I use the expression "Unity of Church & State" in the title of this article to demonstrate the equally preposterous statement, "Separation of Chuch and State". I really grow weary of the cry of the ACLU and other radical liberal groups and individuals who constantly serve as the "Get-God-Out" Squad relentlessly trying to remove all vestiges of God, Jesus Christ and our Christian heritage from America.
Just today The Cybercast News Service reports that "a conservative civil liberties group (the Rutherford Institute) has filed suit against a school in Greenbelt, Md., for violating the constitutional rights of a seventh-grader who was told not to read her Bible in school during lunchtime..." This young girl was reading her bible in the cafeteria after finishing her lunc, and the school's Vice Principal demanded she stop reading her bible. If she refused she would be given receive a verbal warning. Is this the Soviet Union, Vietnam, China or Cuba? No, this is America in 2006. How far our freedoms have eroded!
Where did the lie that there must be a clear division between the church, religion and God and the “almighty” State come from? A lie perpetuated by the likes of the [un]American [un[Civil [take our] Liberties Union, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, People for the American Way, moveon-dot-org, and George Soros among other radical liberal activitsts and groups.
Thomas Jefferson’ s statement regarding the separation of church and state has been clearly misinterpreted by the left to advance their own perverse agenda. The Forefathers of this country recognized the Creator in the Declaration of Independence and much of the Constitution and government structure were born out of the minds of biblically literate and biblically believing and practicing Christians. The whole notion of purging God and Christianity out of our government, courts and schools is a foreign concept to the intent of the early founders. Throughout our history we have sought the guidance of God during times of war, tragedy, and peace.
This nation was established so that men could practice their faith unhindered by government or by a government sanctioned (i.e. certain church DENOMINATION such as was the Church of England in the Old World. When God, prayer, the Judeo-Christian bible being an approved and key textbook in our schools we had less problems and less problems and more true learning: academic, life skills and true character development including responsibly, discipline and respect for authority. Now we have near anarchy uncaring, busy, disinterested parents on one side and a secular humanistic trained teacher doing more indoctrination of children than teaching them.
The National Education Association (NEA) and other teacher unions push an agenda that often works against parental training the children receive at home or actively protect inept teachers who should not be training dogs to do tricks, let alone the precious “skulls full of mush” children.
Yes, God, prayer and absolute morality as found in the Judeo-Christian principles and practices need to be reintroduced into our schools and allowed to bloom again in our society as well. In our schools John Dewey’s methods have failed miserably, lets get back to teaching our students right from wrong, reading and writing, and that it is Christ-enabled character and compassion that counts most in life not narcissism. Let us work to restore our freedom of religion and religious expression anywhere and anytime. For God's sake, let the young girl read her bible in the school cafeteria on her lunch break!
If we introduce religious based instruction into the public schools, I'd vote for the unitarian-universalists or perhaps the Quakers to dictate the content.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you'll be mighty pleased with the way that the teacher's unions handle religiously based content in our public school system.