Today, in Sam’s Sunday Sermonette, I cover a series of question and offer my answers. This is a compilation of questions that I have heard or contemplated through the years.
Is Jesus God?
Yes. God the Father calls His son Jesus, God, in Hebrews 1:8, 9, “Unto the Son He says Thy throne O God . . . therefore God, even thy God.” In the book of Revelation, the writer, John, is about to worship the angel and the angel tells him not to do so; instead John is told to worship only God. We see that when God brings His first born into the world He tells the angels to worship Him. Jesus also accepted worship from men. Scripture says He will not give His glory to another. Revelation 22:8,9 and Romans 1:25.
Jesus is a friend who will stick with you, like a brother. He says that if you hear Him knocking at your heart’s door and if you invite Him into your heart, make a willful decision to accept His provision of complete forgiveness, then He will enter into your life and He will have a personal relationship with you and He promises that He will never leave you.
Is Jesus Human or is Jesus God?
He is both. Jesus was born of a virgin with no human father. It had been prophesized years earlier in Old Testament writings that a virgin would conceive and bear a son. It was by divine intervention that Mary’s egg, which was human, was fertilized. Therefore since His mother was human Jesus is fully human. Jesus had a human mother and God is His Father. Since His Father was God, He also was fully God. See Matthew 2:11, 28:9 and Hebrews 1:6.
Jesus was a male. He was circumcised on the eighth day according to God’s law. See Luke 2:21, 23 and Leviticus 12:1-3.
In What Ways is Jesus Different than Any Other Human Being?
a. He was begotten by God. God is His Father. He is the Son of the Highest.
b. Sin dwells, or exists, in the flesh of every man and woman and child, but sin did not reside in Jesus’ flesh. See Romans7:17, 18, 23 and John 14:30.
c. People did not exist prior to their conception. However, Jesus existed before His conception as God. His going forth is from eternity. See Micah 5:2.
d. He upholds the universe by the word of His power.
e. No man could give up his life in the same way the Jesus did. He gave up the Spirit at the precise time of His choosing.
f. He arose from the dead never to die again.