Science is systematized knowledge of reality gained from observation, study and experimentation for the purpose of determining the nature or principle of what is studied. Reality is independent of scientists’ pronouncements, and does not change for any individual. The laws of physics, for example, are not ideas but proven truth. You can go to the moon and back relying on them. You can stake your life on them and live.
Both common descent and the theory of evolution are merely theories. Natural and false evidence has been construed in such a way as to expel the existence of God in the minds of many people. This allows them to fantasize that there is no one greater than themselves, no Master Designer, no Creator. For this they eventually must give an account at the end of their lives to that Master Designer, Creator! You can stake your eternity on these false theories and be wrong therefore insuring your ticket to hell and dying the second death.
Schools teaching evolution are actually directing their students into hell, instead of showing them the way to eternal life. This is being done to the children at an age in which the children could otherwise embrace life eternal.
God commanded on the third day of creation that the earth would bring forth grass, herbs, and fruit trees each yielding seed after its own kind. On the fifth day of creation God commanded the waters to bring froth sea creatures and the fowl of the air and they reproduced after each their kind.
On the sixth day o creation at God’s command the earth brought forth living creatures, beasts, cattle and creeping things. Each reproduced after its own kind. Each day was 24 hours in length as defined by Scripture the evening and the morning.
The evidence of the seven day week is with us today, a carryover from creation. It does not matter that other cultures have followed Satan’s direction and deviate from the seven day week.
There is much evidence validating God’s Word, but a godless people refuse to acknowledge the signs. Jesus healed the sick, fed the multitudes and yet He was asked for a sign that they might believe. Jesus said no sign will be given except the sign of the prophet Jonah. As Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the fish, so Jesus was to be three days in the earth. Jesus then rose from the dead and today His burial cloth is in Turin, Italy. The blood on the cloth is fresh, which indicates the body was immortal. No other person’s blood would leave stains of fresh blood. This is a remnant of the sign of te prophet Jonah.
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