Thank you, Kent, for your comments on my article, "The Publicly Funded Propaganda Machine is Now Erring”. You wrote in part, "...You are only making wild, ungrounded claims without even a vague attempt at logical, rational argument.Such an article says much more about you than it does about your subject. It makes your "side" look very bad, because it makes you look as if your position is entirely one of emotion and prejudice rather than reason." I respectfully disagree with you, however.
I have watched/listened to PBS/NBR on and off for many years, up until I stopped watching TV altogether and up until my FM Jeep’s radio died recently. Whenever I watched or listened to almost anything that public broadcasting produced there seemed to be a real biased toward left wing ideology and positions. Listening to NPR there is a greater representation of homosexual issues or activist slant much greater than their 1-3% of the overall American population would logically would be call for. NPR seems to be one of the loud voices of the homosexual radical activists. There are many stories or points of view given to this radical minority, far beyond the demographics that they represent.
It seems to me that the feminist, women’s “rights” (meaning their right to kill their babies), and homosexuals and the NEA, all sort of pornography and other immorality etc are always shown in a positive light, rarely if ever is the dark side of homosexuality, evolution, feminism, pornography, or educational failures and education’s bloated bureaucracy ever shown. Never is there a story about a person who steps out of this immoral lifestyle and begins to live a normal heterosexual lifestyle. This is anathema to the radical liberal cause/agenda. What you will hear presented is the American Psychiatric Association position that homosexuality is no longer classified as a disorder and that it is misguided to counsel someone to come out of this immoral, unnatural lifestyle. We have the outworking of an amoral philosophy.
There are some good reports that come out of NPR and PBS, but there is too much that is anti-Christian and anti-American. One example is when referring to the Marriage Protection Amendment, NPR almost exclusively referred to the amendment as “Anti-“Gay” Marriage Amendment”. To me this portrayed a biased in favor of homosexual activism. You can almost see the sneering, disdain, and repulsion on the part of the reporters whenever Christians or moral issues such as traditional marriage, homosexuality or the war on terror are discussed or reported.
The thing that bothers me is that I am footing the bill for this radical rubbish. I have no problems with the free expression of opinions, but I would expect a publicly funded organization to be more unbiased and fair. Public broadcasting, for the most part, is not.
It is not me that is one-sided, emotional or prejudiced, it is Public Broadcasting. It should be de-funded. It should be privately supported by those who have likeminded political agendas. Perhaps radical leftist cause financier, George Soros and millionaire homosexual activist Tim Gill would like to invest in such a venture, because PBS/NPR is much more aligned to their positions than they are to mine, or the overwhelming majority of Americans for that matter.
PBS broadcasts public debates in which third party candidates are not invited. This should be treated under the law as contribution to the democrats and republicans and therefore no government funding of PBS should be allowed.