A fake southern-accented “faith” frolic in Selma (Alabama) Sunday, found Senator Hillary Rodham-Clinton pandering to the black church crowd firing them up claiming to be their “sister in worship” and even quoting scripture. Out of her mouth came, “This is the day that the Lord has made.” Listen here to what Matt Drudge captured on his Sunday night radio show.
Just a few days earlier, on Friday March 2nd this same Sen. Hypocritical Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., had delivered in unaccented English a gushing keynote address to a homosexual and lesbian activist group, the so-called Human Rights Campaign (HRC) board meeting, speaking to more than 400 HRC volunteers. America needs to know what kind of person that Hillary Rodham is, her core beliefs and her passions.
Here is part of her 15 minute same-sex verbal embrace:
“When HRC (Human Rights Campaign) stood up . . . on the FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT you were making an important statement because this amendment was a WEDGE POLITICS AT ITS WORST. It (FMA) was mean spirited. It (FMA) was against the entire “FORWARD MOVEMENT” of American history.
“It was the first time that anyone was proposing that we would amend the constitution to DENY citizens rights, rather than widening the circle of rights and opportunities.
“. . . to strategize together . . . because it not only gave us an opportunity to defeat the amendment, but to lay down more markers about the positive AGENDA WE ARE PURSUING.
“It wasn’t easy. i know a lot of you put in long hours making phone calls and sending hundreds of e-mails. . . and lobbying personally your members of Congress.
“You had to educate a lot of people. .. there were a member of my colleagues who just were not quite sure what this was all about.
“But in the end we stopped the Federal Marriage Amendment and WE sent a strong message that WE will not stand idly by when ANYONE tries to write DISCRIMINATION into OUR constitution.
“I want you to know that THIS IS EXACTLY THE KIND OF PARTNERSHIP that we will have when I am President.
“We made the first step today in getting back a Democratic Congress, but tomorrow we have to take back the White House. When we do that it will be the end of divisive leadership of the past six years. It is the type of leadership that has personalized the most PERSONAL and intimate issues. . ."
To be continued . . .
Tomorrow we will look at specific legislation Hillary has and promises to continue to push in support of the radical same-sex agenda.
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