Who is guilty of revising American history? It is the liberal elite or Secular-Humanists, who control and run education and academia. These liberals claim that our country was formed as a God-less and strictly secular a-moral nation, and that the Constitution grants freedom of religion yet restricts the government in preferring or in establishing religion. It is not those who contend that our Founding Fathers were believers in God and Jesus Christ and never intended that our nation be created or formed b strictly a-theistic, without God. These are not revising history but are accurately reporting history.
What would George Washington have done if he weren't a true Christian? He would have done everything differently had he not been the devout, practicing Christian that he was. Had not George Washington been a true believer in God, as I posited in an earlier article some of the consequences that would:
· He would have never endured the miserable Valley Forge experience. He more than likely would have cut and run without the courage and strength of his faith in his God.
· Since he presided over the formation of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, those documents may never have been created. There would have never been a Bill of Rights, because Washington and the vast majority of the Founding Fathers recognized that our rights ultimately come from God, not from the state.
· There would have never been a United States of America and the great blessing of God lavished upon her due to the great faith that made George Washington the great leader that he became.
America was founded by true Christian believers who knew and practiced their faith. Many of the signors of the Declaration, in fact, were seminary graduates. These seminaries did not produce Reverends such as Al Sharpton or Barry Lynn or Katharine Jefferts Schori, but TRUE believers. There is a biblical principle that you shall know the tree by its fruit. Someone who supports and approves abortion and homosexuality and evolution indicate a belief system other than a biblically based, God honoring one.
Our laws and yes our Constitution and even the very structure of government were all based on a biblical model. Our laws were based on God's truth, morality and they recognized God as the absolute source of rights, not the state.
The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion including freedom to express one's faith, it does not guarantee freedom FROM religion as the leftist liberal elite (ACLU, People for the American Way and Americans for the Separation of Church and State) seem to want to interpret it.
The government never intended to restrict Christianity as a faith, but only to insure no single DENOMINATION gain the government's sanction as the state church, as the Church of England had done in Great Britain. You cannot equate Christianity with religion. Christianity transcends mere religion and is a way of life. Christianity is the way of life that our founders envisioned for our nation, not Presbyterianism or Methodism, Anglicanism or even Secular Humanism (Atheism), which is the religion that you want to see become the only sanctioned Sha’ria-like “law” of the land. No, it was Christianity that made America what it is, a Christian, God-honoring nation.
I understand this is an essential pillar in the Secular-Humanist religion/philosophy construct, because without this key component Secular Humanism is exposed for what it is - the inferior, wanton and wanting worldview. Secular humanism MUST marginalize, yes even remove God and true biblical Christianity completely out of the picture in order to thrive and complete its reshaping of America in the image of man rather than in the vision of the founders image of a God ordained and blessed nation.
Therefore a Christian view of America is directly opposite a Secular-Humanistic view of America. The two are worlds apart, literally!
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