In my interactions this weekend posting and commenting on internet political forums I was provided an article entitled, “Zell Miller: Abortion has shrunk our military, hurt social security, caused illegal immigration”. I really have come to admire and respect the former Senator form Georgia. I read his book, A Deficit of Decency and I highly recommend it. It gives a glimpse of the sad state of affairs in which we find America today.
Senator Zell is a principled and passionate conservative. It is a shame he no longer holds office because America needs more true conservative leaders. Not those politicos, who unfortunately like George W. Bush, John McCain, or another former Senator, Mike DeWine (conservative Republican In Name Only-Ohio) , mouth the right words to get elected, then become “moderate” standing for nothing except the own apparent self-aggrandizement.
Senator Miller spoke recently in Macon, Georgia and I was able to transcribe some of the highlights of his speech, which the above article had included as a link to a brief video clip.
“. . . Too many, who believe as we do (about abortion), are hesitant to speak out, because they think they may OFFEND someone, or they may be called part of the RELIGIOUS RIGHT. I don’t mind at all. I GLORY in it (being called part of the religious right). I am RELIGIOUS, and we are RIGHT.
“Over 45 million have been killed (ABORTED) since 1973. . . Still we watch as 3,700 babies are killed every single day in America. It is unbelievable that a nation under God would allow this. . . The (Judeo-Christian) Bible is as clear on embryonic stem cell harvesting as it is on abortion. It is not the proper fate for a human being made in the image of God. Killing is wrong when it is called abortion and it is just as wrong when it is called (embryonic stem cell) research.
“Sometimes in the life of a nation a time comes when men and women of conscious and courage have to stand up and be counted and say “enough”, “no more”, “this cannot continue”.”
Please read the article and watch the short video and make up your own mind. See if you do not conclude, as I did, that Senator Millier is absolutely correct, abortion has to stop and stop now.
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