There is a new book which has been out since mid November 2006, called Unprotected: A Campus Psychiatrist Reveals How Political Correctness in Her Profession Endangers Every Student, which is available at all bookstores and on the internet. The author is Anonymous, M.D. The book deals with the resulting damages caused by the lies being perpetrated on our college campuses and which is being bought by our young women and men.
The boldface lie is that uncommitted sex is fine and dandy. Just be careful to limit the number of partners and above all practice “safe sex” by using a condom. Wrong. There is a tremendous amount of risk when we violate God’s standard of reserving sex for marriage. There are some very serious consequences for young woman and for young men if they follow the ungodly advice and thereby ignore or disregard God’s standard.
According the Concerned Woman of America website, this new book “details through individual stories the consequences of the sexual revolution on the lives of young college-aged women." Dr. Janice Crouse, Senior Fellow of the Beverly LaHaye Institute, talks about this bookin a brief audio commentary. Please click here to visit the CWA website and listen to a valuable 5 minute discussion of this book
In visiting, I found one editorial analysis of the book by Nicholas A. Cummings, Ph.D., Sc.D., Former President, American Psychological Association among otter credentials, which reads, “Here are important facts you must know about well-intentioned counselors who are more committed to political correctness than to students’ physical and psychological safety—written clearly and passionately by a dedicated psychiatrist. This book tells all.”
I think the exact same thing can be said about the homosexual bathhouses located in Ohio (and elsewhere in America) in Cleveland (2), Columbus (1) and Toledo (1). They are an outrageous and egregious affront not only to God’s standard, but to common sense i.e., public health and safety. These homosexual brothels are the result of believing the lie that homosexuality is only one of many acceptable lifestyles and alternate “family units” or living arrangements. Same-sex are frantically working to legalize this decadent, immoral behavior. Baloney, or bull-only, is what I say to this uninhibited “protected” or unprotected sexual revolution mindset being advocated, advanced and affirmed on college campuses and by homosexual activists in communities across this nation.
It almost seems to me that there exists a plot to destroy our young people both heterosexuals and same-sex adherents through falsities being disseminated by the politically correct elite. If it is not part of a planned conspiracy, then it certainly has the same results – killing the bodies and the spirits of our young folks for the sake of a short-term good-time. It is tragic for both the kids and the country as a whole.
The bottom line is that when an individual or when a nation insists on rejecting God’s standard they put themselves in a situation where their physical, mental, social and spiritual health and well-being is totally unprotected.
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