What can we practically do to begin to put a halt to the heinous and widespread abortion problem existing in America today?
1. One thing we can do is ask our state and federal representatives to stop all government funding and grants to Planned Parenthood.
2. We can also elect Pro-Life, Anti-Abortion state and federal representatives.
3. We can personally support alternative to the abortion-providers of death and disinformation. True Crisis Pregnancy Centers (pro-life organizations) see CareNet's website for a crisis pregnancy center near you.
4. Boycott those businesses and organizations that support Planned Parenthood through corporate or organizational contributions.
OneNewNow reports today, “Businesses organizations in the broadcasting, food service, clothing, and hospitality industries are included in the latest version of Life Decision International (LDI) "The Boycott List," which identifies corporations that support Planned Parenthood and, in doing so, become potential boycott targets.
“… LDI president Douglas Scott, Jr., says The Boycott List has been around for 15 years, as part of the Corporate Funding Project, which provides a list of corporate financial contributors to the abortion advocacy group for the general public's knowledge and voluntary boycotting.
“According to the LDI spokesman, the list has been effective at getting corporations to reconsider their financial participation with Planned Parenthood.
"As a direct result of the commitment, action, and prayer of pro-life people, there are now 137 corporations that have stopped funding Planned Parenthood," says Scott. "And it is estimated that it has cost Planned Parenthood over $35 million since the boycott started 15 years ago."
“Scott explains that when the project began, much of corporate America thought it would be a short-lived publicity stunt. He now believes that some of those corporate officials are surprised when they continue to hear from LDI.
“"We've had companies that were on the list for a decade who finally decided [that] enough is enough [and they were] going to stop giving to Planned Parenthood," he says. "So it's a matter of commitment -- and as soon as they realize that we are committed to this for the long term, they finally will decide to change their policies."
Some of the organizations and companies on LDI's Boycott List include the following:
· Circuit City
· Bank of America
· JPMorgan Chase (including Chase Bank & Bank One)
· Johnson & Johnson
· Time Warner (HBO, Cinemax, AOL, etc.)
See the LDI website where you can purchase a complete Boycott List by clicking on Order Materials. The Boycott List includes the name, address, phone number, website address, products, subsidiaries, services, and chief executive officer for every boycott targets.
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