Not unlike many self-ascribed “Christians” who are very ignorant of the Bible, and who might even support an immoral and unbiblical organization such as Planned Parenthood or a cause such as same-sex marriage, the average “moderate” Muslim doesn’t know squat about the Koran either. Most Christians rely on what the minister in the pulpit proclaims, if it is a liberal humanist influenced interpretation they go along with it like sheep, likewise the moderate lemming-like Moslem takes as “gospel” whatever the Imam proclaims. In fact, the Islamic religious leaders use that ignorance to deceive their followers.
Both "moderate" Christians and Muslims are woefully ignorant of what the core of their respective religious ideologies entail. They are cut out of the same cloth, a humanistic worldly orientation. You might draw the comparison between the Christian “religion” and the Moslem religion, and conclude that there is not much difference. About the same difference these days, maybe, as between Republican and Democrat politicians.
In other words, nominal Christianity and nominal Islam amounts to the same thing, a mere form of religiosity. Warning: ff you are looking for a discussion that is bound or constrained by political correctness you might as well stop reading now.
True fundamental Christianity and true fundamental Islam are another story. True Christianity involves a personal relationship with the living God and has been the powerful force for good through the last 2000 years, while Fundamental Islam has been a hate-filled political movement and force for ill will bent on suppressing mankind under the pretext of a religious ideology for the past 1,300 years. True Christianity frees human beings, while true Islam enslaves them. These two worldviews personify good (Christianity) and evil (Islam) in this realm of life. They are diametrically opposed to each other.
The testimony of Daniel Shayesteh offers a power demonstration of what I have said so far in this article. Daniel was born in Northern Iran he grew up in a nominal Islamic family. By the age of 9 he was able to recite the entire Koran in Arabic. Eventually Daniel became deeply involved in the Iranian Fundamentalist Revolution of 1979. He was a key Muslim political leader and taught Islam in Iran. After the second year that Ayatollah Khomeini was in power, Daniel became very disenchanted with Islam and even had to escape his political prosecutors in Iran. He fled to Turkey.
While in Turkey he went to school and attempted to go into business with a fellow Iranian émigré he met in Turkey. Unfortunately this business partner absconded with Daniel’s share of the money which he invested in their business partnership. This left Daniel high and dry. He was lost. He knew it. Eventually he was befriended by a group of Iranian Christians who showed Daniel great love and compassion. He had a dramatic born-again experience and became a Christian.
He eventually immigrated to Australia where he studied theology and started a ministry called Exodus from Darkness and now serves as a missionary to the Muslims in different parts of the world.
I personally heard Daniel share this past Wednesday evening that one of the chief tactics of the so called Islamic religious leaders is to brainwash the citizenry of a nation, convincing them that Islam is a harmless religion of peace. This is a lie. The core principles of Islam, according to Daniel are filled with anger, cruelty and hatred. Hatred for Jews, hatred for Americans and even hatred for moderate Muslims, who are ignorant of the real intent of the Islamic political movement disguised as a religion. Sharia law is a part of fundamental Islam practiced in a growing number of Islamic nations. A theft will lose a hand for stealing; a man might lose his head for converting to Christianity. Islam is a religion of peace indeed!
After Daniel become a Christian he came to a deep appreciation and love of his wife, Muslim men typically treat their women no better than a domesticated animal. This conversion experience changed Daniel, he began to see the beauty of his wife. He was totally transformed. Eventually, Mary, his wife, also became a Christian as did their three children.
Daniel indicated that Muslims see no hope in this life; all their efforts are geared toward the afterlife. Allah is a cruel god. It is right and proper to lie for Allah as long as it advances the cause of Islam in the world. The afterlife is primarily based on a person’s good works in this life outweigh his evil works. In contrast the true God is powerful yet loving and offers hope for the present as well as the future. Our salvation is not dependent on our works, but on the mercy and grace of God and the provision of Jesus Christ who paid the penalty for our sin on the cross. Islam does not recognize Jesus as being God.
Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and other radical Islamic political and religious leaders would like to destroy Israel and America. They especially see America and Israel as forces standing in the way of worldwide Islamic domination. In fact, just recently Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, promised "a colossal showdown" with America and Israel in Lebanon. A religion of peace it is most definitely not!
I'm struggling to know what is "true." I was drawn to this site as I want to understand Muslim culture and thinking. I'm compelled by what I've learned from a report of a recently published book on the religious prophet Muhammad:
The news report in the link suggests that the Muslim faith is all based on the visions of an epileptic. How can that be?
I have read the Qu'ran from cover to cover and I would have to say I disagree with some of your conclusions. You said,
ReplyDeleteThe core principles of Islam, according to Daniel are filled with anger, cruelty and hatred. Hatred for Jews, hatred for Americans and even hatred for moderate Muslims, who are ignorant of the real intent of the Islamic political movement disguised as a religion.
I don't think that there is anything in the Qu'ran that says that Jews or Christians should be hated, killed, or mistreated (though they would have fewer rights under Sharia law). Yes, harsher penalties for criminal acts are commanded in the Qu'ran, but they are comparable (not the same as) Mosaic commandments. I agree that women do have fewer rights under the Qu'ran, but it is not as bad as what was commonly portayed in prewar Afghanistan. The extremists are out of the mainstream. The violence of Muslims mostly stems from politics, not the Qu'ran. The mainstream Muslims have the same sense of wanting to be free from oppression, and wanting defend their land as the Founding Fathers of our country. There is nothing in the Qu'ran that explicitly says anything about Muslims having a right to Jerusalem or Palestine.
The Muslims do have other books, which they consider to be holy, which I have not read.
I tend to think of the Muslim religion as being like Mormonism or some other such cult (a bit further away from the truth perhaps and the doctrines are very different). Basically, it is a typical works/righteousness salvation religion. Any false teaching is dangerous. Any human being without the real Jesus Christ has the potential to horrible things.
The natural mind is hostile to the ways of God. The heart of man is deceitful above all else and desparately wicked.
Hello Anonymous & Matt -
ReplyDeleteThank you both for your comments.
I used your comments to create an article which I posted Saturday 11/25/06.