What is so wrong with viewing a little pornography? Is it not a free speech issue? Doesn’t everyone have a right to sell, purchase or look at pornography anywhere and at anytime? What is pornography anyway? This article is merely and introduction to the wide, wild, “wonderful” world of pornography. We will try to answer some of these questions in this article.
Let’s start right off with a definition. Webster’s New World Dictionary defines pornography as writings, pictures, etc. intended primarily to arouse sexual desire. From a strictly biblical viewpoint by its definition this behavior would indicate that is immoral. Traditional one-man, one-woman marriage is the only legitimate, God-ordained means of sexual gratification. So from this standpoint alone it is wrong, it is against God’s law.
Various forms of pornography have always existed. The fact that Pornography is a $12 Billion dollar a year industry in America tells how popular and pervasive it is. Today the internet has proliferated pornography as never before. A significant percentage of persons who use the computer also visit porn sites. The marketers of porn are clever and try innumerable ways to trap their victims. The marketers take advantage of man’s basic depravity and really take full advantage of it. They tempt with temporary excitement and pleasure, all the while counting on the addicting nature of the experience to drive sales of their particularly putrid products.
Initially the peddlers of porn offer free photos, videos, etc to lure the unsuspecting, the lonely, the foolish, the adventuresome, the voyeur, the cheating husband or wife, even and especially the innocent child. Everyone using a computer is potentially a customer, a consumer of porn.
Especially insidious is the fact that pornographers deliberately target children. http://www.cp80.org states on its website that youth aged 12-17 are the largest consumers of pornography on the internet. Libraries who try to regulate the use of computers are often thwarted by the despicable ACLU which screams that children have a right to be seduced by the vilest of filth. With friends like the American Civil Liberties Union neither children nor parents need enemies.
In the next article we will talk about how pornography benefits or hurts the individual and society.
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