The senate version of the so-called comprehensive immigration bill is out of touch with the desire of the American people
I'm sad to say my president and my senators, DeWine & Voinovich, all of whom I support on many issues, on this issue are marching lock step with the liberal left, the ACLU and other comrades in crime. Oh, shame on you Mr. President. Your true colors are really showing one this one and they are not red, white and blue, but a ghastly greedy green.
We must stop this foolish, expensive and untenable approach.
Let's secure our borders using every means available.
Lets arrest first illegals, who commit additional crimes beside entering our country uninvited and unauthorized. Next let’s clean out our prison of the 30% illegals occupying space rightly due our own perverts, pornographers, pimps, pushers, prostitutes and more than a few poluted politicos. I would eveb be willing to seriously outsource the housing of prisoners in India or another third world country to insure that these alien perpetrators pay for there crimes . . . It would be cheaper in the long run and we would make room for our own homegrown perpetrators and associated traitors and other criminals.
Lets close down any business who flaunts the law by hiring and using illegal aliens.
Let's expeditiously try in a standardized and efficient and compassionate INS procedure or process listening carefully why an illegal should not be immediately deported. With possible rare exceptions, insure the findings of the proceedings are carried out fast.
Deport illegal aliens promptly, providing if needed air fare back to the country of origin. Take immediate criminal action against all businesses that disobey immigration laws. Close Tyson Foods to make an example if we must! Let's get serious.
Is that so hard to do? President Bush, Senator DeWine, Senator Voinovich are any of you listening?
Note: Much of this posting is based on an entry I made today on the Speak Up! Forum
If you would like my opinion on the illegal immigration you can go to my blog-