The most important issue facing Ohio and the rest of America, for that matter, is the selection of judges. Renegade judges, misused the concept of eminent domain thereby weakening property rights for all, by permitting private property to be taken from one private party and transferred to another.
Over the last decades other rulings have moved the nation toward godlessness: banning prayer in schools, permitting wholesale abortions, protecting perverts and removing God and His law from courtrooms. Prior to banning prayer, no one was ever murdered in a school. As Senator I would insist godly, strict constructionist judges are appointed to the federal judiciary including the Supreme Court.
“The wicked will be turned into hell and also all the nations that forget God.”
The judiciary in the United States has been systematically turning America away from God. There have been some notable cases which the courts rely on the “rule of law” for much of their ungodly rulings. The Ten Commandments, on the other hand, represent the rule of God. The law, as in the “rule of law” has, in essence, become an idol, a god unto itself. A piece of paper with words printed on it does not rule anything. People rule.
Judges, who are supposed to interpret the law, rule by decree. Attorneys serve the judges, and the law enforcement officials back up their orders. This results in a perfect dictatorship with no one really being accountable for their actions. In reality the wicked work mischief through the law. Under the “rule of law”, who is really in charge? God has no part in “rule of law”. It is Satan who is behind it! America has a choice: it can either serve God or it can serve Satan. We cannot serve both. Evil men do not understand judgment.
What kind of judges do we need if we choose to serve God? The first two qualifications that persons who preside over man must have are: they need to be just (to be fair and impartial) and they must possess a deep respect for God. Respecting or fearing God includes hating evil and avoiding accepting bribes. How can a man or woman who desires to judge not believe that there is a God, not have that moral absolute. It is God’s declaration that those who do not fear God are corrupt. “By justice the King establishes the land . . .” A sentence not quickly executed encourages others to also act wickedly. This is one of the faults with our present judicial system, which I will work to correct if I am elected Senator. I will introduce and support legislation that will make it make it difficult to file frivolous lawsuits, which tie up the courts, deter victims, as well as the accused, causing a delay in the carrying out of swift justice.
The Greeks had a concept that there was a person in whom dwelt the Law and his conduct was consistently in keeping with the Law. This person was called the Word (logos in Greek). The apostle John captured this concept when he writes in the Bible: “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” The Word took on flesh and dwelt among men. Jesus is He to whom John was referring.
God does not acquit the sinner. The soul that sins shall surely die. Every soul is the property of God, yours as well as mine. The Word, Jesus, lived a sinless life. “All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way, but the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of all to fall on Him.” Thus God bought the right to forgive us of our sins because Jesus took God’s wrath for you and for me. Jesus then becomes the end of the law for all who believe in Him having accepted Him into their lives as the only true means to having a relationship with God.
Jesus bore our sins and died; He arose the first Easter; is presently interceding for His born-again saints; and now waits in heaven for His eventual return to earth to judge the nations and to rule and reign. Right now on this Sunday celebrating the Risen Savior, if you believe that Jesus died for you personally, that He rose again from the dead, that you desire to have a personal relationship with God, and want to experience His forgiveness for your sin, which is all that has and is separating you from God, then why not say this prayer with all seriousness and conviction: "Lord Jesus Christ, forgive me of my evil and come into my life."
If you made the decision in the past, or if you made it just now it was A Good Choice.
There are now only 17 more days until Ohio Voters can make A Good Choice on Tuesday, May 2nd in the Democratic Primary Election!
Mega dittos. We need 100 senators like Sam. TD.