In this day in which some call for “tolerance” is it surprising to learn that God clearly expresses His hatred toward something? In fact, He is angry with the wicked every day. There are six things that God hates that are recorded in Judeo-Christian scriptures. Actually there are seven that are noted as being abominations. One of these is entertaining evil thoughts. God knows the thoughts of each and every person living, as well as the thoughts of angels.
Evil conduct begins with evil thoughts. King Solomon writes, “Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life.” Lucifer, now widely known as Satan, was a perfect being in all his ways, until he became proud and sinned, that is. Before He ever did anything wrong he was found to harbor evil thoughts. All the evil in the world today came from those evil contemplations.
The Bible reports that there was a time when all the people thought only evil continuously. God intervened and destroyed the entire world population with the exception of Noah’s family of eight.
The source of an evil thought does not necessary come from the person himself. Something we see or something someone says can trigger or spark an evil thought. Satan or one of his many demons can plant an evil thought in our minds. We must be sensitive to and recognize that evil thought, reject it and refuse to contemplate on it further. Scripture advises us to literally capture that tainted idea. We are to cast down wicked imaginations and every lofty thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. In other words, we are to bring our thoughts, every thought, into submission and obedience to Christ.
The Apostle Paul writes that we are to think about things that are:
· fine,
· honest,
· just,
· pure,
· lovely,
· of good reputation,
· virtuous, and
· praiseworthy.
Whatever thoughts we have we can run them through this sieve or filter and dismiss any thoughts or ideas that do not apply or fit one of the items mentioned by Paul.
Ultimately, this new way of thinking will produce godly behavior
Wow! Excellent article. You have a fine site, here.