America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Osama Obama?
I’ve been getting a rumor email about Barack Obama being a Wahabbi Muslim, the same sect of Islam as Osama Bin Laden. I decided to check it out and found this article. What a feast for political pundits and gossips!
There’s an e-mail currently making the rounds claiming that Osama bin … Osama Obama … Obama is a closet Muslim. Charlie Sykes debunks it here and directs readers to a Snopes examination of what amounts to an Internet urban legend.
But what exactly is the source of this Internet urban legend? Apparently none other than The Hildabeast, who’s in it to win it.
Allahpundit has more here.
Prediction: this will play out like the Willie Horton issue in 1988, a legitimate issue raised by none other than Sen. Algore against Michael Dukakis then spun to be a Republican smear appealing to white redneck Southern racists.
Hillary’s camp is the one behind the “Obama is a Muslim” smear but it will be connected by the Democrats to Republicans and conservatives and that will be the line taken by the Drive By Media.
I say "so what if the rumor is true or false". It is no rumor that he is in favor of continuing the legalized murdering of innocent babies. The Truth about Barack Hussein Obama is:
• Obama voted to not outlaw Partial Birth Abortion (1997 Illinois ban, 2003 Federal ban)
• Obama voted against protecting born alive infants from abortionists (2002, Induced Infant Liability Act, and the Born Alive Infant Protection Act )
If most Americans can know that and still vote for him then we deserve to have Osama Bin Laden as our President.
Thanks for the link. I agree with you that Obama needs to be taken down on the issues. That was why I thought it was worth debunking this false story, which I think will eventually be blamed on Republicans and conservatives with the Drive By Media.
ReplyDeleteThat's an offensive article.
ReplyDeleteI don't think any U.S. citizen should be compared to Osama.
political forum
Good post, Matt -
ReplyDeleteOsama - foreign (external) terrorist
Obama - domestic (internal) terrorist
One (Osama) is willfully seeking to destroy America, the other (Obama) is following a failed liberal agenda, which is bound to accomplish the same thing.
Houseofpolitics -
ReplyDeleteI find it as offensive that an American, especially a presumed representative of ALL the people, would approve of abortion on demand, partial birth abortion like Obama has, as Matt pointed out in his article. On top of that Obama is probably radically pro-homosexuality too.
To me Obama's positions are every bit as offensive and hurtful to America as Osama and his al Qaeda gang. Only difference is one wears a tie, the other a turban.
Ann Coulter wrote an article about Obama this week, which includes this statment, ". . . There was one refreshing aspect to Obama's announcement: It was nice to see a man call a press conference this week to announce something other than he was the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby. . . ." You can read Ann's article at: