Richard A.Viguerie in an email today wrote asking, “Who was responsible for the Republicans’ disastrous defeats, including loss of control of the House and Senate, in the 2006 elections?” He asks voters to take a survey in which he offers a choice of 30 possible reasons or factors for the GOP defeat last November. He goes on to say, “Give us your choices of the top 10 people, groups, or factors that deserve the most blame for this debacle. And ask your friends and relatives to visit this website and render their verdicts as well.
Well I was so challenged by the question and the reasons offered, I listed my top ten reasons for the GOP defeat from the 30 Viguerie lists in his survey. Here is my list and added commentary in the brackets. Also as of the time I took the survey this evening the number at the end of each item is where this particular reason stood in the current survey results. I got 8 of the 10 that the primarily conservative survey takers got.
I added a write-in reason for the defeat, which was my top reason. This was an interesting and enlightening exercise for me. The biggest blame can be pinned on me, President Bush and other alleged “conservative” leaders.
10 - Conservative media that kept silent while the GOP became the party of Big Government [This includes Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity who for too long were reticent to speak out forcefully against some of the outrageous spending such as the worthless No Child Let Behind Program and thereby mislead and lulled many to sleep;] [#6]
9. - Legal corruption, such as spending on special interest groups to “buy” their votes, including earmarks. [Greater concern for retaining power than doing the right thing. Lining there own pockets and sucking all the benefit from the system and leaving their principles at home.] [#3]
8 - Illegal corruption, such as Mark Foley, Robert Ney, and Jack Abramoff. [Not taking action sooner on these people. Republicans are held at a much higher standard then Democrats – look at Barney Frank and Gerry Studds – staying in power and not being ostracized by their party for much worse corruption,] [#4]
7 - Mainstream media that may have influenced the voters to throw out the Republicans [Don Rather , Peter Jennings and Tom Brokaw and CNN, NPR and PBS so obviously slanted their coverage toward putting the Dem and liberals in best light and the GOP and conservatives in the worst light possible. ] [#5]
6 - Conservative leaders who kept silent when the GOP became the party of Big Government [This includes every one of us who did not speak out more forcefully. Christian leaders who by withholding criticism acquiesced the Administration’s un-Christian, un-Conservative behaviors.] [#1]
5 - Former Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) [Seemingly going with the flow never bringing to task any of the things that would eventually cripple the party Not standing strong enough up to the RINOs and Dems and demanding to end the filibustering of Bush’s Judicial appointments, pro-life issues, etc.] [#8]
4 - Former Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) [Not standing strong for his conservative principles in limiting government and doing enough to support life issues.]
3 - Congressman Dennis Hastert (R-IL), former Speaker of the House [Allowing the Democrats to stall or thwart nearly all of the conservative agenda.] [#9]
2 - President George W. Bush [Once he got re-elected he went to town on the North American Union, has done little or nothing on illegal alien invasion and is seemingly is in cahoots with the Mexican government on keeping the border porous. If he is not getting a cut of the drug trafficking he must be personally benefiting from the Mexican government - going after the two border guards Ramos and Compreon in an extraordinary fashion.. He has not maintained consistently true to his conservative principles, and makes you doubt if he ever had any to start with. I feel like I have been pimped by this President for my two votes in ’00 and ‘04 . . . He has negated much of what he has done right with the war on terror and vetoing the embryonic stem cell research law which in retrospect seems no more than a bone thrown to his faithful dogs – the values voters who elected him TWICE.] [#2]
1 - The Values Voters [The Values Voters who did not vote in the last election and/or who were too timid or too lethargic or apathetic in not demanding more of their representatives including the President on a day–to-day basis during the previous six years. Not being as politically active between elections as the liberals were.]
I take a part of the blame for not expecting more from my representatives and not getting my expectations better known to them.
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