A writer on another forum (e-the people) on which I also occasionally participate asked me how I justified being a “Christian” and at the same time supporting a (former) candidate and fellow blogger here on “A Good Choice . . .” (“Sam” Keiser), who favored having homosexuals “automatically receiving the death penalty.” Part of my response follows below.
On that same forum I asked the question: Is homosexuality an amoral natural inclination or is it an immoral behavioral choice? So far more than 2/3 of the respondents have indicated that they think it is an it is an immoral behavioral choice. This is heartening to me, because that is precisely what I believe as well.
The former candidate you are referring, Merrill “Sam” Keiser, Jr., stated that he would not stand in the way of anyone proposing legislation providing the death penalty for a person convicted of homosexuality if that person refuses to repent of their immorality. It is not the law of the land right now. “Sam” believes that it should be the law of the land, based on God’s injunction found in the Judeo-Christian Bible. Until it becomes the law of the land, however, he is not advocating vigilantism, the killing of homosexuals or anyone without due process including a proper trial.
After talking to “Sam” today he reiterated his view: “God established government precisely to carry out, to execute, His laws and His wrath (justice) on mankind. This includes punishing evil-doers. You can read about this principle in the Judeo-Christian Bible in the New Testament book of Romans, chapter 13, verses 1-7. It is the first duty of government to uphold God’s law and execute vengeance on those who do evil. This then brings about a peaceful and prosperous society.”
The primary reason that “Sam” takes this seemingly extreme view is, first, it is prescribed by God, Himself, codified in the Judeo-Christian bible. Therefore it is morally wrong. Second, it has brought attention to the fact that our society has accepted, condoned and has begun to promote this immoral lifestyle. Society, in essence, has caved into the whims of a few activist judges and radical homosexuals in carrying out this highly influential, moneyed minority’s intent on destroying some of the most cherished American principles and values. “Sam” was responding to the growing American decadence is to purge society of this abominable practice. The Judeo-Christian Bible and “Sam” warn of the repercussions if homosexuality continues to be welcomed and assimilated into the mainstream of society as acceptable and normal. Society as we know it will be destroyed from within. Moreover, it is subject to the removal of Almighty God’s favor and blessing on this nation. He, ultimately, will allow this once godly and great nation to become a memory as has the mighty Roman Empire and the great Greek Empire before America.
Many Americans, some very good and honorable people, have fallen for the lie. Homosexuals live the lie. Homosexuals believe the lie. Homosexuals spread the lie. The lie is that homosexuality is natural, normal, and even genetic; homosexuality is viable acceptable alternative completely harmless lifestyle. What a lie.
The truth is that homosexuality is abnormal, perverse, unnatural, not inherited, unacceptable and harmful to the individual and to society as a whole. The bottom line is that homosexuality is a corrupting influence on society and must be eliminated. Otherwise God will eliminate us! This is the Judeo-Christian biblical view which I share in common with “Sam”. You, too, would be making A Good Choice if you rejected the homosexual lie and accepted God's truth that it is an abominable evil.
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