Jan LaRue, Chief Counsel for CWA writes: "The Senate is scheduled to debate and vote on the MARRIAGE PROTECTION AMENDMENT (MPA) next week. While some pro-family organizations like Concerned Women for America would prefer a stronger text than the MPA, there is no disagreement that marriage is worthy of constitutional protection. Congress should begin the amendment process instead of waiting until the Court of last resort desecrates the sanctity of marriage by reducing it to state-sanctioned sexual licentiousness." Read more
Concerned Women for America: offers “Top 10 Reasons to Support the Marriage Affirmation and Protection Amendment” :
1. The people oppose same-sex marriage.
2. Same-sex marriage violates freedom of conscience.
3. You cannot redefine a timeless institution. Marriage is what it is.
4. Every adult citizen already has equal rights. It's never been about benefits.
5. If you eliminate the uniqueness of marriage, you destroy it.
6. Same-sex marriage deprives children of a mother and father.
7. Same-sex marriage would weaken an already fragile institution.
8. Government should not endorse a deadly lifestyle.
9. The words of the Massachusetts Constitution have not changed.
10. A "right" to same-sex "marriage" has not suddenly appeared.
Same-sex marriage hurts everybody. Read details about each of these reasons here and write to your Senator. Below is a copy of the letter which I just emailed to Senators Voinovich and DeWine in Ohio.
You can listen to an interview with Senator DeWine, a supporter of the Marriage Protection Act (MPA), on a recent Bob Burney radio show.
(1) Also please sign the petition here. Let’s solve this "problem" once and for all . . .
(2) Email, fax, write and or call your Senator. Below is a copy of the letter which I just emailed to Senators Voinovich and DeWine in Ohio.
Dear Senator Voinovich,
I urge you to support the MARRIAGE PROTECTION AMENDMENT, which is scheduled to begin being discussed on June 7th. Please do all you can to persuade your fellow Senators to do the same thing.
When I interacted with your staff some time ago, my impression was that you did not see a need at that time for such an amendment. I believe that today we have activist and renegade judges just waiting for an opportunity so they can overturn state law on many key issues such as marriage, life, etc.
A constitutional amendment is very much needed so that we can put this issue to rest. The cry of the strong homosexual lobby and their many liberal supporters to destroy the definition of marriage is deafening. Please do not listen to it.
Please do the right thing for our America and our children and grandchildren and do everything to pass this legislation.
ReplyDeletePlease see my response in my second blog posting today.