditions of this terrible holiday.  Most gifts that are given at Christmas are not given out of love, but peer pressure.
7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7 (KJV)

But there are alternatives to Sun worshiping.
16 And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. 17 And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. 18 And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. 19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.
Zechariah 14:16-19 (KJV)

The King mentioned in the above passage is Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ).  The time that this prophecy will be fulfilled is yet to come because it wasn't until after New Testament that Jerusalem's walls were completed as partially described in Zechariah 14:10, and the war mentioned in verse 16 has not yet taken place.  Furthermore this war will be concluded with cleaving of the Mount of Olives which is a clear reference to the physical return of Messiah neither of which has taken place.
4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.
Zechariah 14:4 (KJV)

Some people think that Yahshua (Jesus) was born during the Feast of Tabernacles and that there are signs in the observance of it which point to Yahshua's birth.  It is also possible that this observance was the real origin of the original Thanksgiving holiday.  I have no opinion about these one way or the other, but it clearly would be much better to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles and observe its traditions, rather than the traditions of a pagan holiday.  It is much more clear that Passover and the Feast of Firstfruits (which are two days apart) are for the remembrance of the death and resurrection of Yahshua Messiah (see 1 Corinthians 15:20-24).   If you would like to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, read Leviticus 23:33-44, Deuteronomy 16:16, and Nehemiah 8:14-18.  Yahshua also celebrated this feast (John 7:10).

The only redeeming tradition of the Christmas holiday is the singing of carols (the ones which are actually about Yeshua and are Biblically correct).  This tradition could carried over into any part of year (minus the songs about Santa Claus, reindeer, snowmen, bells and so forth) and all the rest of the Christmas junk could be completely forgotten as far as I'm concerned.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Pro-life Prayer for Thanksgiving Day

From the Desk of Fr. Frank Pavone

National Director, Priests for Life

Father of mercies,
God of all creation,
Source of life and of every blessing,
We thank you today, and every day of our lives, 
For all that you give us!

Our thanksgiving is not only a duty,
But a joy and a source of strength,
Because it reminds us of your faithful love,
And inspires us with the hope of a future filled with blessings!

Lord, we thank you for guiding our fathers,
Who, inspired by the prophets
And by the saving work of your Son,
Founded a nation where all might live as one,
Acknowledging their dependence on you
As the source of their right to life.

We thank you for your blessings in the past,
And for all that, with your help, we must yet achieve.

We ask you to bless us as we thank you,
That our giving thanks may be accompanied by our firm resolve
To proclaim, celebrate, and serve
The gift of human life, born and unborn.

We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Supreme Court will hear cases against the ObamaCare abortion pill mandate

Ordinarily, I do not tend to donate money to law firms, even Christian-based organizations which defend religious liberty.  This is because I don't always agree with the positions of these organizations and some of the money could be used against Constitutional principles such as the right to be secure in one's person, house, and in effects.  Sometimes I agree with what they're trying to do, but their methods may cause more harm than good.  But in the case made against Obama's abortion pill mandate for Christian-owned businesses, I would highly recommend supporting the Alliance Defending Freedom and the Becket Fund.  Read more about it below.

The U.S. Supreme Court announced today it will review two lawsuits challenging the ObamaCare abortion pill mandate, including one filed by Conestoga Wood Specialties and its owners, the Hahn family.
Alliance Defending Freedom represents the Hahn family, and we are asking the High Court to declare the mandate illegal and unconstitutional because it prevents them from operating their business in accordance with their faith.
The other case accepted by the Supreme Court involves the Oklahoma-based company Hobby Lobby, which is being handled by our friends at the Becket Fund.
We are pleased that the High Court agreed to hear both cases so we can show the many ways employers live out their faith through their business practices.
Thank you for your prayers for the Hahn family and Conestoga Wood Specialties, and for all employers who are challenging the abortion pill mandate.
Please continue to be in prayer for these cases and oral arguments which will be held in late March, 2014.  A decision by the Court is expected by the end of June.  Learn more about these crucial cases.
You can be sure the battle will be long and hard-fought.  Our opponents have all the resources of the federal government at their disposal.
If you would like to help defend the Hahn family, you may give a gift. You can help ensure the resources are available to see this fight through to the end.
Thank you and God bless you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
© Alliance Defending Freedom. 15100 N. 90th St. Scottsdale, AZ 85260
All donations are secure, private, and tax-deductible. Member ECFA.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Comment on Those Who Reject the Truth About America and Science


The  online Leftist website,, posted an article titled, "5 Christian Right Delusions and Lies About History, They're not just delusional about science!" The author is Amanda Marcotte, who is obviously a very biased liberal. I refute her five points in my comments to her inaccurate and deceptive article. I post those comments here:

Isn’t it ironic, the Left calls what is evil, good and what is good, evil! author Amanda has the gall to write that Christians perpetrate lies. Sorry Amanda, you are obviously missing one factor, the truth, in the drivel you spew.

1.   Joe McCarthy was a patriot and a hero. He called a communist a communist! How dare he expose the fact that Communists were infiltrating the government! Are you blind dear Amanda?

2.   Most of America’s founders believed in God and were Christ-followers. To claim otherwise is itself revisionist. Only a few of the founders were not Christians, but were Deists, yet they too concurred with the majority that religion and religious values were fundamental to this new nation. Many escaped from the persecution rampant in Europe at the time. The leftist definition of diversity and the perverted concept of political correctness were never the values of this nation. Most founders rejected slavery.

3.   God has blessed America since its inception because she wittingly or unwittingly followed biblical principles and standards.
     That blessing is being removed as we reject what God approves. We have removed Him, prayer and the Bible from our schools. We have ‘legalized’ the murder of innocent babies to the tune of 50+ million since 1973. We have gone into debt to the tune of $17 trillion. We are encouraging the normalization and acceptance of homosexuality and the perversion of marriage by granting ‘marriage’ certificates to homosexual and lesbian couples.
     With the outright rejection of God’s standards we will surely become a third world nation, which is the transformation that our President apparently is carrying out. That is, if we even survive as a nation!

4.   It was when the Roman civilization embraced the welfare mentality and sexual immorality including homosexuality as a ‘normal, natural, healthy’ lifestyle that finally toppled that once ‘great’ nation.

5.   The French Revolution was godless and secular. The American Revolution was God-honoring, and biblical based.

The author implies in her article's title that Christians are deluded in regard to science and not only in regard to America's history. I take umbrage with this false  accusation as well. Let's look at three of the topics with which most secularists and most true Christ-followers disagree: Life, Evolution, and Global Warming. 

The consensus among so-called secular scientists is that life begins when the baby takes its first breath, evolution is the sole accepted basis for the origins of life, and global warming is man-caused. On the other hand, most true Christ-followers and many conservatives believe that life begins at conception, that evolution is just a theory and that Creationism or Intelligent Design is just as reasonable and believable (if not even more so) an explanation of origins than that flawed theory of evolution, and that global warming is not solely caused by man, but is mostly a natural phenomenon.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ousted Christian Teacher John Freshwater Awaiting Result of His Day in (Ohio Supreme) Court

This very controversial case of a highly acclaimed and well-liked veteran Christian middle school teacher, John Freshwater, may soon be resolved. Eric Keller reported in the Kenyon Collegian that we may soon hear the decision of the Ohio Supreme Court on this important religious freedom-unjust termination case. I had been following this case (see also here, here, and here) for some time and even attended a few of the school board hearings that were referred to in the Keller article and it is with great interest and concern that I anticipate the results.

Essentially the Freshwater case pits two worldviews against each other, the secular-humanistic versus the traditional Judeo-Christian. I believe that Intelligent Design or Creationism should be taught or considered as a “theoretical” equal to evolution, which is not a proven explanation of creation. Evolution is, however, a fundamental cornerstone of the secular-humanist philosophy which dominates American education at all levels today.

In Keller’s article in the Kenyon College newspaper, Ohio Supreme Court to issue verdict soon in Freshwater case, he quotes some professors who come from a secular-humanist perspective, which is not surprising coming from a liberal institution.
Here are two disturbing quotes outlining and demonstrating the academic and “scientific” bias toward Mr. Freshwater and his position:

“This (Mt. Vernon, Ohio) is a very conservative religious community,” (Biology Professor Wade) Powell said. “A lot of people get caught up in their majority status and fail to really think about what it must feel like for other people to have folks in power dictating what is common and acceptable in terms of religious practice.” Is the professor defending the people of Mt. Vernon when they see the local school board discriminating against a star teacher for living out his Christian faith? I don’t think so. Or is Professor Powell defending those that have a secular-humanist perspective who absolutely reject the worldview of a teacher who dares to live out his faith and who practices it?  And the powers that be refuse to tolerate him and his differing beliefs? I believe that Powell is communicating the later interpretation, with which I disagree. The “people in power dictating” is actually the school board, which refuses to respect the community standards in which they serve and who reject the first amendment of our Constitution.

“Mr. Freshwater’s point of view is one that’s detrimental to science education,” (Associate Professor of Biology Andrew) Kerkhoff said. “Yet for 20 years, he was a very popular science educator within the public school system.” That tells us what a difficult problem this is.” What this “learned” man is saying is that the Judeo-Christian worldview has no place in Academia, Science, and by implication no place in American society! Not only was Mr. Freshwater popular, he was an effective and beloved teacher. I guess that is dangerous and intolerable in today’s failed education system.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Christian Health Sharing Plans

My employer is requiring me to "re-enroll" in a healthcare plan.  This is because of Obamacare, they have to change their healthcare options.  With parts of Obamacare being implemented piece by piece, I have started thinking about an alternative to health insurance.  I know that if I remain on my employer's health insurance company, I will be paying premiums to a corporation which pays for the murder of innocent babies and other unacceptable practices.  I have come across two Christian Health Sharing Plans:

Samaritan Ministries (
Medi-share (

The basic idea behind these plans is that the members help pay for each others medical bills.  It is different than insurance in that you send your monthly check directly to another member who has a medical need, rather than to a corporation (but you do also have to pay administrative fees).  You not only get to share in paying for each other's medical expenses but you get to pray for the other members' health and send them letters of encouragement.  Your money doesn't go to some stockholders or some multi-millionaire.  These plans are not insurance, but membership in these plans exempts you from the insurance requirement of the Affordable Care Act so you don't have to pay those heavy penalties of the Obamacare mandate.  All of the members of this plan must sign a statement of faith and must refrain from smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol, and other immoral and/or unhealthy practices.  But most importantly, in these plans, none of your money will ever go to pay for an abortion.

I have not signed up for either one of these yet--I am still trying to decide which one is the best plan for me.  

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Obama, He Lies (A Song)

Hat Tip goes to JimmyZ who wrote the song in 2011 and to the Patriot Action Network, which posted this insightful look into the character of the current occupier of the White House:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Batchelder and Faber Hand Kasich Hollow Victory, Ohio Loses

The last time we "resolved" the federal debt crisis and kicked the can down the road, a "super congress" was created and power at the federal level was concentrated into the hands of even fewer people. Here in Ohio, we have done the same thing to our state Assembly and have overturned the will of the People thanks to the leading socialist Repugnants Governor John Kasich and House Speaker Batchelder.

Gongwer News reports that the Ohio Controlling Board has approved Governor Kasich's multi-billion dollar request to appropriate funds to expand Medicaid in Ohio. 
  • The Board approved the request with a 5-2 vote, Senator Chris Widener and Representative Ross McGregor voting with the two democrats on the panel and the Kasich appointee who serves as the Board's President.
  • Representatives Amstutz and Rosenberger were removed from the Board by Speaker Batchelder earlier in the day in order, perhaps, to make way for a stronger majority vote. They were replaced by Representatives Ross McGregor and John McClain with McGregor joining the majority.
  • The only two "no" votes on the panel were Representative McClain and Senator Bill Coley both of whom chose to represent the will of the people and constitutional governance over political expediency.
By ensuring the key "yes" votes on the panel, Speaker Batchelder and Senate President Faber have become the unlikely harbingers of universal health care in a state that overwhelmingly rejected Obamacare in 2011 in the vote for health care freedom. To have swapped their conservative credentials in favor of such a legacy is startling and disappointing, especially for their constituents who have stood at the forefront in the fight against Obamacare in Ohio.

But Batchelder and Faber will not only be remembered for the "end" that they achieved today, but also for the "means" by which it was accomplished. They have allowed for major policy to be made through a quasi-legislative panel most Ohioans had not heard of just a few weeks ago and referred to by Politico as an "obscure Ohio board." Batchelder and Faber have circumvented the very state assembly over which they preside and shunned all checks & balances in the process.

Governor Kasich appears to be in denial over the handling of this issue speaking as if he has operated in concert with the state legislature. But the window dressing he applies only serves to underscore the flimsy nature of his façade,

"Together with the General Assembly we've improved both the quality of care from Medicaid and its value for taxpayers. Today's action takes another positive step in this mutual effort. I look forward to continuing our partnership with the General Assembly to build upon the progress we've already made to make Medicaid work better for Ohioans."Read more from Politico at this link.

The last word has not been spoken in this fight. Maurice Thompson of The 1851 Center for Constitutional Law is prepared to file suit against the Controlling Board's actions as early as Tuesday and will be joined by members of the state assembly who signed a letter of protest against Kasich's maneuvers last week. Thompson's suit will argue that the Controlling Board cannot act contrary to the intent of the state assembly.

OLC members who fought hard to stop Medicaid expansion cannot help but be disappointed in today's outcome. We should take heart, however, in the effectiveness of our campaign. Governor Kasich only achieved Obamacare's Medicaid expansion through extraordinary means. It was a hollow victory at best, one he can only characterize in false terms. Such a victory should not last if justice has its day.

Thank you to all you who fought so hard to stop Medicaid expansion. Do not let yesterday's loss divert you from our goal. We are on the right side of this battle as the failure of Obamacare reveals itself more and more every day.

In Liberty,

Ted Stevenot
Ohio Liberty Coalition

"Just spoke with Governor @JohnKasich and congratulated him for providing insurance for 270,000 previously uninsured Ohioans." 10/21 Tweet from Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Why the Tea Party is so FEARED by the Radical Left

I read an obviously instigative article entitled, "10 Reasons Why the Tea Party is so Unpopular.” It got my attention.

I believe that the Radical Leftist Establishment and Leadership absolutely FEARS the Tea Party Movement because we reject every aspect of their polarizing and destructive Agenda. The Mr. Obama and his comrades-in-harm (including the Main Stream Media) on the Left must destroy, marginalize, ridicule, subvert the Tea Party and its adherents because we are the main barrier to their desire to fundamentally transform America into a Socialist Utopia.
Tea Party Hobbits March
Here is how I commented on the article:
10 Reasons Why the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT is so unpopular with the Left or Why the Tea Party is so FEARED by the Radical Left:

(1) The Tea Party Movement (TPM) rejects the core principle, philosophy, and agenda of the left - especially fiscal irresponsibility, big government control over all aspect of live, limiting individual freedoms (life, religious, self-protection, etc). TPM wants to preserve the values and virtues that made America exceptional.

(2) TPM favor small, localized government control instead of a big centralized government.

(3) TPM believes America should live within the revenue that it receives rather than going in debt to foreign and domestic lenders. That is what is expected of the American family.

(4) TPM believes that there are far too many regulations. The IRS should be replaced by a Fair Tax system which would tax based on consumption. The free-market the determinates who stays in business, not the government. Customers will support those enterprises that best met there needs. Government should not be allowed to pick winners and losers, as they are now prone to do.

(5) TPM prefer a free-market approach to the delivery of health care. ObamaCare is just a ploy to lead this nation to a government controlled one-payor system. Reform is needed such as tort reform, portability of insurance etc, not the mass takeover by the post office mentality of a central government...

(6) TPM believes that the entitlement programs need to be seriously looked at for the purpose of sustaining or replacing them with 21st century solutions. Look at the Chilean model of Social Security is one example. Consideration should be given to privatization of some aspects. Revising requirement and qualifications. The left wants to preserve the status quo. They just want to increase benefits with no concern how to pay for it now or in the future.

(7) Many in the TPM want to preserve life rather than to destroy it through abortion and ObamaCare Death Panels. Many in the TPM recognize the PERSONHOOD of man starts at the moment of conception. Many in the TPM believe in the sanctity of life from prior-to-birth to natural death.

(8) Many in the TPM support and desire to preserve traditional, one-man, one-woman marriage and reject the notion of an illicit imitation of marriage concocted in recent times. They reject the notion of government mandating the acceptance of perversion as an acceptable and normal lifestyle.

(9) The TPM rejects the global warming hoax and believes that we should be expanding rather than contracting domestic energy production. We should be providing American jobs, not enriching and providing resources for terrorist-sheltering and supporting Islamic nations who are currently selling us oil...

(10) The TPM does not want more guns they just want to preserve their right to choose to own and possess them. It seems that through reports I've seen it the government agencies that are stockpiling guns and ammunitions for some possible not-to-distant confrontation with the people...

Friday, October 11, 2013

Truth Sounds Like Hate, to Those Who Hate the Truth!

"Truth sounds like hate, to those who hate the truth." --- Coach Dave Daubenmire 

Monday, October 07, 2013

Solidarity with the Truckers 10/11 thru 10/13!

I received an email announcing the upcoming trucker rally in Washington, D.C. this weekend.

"Stock up…..get money out of the bank and gas up the cars.   And support the truckers that are standing for us on October 11, 12, 13.  No shopping, no banking, no purchasing gas.   So stock up NOW and be ready to support the truckers.  Many locals are also going to be on overpasses so the truckers can see the local support as they travel to DC."

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fox News is Wrong, Cruz is Right - ObamaCare Can Be Defunded

The following email was just forwarded to me this morning ... The plan described for stopping the funding of the loathsome so-called Affordable Care Act is ingenious. Senator Ted Cruz is a leader. The GOP is in desperate need real leadership. The Speaker of the House and the Minority Leader in the Senate demonstrate that they care only about maintaining the status quo and preserving their sorry seats of power. They've compromised their principles for political purposes and expediency.

If you watched Fox News tonight (Friday), you would think that the Republicans in the House, and Ted Cruz in particular, are out of their minds. Charles Krauthamer called their plan to defund ObamaCare a "charade".  They basically made it sound as if there is no chance of the Cruz plan working. I have to admit, based on everything I was reading and hearing from Congressional and Senate staffers, I had little belief that this plan was anything but a potential disaster.

However, tonight on the Mark Levin Show, Ted Cruz explained a part of the plan I had never heard before, and perhaps you had not heard before either, that makes all the difference.  Cruz admitted that the chances of doing anything in the Senate are very low. He admitted that the ObamaCare defunding would be stripped from the CR by the Senate and it would be sent back to the House. (Though it would be great if he can force Senate Democrats to have to vote on it!) 

Now, this is where the new information comes in. Up until now, and if you watched Fox News or any other station, we were led to believe that the only options that would be left to the House after the CR came back from the Senate would be to either pass the CR or shut down the government. Neither of which would turn out well for the Republican or for our movement.

But Cruz explained that the next step would instead be for the House to start sending one CR at a time back to the Senate that funds part of the government, but not ObamaCare.  So, for instance, they would pass a CR that funds Social Security and Medicare and send it to the Senate.  What is the Senate going to do? Refuse to fund Social Security and Medicare?  No way.  Then the House sends a CR to fund the Military. Same thing happens. The Democrats will have no choice but to pass these CR's.  If the Senate tries to add Obamacare to any of the CR's, the House votes it down and sends back another CR without ObamaCare. They repeat the process until the entire government is funded at sequestration levels, with the exception of ObamaCare.  The Republican's never do anything to shutdown the government, but the Senate is in a position to be responsible for shutting down the government if they don't approve the individual CR's.  If they refuse and keep sending back a single CR, it is they that will be shutting down the Government  - while we will be protecting the American people from the economic and healthcare damage of ObamaCare. That my fellow Patriots is the "power of the purse" writ large!  I for one, think it can work. What about you?

Now our job becomes two fold.  First, I don't think even a handful of Republican House members understand this is the plan.  Cruz sure waited long enough to spell it out!  So, we have got to call all of our House Representatives and tell them this is what we want them to do and tell them we will back them if they do. 

Second, we need to start calling our friends and relatives and start explaining this plan. Everyone knows ObamaCare is a disaster, but they need to know what the Republicans are doing to stop it.  Public opinion is going to be critical and we need to help people get on board. Be sure to explain that the Republicans have offered a bunch of better health care reform bills, such as the The American Health Care Reform Act.

I hope this information makes things a little more clear and gives you a good idea of what we need to do and what our House Republicans need to do.  Hat's off to Ted Cruz who certainly has shown the ability to lead on this critical issue for our nation. Let's make it happen!

Best Regards,

Tom Zawistowski
Executive Director
Portage County TEA Party

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Late Night Jokes: The New Obama Diet

The Tonight Show With Jay Leno

  • I’ve lost some weight. I am on that new Obama diet. Every day I let Vladimir Putin eat my lunch.

This joke is courtesy of which periodically sends out an email compilation of late night jokes, few of which are worth repeating . . . this was the exception.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Barack Obama's Chemical Weapon of Choice: Abortion and RU486

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

All Things Assad, Obama, Syria, and Benghazi, Lybia

"President Obama’s military threat against Syria now has President Assad wishing he hadn’t used chemical weapons.
"Yeah, he now wishes he just attacked the American embassy in Benghazi instead!"

--- NewsBusted, Episode 9/10/2013

NewsBusted is a conservative comedy webcast about the news of the day, uploaded every Tuesday and every Friday. Their newest NewBusted episode includes the excerpt above.

See right panel of this blog and click on the picture to watch this 2-3 minute satirical “news” YouTube video.

Thursday, September 05, 2013


Here are two prophecies concerning Damascus:

The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
Isaiah 17:1 (KJV)

And I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus, and it shall consume the palaces of Benhadad.

Jeremiah 49:27 (KJV)

I mention these prophecies for two reasons:

1. Damascus is the capital of Syria, a nation which the United States is on the brink of getting involved in militarily.

2. These prophecies have never been fulfilled, but there are no time limits on them and since the Bible is God's Word, they will come to pass.

I am not necessarily saying that the United States will be the instrument by which these prophecies will be fulfilled.  And I certainly do not advocate our involvement in the conflict.  But I believe that these prophecies must be fulfilled sometime before the White Throne judgement.  Damascus might not be destroyed any time soon, but when it is destroyed, that could be a sign of the end times.  I do not know when Christ is coming back, but I am just saying that maybe these recent events could motivate us to work harder in witnessing to the lost.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

America Looking Eerily More and More Like Rome

Legendary game show host Chuck Woolery explains how the U.S. is slowly becoming the fallen Roman Empire.  Below is today's "Save Us Chuck Minute" YouTube video. It offers an excellent summary of where America stands (or falls) right now... /

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Common Core Repeal Bill Introduced

Please write to your Ohio representative and tell them to support the bill to repeal Common Core.  Here is a sample letter:

I urge you to consider cosponsoring HB 237 which is a bill to repeal the Common Core initiative for Ohio. Common Core is a program which dumbs down children, teaches them to rebel against their parents and to be selfish and argumentative. It is not at all about real education, but behavior modification.

Sin Hurts

Sin Hurts

by Dr. Patrick Johnston
One of the devil's tricks is, "This is good for you." Isn't that what he told Eve in the Garden of Eden? "This is good to eat. It'll make you wise. It'll make you like God."
  serpent offers fruit
It's a seductive lie. It's never right or good to disobey God. Never.

Women like Marla, whose unfortunate story is told below, frequently fall prey to the physician's argument that this abortion is "good for you." Marla's death during her abortion is a sad memorial to how sin sprouts out of the soil of lies, and breeds misery and destruction.

Pro-life groups, unfortunately, have fallen prey to the same lie. They think that it's good to justify some abortions in our pro-life legislation. They think that maternal health, rape, or incest justify the killing of an innocent child. They think that exceptions to the divine commandment "Thou shalt not kill" are necessary in order to do "the greater good."

Don't believe the lie that abortion is sometimes good for women. Abortion hurts - always.

Dr. Johnston preached recently at Amsterdam Church of God in Amsterdam, Ohio, and his sermon was entitled "Sin Hurts." 

Click the title to listen to the sermon. You'll also hear testimonies from the pastor's wife and two other woman on how sin brought them suffering.

God gave us His law because He loves us. He wants what's best for us. Deuteronomy 5:28 reveals that He wants us to obey His commandments so that it will go well with us and our children. God's way is always best, and not just abortion, but all sin always hurts. 

Marla's Shocking Story

Marla Cardamone was 18 and pregnant. She would not make it to 19.
A medical counselor told Marla that the medication she had been taking would cause her baby to be born with severe birth defects. They recommended an abortion. At first, Marla refused, but their pressure to abort the baby increased. They told her that her baby would probably die anyway, and if the baby survived, it would be deformed and suffer.

The abortionist aborted her baby - and Marla! Looks like "safe and legal" is not that safe after all. Following Marla's death, it was determined that her baby was normal.

This is Marla, before and after her abortion. She died from abortion-related septicemia (infection).

These photos are used with the permission of Marla's family. They want the world to know what "safe and legal" abortion did to their child and grandchild, in hopes that it won't happen again.

This video is of an interview of Marla's mother about the death of her daughter.  
To read the stories of other women killed by abortion, click here.

(The information about Marla is taken from a Life Dynamics tract entitled "Safe & Legal.")