America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
The Killing Fields in America, Part 6: A Call to Arms & Action in the Battle
In the five previous articles in this series we laid out the abortion problem, which I've labeled the "Killing Fields in America”. Well now that we know what the problem is, what are we going to do about it?
Step One: Prayer Boot Camp, Our First Assignment
We need an army. We need to make ourselves available for service in God’s Army. We need the backing of a mighty power. Let us ask Almighty God for wisdom and for power to win this battle. President Reagan was once asked what strategy he would use to defeat “the evil empire”. He simply stated “we win, they lose.” So how do we win? First and foremost, with God’s help. Prayer is the key. Let us continually join in what many others have been praying since 1973, that Roe v. Wade be declared null and void, that abortion be once again made illegal.
We need to be continually seeking God as to what we can do individually. This article and the next will offer some suggestions for action. However, each of us has to find out our unique assignment. In addition to continuously seeking God’s wisdom, direction we must also do something else. As Henry T. Blackaby teaches we must find out where God is already working and join Him there.
Step Two: Find and Support Allies in the Battle
It behooves us to find out where God is working and moving in regard to abortion or in any matter spiritually in the world today. He seems to be blessing, for example, the work of pro-life groups such as Missionaries to the Pre-Born or the Center for Bioethical Reform (CBR) both of which seem to be getting the message on abortion out on the street and over the internet.
God seems to have raised up organizations such as The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), the Liberty Counsel, and the Thomas More Law Center, among others, to do head to head legal battle with the dreaded American Civil Liberties (yeah, right) Union (ACLU) and Americans United for Separation (more like elimination) of Church and State (AU).
Taking strong stands on pro-life issues, traditional marriage and families are organizations such as Dr. James Dobson’s Focus on the Family and Family Research Center (FRC), Don Wildman’s American Family Association (AFA), Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, and the Concerned Women for America (CWA).
All of these organizations are worthy of our prayer, consideration for membership and/or involvement and/or our financial support. The radical liberal Left funds its abortion cause, unfortunately even being granted taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood Federaltion of America (PPFA) and the ACLU via award settlements, as well as heavy financial support provided by financiers such as radical liberal activist George Soros. Let us do our part through sacrificial prayer, individual participation and financial contributions.
Step Three: Arm Yourself with Knowledge
Become informed about the abortion. A good place to start would be in reading about the dangers of abortion and what can be done to eliminate abortions. Visit the various internets sites or write to the various organization mentioned above. In other words, educate yourself thoroughly on the issue. Become aware of the political area and all abortion related news stories. The links listed on A Good Choice blog are a good source as is the Agape News Headlines located there. Get in the habit of coming to our blog regularly, maybe more for the links and the news, than for our articles.
Ann Coulters book, Godless , is excellent demonstrating how pivotal and important abortion is in the “religion” of liberalism. It is a keystone. It is of fundamental importance to them.
There does seem to be a swing in the momentum away from a radical liberal culture of death to a culture of life in this country. In 2003 the partial birth abortion ban was passed, but was snatched into the courts by pro-death organizations and attorneys.
On the next and perhaps the last post in this series we will provide some additional steps of action in the battle to stop the rampant killing fields in America.
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