52 of the 55 signers of "The Declaration of Independence" were orthodox, deeply committed, Christians.
The fathers of this nation knew that man by nature is depraved. God has established a provision that deals with that depravity. That provision is Jesus Christ. The majority of the founders had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, they knew the biblical precepts and principles because they read and studied their bibles. They used this biblical background and worldview in designing the government of the nation. Seems to me that this would indicate commitment, wouldn't you agree?
Condoning slavery and treating women, blacks and Indians as less than equal was wrong. However, these men were committed, not perfect. They had some flaws, but they strove to form a more perfect union, which they did.
This nation, the United States of America, has been blessed by God more than any nation ever. We have done great good during most of its existence. However, I do not think we have been doing so well lately since we have turned our backs on God, Jesus Christ and adherence to moral absolutes found in the scripture. We remove God from our schools inserting instead the religion of secular humanism, which elevates man to be a god. We worship the creature and not the Creator. We are trying to abolish all vestiges of the true meaning and celebration of Christmas and Easter. We glorify pornography, perversion and profanity on our broadcast airwaves, yet deny the mere mention of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in any venue except church. We call this progress. I call this regression, reverse evolution. We call the truth a lie and we call evil good.
I believe that if the 55 early founders were to return to their country en masse today, what they would find would not only repulse them, but would cause them to revolt! It is my personal belief that it is not too late to reverse the path toward our sure destruction. We can and we must return to the traditional values and ideals on which this country was founded. We need to revolt from the tyranny of judges-gone-berserk, a congress (Democrats and Republicans) and president bent on listening more to special interests than to their conscience, God or the people.
Note: Much of this posting is based on an entry I made today on the In the news forum (President Bystander)
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