Does having Parkinson’s disease give one the right to murder and cannibalize? Mr. Michel J. Fox, a supporter of this ballot initiative seems to think so. The main stream news media and the Democrat Party seem to think so. The republicans are different. They don’t seem to need an excuse to do embryonic stem cell research. This is shown by the passage of the embryonic stem cell research funding bill in the Senate and House, which thankfully was vetoed by the President. In addition, California’s GOP Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger set aside $3 Billion for embryonic stem cell research. ESCR is the dismemberment of a human being without any anesthesia or without the consent of the human being (giving approval to donate his/her organs) being dissected.
It is the destruction of a human being for the benefit of another. Those involved in the research are cannibals and murderers and those who approve are accessories to their crime and worthy of capital punishment.
God has promised that the earth in which the society lives which allows such practices will be cast out or destroyed. Using human embryos in research is the same as infant sacrifice in which infants were sacrificed to the gods, Moloch and Baal, which were the gods of sensuality and intellect. Please take note that those societies have perished. How do we know but what the war on terror is not God’s judgment
The dividing of the cells is determined by the genetic code on the chromosomes and is in the business of building the body for a new person. When the code is following the creation of a new person sequence it is not natural for the cells to function for any other purpose. Supposedly they form tumors when used in host patients. Adult stem cells, on the other hand, are designed by the body to be used where needed in the body and would be able to fit into most any tissue in need of its assistance.
Dr Allen & Mrs. Leslee Unruh, of the campaign , are fighting the good fight in South Dakota with their ballot initiative, Referred Law 6. Their ballot initiative would ban abortions in the state. This is the first major direct challenge to Roe v. Wade. If it is successful, it is hoped that the idea would spread through the nation like a wildfire and finally bring this horrific practice to an end, once and for all. We pray that it will pass November 7th. See gregjaye's previous article entitled “Showdown in South Dakota: David vs. Goliath”.
Also on the ballot in Missouri next week is a constitutional initiative, Amendment 2, which Hilary White in an on-line article on the LifeSite website writes that the amendment “is being widely denounced as “deceptive” and manipulative by pro-life advocates opposed to human cloning and by those who fear women will be exploited for their ova in cloning experiments. . . . Opponents of the amendment have pointed to the dangers to women’s health and rights if the amendment goes through. The Missouri initiative will allow payments for ova, a practice that is illegal and considered unethical even in those countries that enthusiastically endorse therapeutic cloning. Many have pointed to the danger of exploiting economically disadvantaged women if payments are allowed for ova.” A NO vote is the correct vote on this ballot initiative, despite the exaggerated pleas of one Michael J. Fox.
A Good Choice on Tuesday, November 7th for the voters of South Dakota would be to overwhelmingly say YES to banning abortion in that state, for the voters in Missouri to vote NO on the deceptive “cloning ban”, which is really the opposite of banning but permits the harvesting of embryos.
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