Note: “Sam” departs from his weekly Sunday Sermonette today to respond to Elton John’s verbal attack against religion and Christianity of a few weeks ago. During “Sam’s” primary campaign for U.S. Senate several media types used Elton John as a lighting rod in order to ridicule Sam’s position on homosexuality. His position is that homosexuality is immoral behavior that should not be tolerated or encouraged, but should be restrained and discouraged in order to keep society from suffering deleterious affects. - gregjaye
Just who do you think you are, the epitome of goodness and virtue? That you would ban religion (Christianity) and believe your music would go on forever? Prick your finger with a pin, force out some blood, and put it on a cloth. Put the cloth in a jar and close the lid. Open the jar the next day and see if it doesn’t stink. This shows that you are mortal. One day you will die and your music will die as well.
In Turin, Italy there is a burial shroud with the image of a man on it. He was flogged, crowned with thorns and crucified. The cloth has dust on it from the rock on which it laid with the corpse. The blood on the shroud is fresh and not decayed. Thus, the person whose image is on that shroud is immortal. The flesh did not decay, though the spirit was gone from the body. His words will remain.
In getting rid of Christianity you have some problems.
1. Jesus said, “On this rock I will build my church and he gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Considering that your lifestyle, the judiciary, and each false religions are separate gates to hell. All of these gates together will not prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ.
2. Suppose you were able to get rid of Christianity. What would it accomplish? Would the homosexual lifestyle then be able to flourish unhindered and without guilt or shame? There was a place where this once happened. The place is called Sodom and Gomorrah and all the cities of the plains, God rained down fire and brimstone on the place and destroyed it by fire. The end result of homosexuality is the judgment of God. It is not dependent on religion. God’s promise is that those societies which accept homosexuality will be cast out by the land in which they live (Genesis 18:20 – 19:30), Leviticus 18:22 – 28). Sir Elton, just because you have fame and fortune in this life does not put you above His law.
3. Every knee will bend and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christi is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Religion or no religion every human being conceived will appear before Jesus for judgment. Every adulterer and fornicator will appear before Jesus. Every homosexual and lesbian will appear before Jesus. Sir Elton, even you will appear before Jesus in judgment. It is appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment. The unbeliever dies, goes to hell then is judged and cast permanently into the lake of fire. Elton John, this is your destiny unless you repent.
4. Jesus was born without sin and lived a sinless life. He took within Himself the sins of the whole world. On the cross He received the judgment of God against those sins, including yours, Sir Elton. You must confess to God that you have sinned and desire God’s forgiveness, and invite Jesus into your heart and life. Jesus promises to come in and to make you a new person. The fruit or proof of this happening is ending your evil lifestyle.
Elton John, you are like the Pharisees who not only refused to enter the kingdom of God, but also hindered those who wanted to enter the kingdom. By stopping the preaching of God’s truth, you would hinder those who would enter into the kingdom of God.
- "Sam"
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