The American Family Association reports that: "A public official in Maryland has been fired by the Republican governor because he merely expressed his personal beliefs and the teaching of his church that homosexuality is immoral. Robert Smith was fired from his position on the metro (Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority) board by Gov. Robert Ehrlich, Jr. after a homosexual complained.”
"Gov. Ehrlich said he is intolerant to any view that opposes the full social acceptance of homosexual behavior and its promotion in government. He said Smith's comments were "highly inappropriate, insensitive and unacceptable. They are in direct conflict to my administration's commitment to...tolerance." Gov. Ehrlich contradicted his own statement! He is promoting tolerance toward homosexual practice while being intolerant to Smith's Christian beliefs and the teaching of his church."
In part the 6/16/06 Baltimore Sun story reads: “Smith’s remarks came during a show taped June 9 that has aired at least three times since. The discussion included a proposed federal gay marriage ban (the Marriage Protection Amendment). "That doesn't mean that government should proffer a special place of entitlement within the laws of the United States for persons of sexual deviancy," Smith said in the conversation about the rights of gays and lesbians."
To liberal Democrats or Republicans this so-called 'tolerance' is demonstrated to be a one-way street. Unfortunately, it is “My way or the highway”. What a shame.
The Family Research Center reports that “At the same time, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hosting several homosexual activists as speakers here in Washington for its officially sanctioned observance of June as "gay pride" month. There is a clear connection between the EPA and the actions of Ehrlich. When the government affirms homosexuality, it must suppress religious freedom. . .”
Take Action:
Contact Gov. Bob Ehrlich and ask him to borrow a backbone and stand up for his appointee and reinstate Robert Smith. Also, contact the White House at and ask them to stop creating a hostile environment for Christians by allowing their agencies to publicly endorse and promote homosexuality.
Here is the gist of what I sent to the governor and something similar to the White House:
Dear Governor Ehrlich:
I became aware of your action regarding metro board member Robert Smith. He was stating his personal view about homosexuality and you terminated his board membership for this.
Where is his freedom of speech? Where is his religious freedom?
The Republican Party seems to be equivocating principles for the sake of expanding its political base? This is wrong, let us stand for American values such as the traditional family and traditional marriage.
I ask you to reconsider your decision and reinstate Mr. Smith.