Officer Muldoon on the old black and white TV show, Car 54 Where are you?, had a favorite expression. “What a revoltin’development this is.” Well, that is the best way that I can think of to describe the resignation of John Bolton, the United States Ambassador to the corrupt, worthless and terribly anti-American United Nations.
I credit the RINO Senator George Voinovich and his hapless hopeless tearful repudiation and lack of initial support of President Bush’s fine nomination to the U.N. The leftists won another battle foiling this strong principled tough conservative denying him of a long-term appointment to this very UNprestigious body. Ambassador Bolton proved himself a strong and effective representative during his all too brief service. Shame on you Senator Voinovich, and shame on you arrogant American hating extreme liberals like Senator Joe Biden standing in the way of the appointment of a really effective negotiator.
America will not find a more effective representative, at least not in any candidate that would promise to appease the liberal Congressional Democrats.
Cybercast News Service in a news article reported “. . . . Janice Crouse of the conservative group Concerned Women for America said Bolton had "the ideal balance of intellect, diplomacy, integrity and straightforward honesty to handle rogue nations."
“Rather than let accusations remain unaddressed, Bolton countered the constant verbal attacks against the United States by international representatives to the U.N. who use that platform for out-of-control anti-American rhetoric," Crouse said. "Future historians may mark Bolton's resignation as the death knell of the United Nations."
"No one was more vociferous in campaigning against his nomination than the defenders of the status quo -- U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan . . .
"One can be sure they will have broken out the champagne, along with the Russians, Chinese, Sudanese and the remainder of the Organization of the Islamic Conference -- all those who have a vested interest in ensuring a never-ending cycle of U.S. money in, support for terrorism and nuclear proliferation out,". . ."
You know maybe John Bolton might make a good Presidential candidate, since there doesn’t seem to be anyone emerging to face the potential dream (or nightmare) team of Clinton-Obama in 2008. How about John Bolton-Mike Huckabee in 2008? America could use some fresh political faces and a good dose of “intellect, diplomacy, integrity and straightforward honesty” in her highest office. Maybe Senators Voinovich, Reid, Chafee and Biden et al just may have done us a favor after all!
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