All is not gloom and doom for conservatives and true born-again, bible believing and practicing followers of Jesus Christ. One could easily become discouraged at the results of the election earlier in the week. However, we must remember it was the fat and greedy GOP who lost their majority rule, not the people’s embrace of the mostly stealth policies, profane platform advocated by the extreme leftist controlled Democratic Party leadership. Let Dean, Pelosi and Schumer gloat and implement “their” vision for America and let us see how far or how much the American people can take of it.
In Ohio 58% of the voters were not swayed by the free college education ploy of the casino industry and said no to expanding gambling.
A dozen states had measures on the ballot which places greater restrictions on taking of property (Eminent Domain) by the government from private parties. Only three states or 25% of the states rejected the restrictions, meaning those states moved to curtail the damage done by liberal activities judges.
In Arizona two immigration related (English only, and limiting illegal alien benefits) issues passed by more than 70% of the voters.
7 of 8 states voted for the protection of traditional one-man, one-woman marriage (isn’t it silly you even have to qualify what we mean these days by marriage? Ridiculous). This was a much underreported news story? Why, because it does not comport with the liberal agenda being foisted upon and propagandized to the American society by the MSM caustic Courics and the badmouthing Brians of the so-called news departments . . . To date 27 state out of 28 have said yes to legitimate marriage and no to unnatural immoral inferior toxic unions of same sex misbehavior. Sanctity and exclusivity of real marriage is a precious value that must be preserved for the sake of children and a moral society.
Senator Allen, some say and I agree, lost his seat in Virginia due to his lukewarm support of the marriage protection measure which passed with 57% of the vote. He was not very intolerant of so-called homosexual special rights either. Both of these hurt him at the polls.
All of these issues where downplayed by the liberally biased MSM. They wanted to dwell on the Democratic sweep of the GOP and the few issues like rejecting the strong abortion ban in S.D. or the passage of the deceitful ESCR amendment in MO. Maybe the main stream media was even implying that the people wanted the dreadful liberal policies conjured up and embraced by the Democratic Party leadership. Wrong! That the majority of conservative minded ballot measures passed indicated a latent support for conservative ideas and principles.
I asked rhetorically in yesterday’s AGC article, “When You Gonna Wake-Up?”, which was addressed to all American conservatives. This great election loss in the House and Senate could be a great inducement and incentive to get us conservatives off our collective butts and back on the front line lines in the battle for the life blood of this nation.
The MSM also denies that it was the conservatives within both parties who really won this election for the Democrats. The conservative movement is not dead by any means. The Values Voters may have stayed home in droves, disappointed and discouraged over the GOP shenanigans the past few years, but who will be watching and waiting to see what the blue dog Democrats do and the conservative remnant in the GOP does over the next two years.
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