The whole Imus affair may embolden the liberal left’s pursuit again to push through Congress the so-called Fairness Doctrine.
In a article, Fred Lucas writes, “Democrats in Congress want to bring back the Fairness Doctrine, a federal regulation that required broadcasters to present both sides of a controversial issue. The FCC enforced the rule from 1949 to 1987, when it was dropped during the Reagan administration.” The Fairness Doctrine would have the affect of silencing the strong conservative voice in talk radio today. This new media has offset the largely biased mainstream media, which has held a virtual monopoly on the news with the likes of Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather and Katie Couric and Public Broadcasting Corporation (PBS).
Now that Nancy “I am the most powerful woman in the world” Pelosi and her comrades-in-harm have seized power in Congress if only by a slim margin they would love to silence their opponents and once again monopolize the media. This is common communist dictatorial practice. Though Pelosi may not be a card-carrying communist, her philosophy and her anti-American actions offer the same results.
It is interesting that Lucas’ article quotes Ken Blackwell, unsuccessful candidate for Ohio Governor and former Ohio Secretary of State, who is a black conservative (the antithesis of liberals Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson). The article stated that Blackwell disagreed with Imus’ firing, even though he said the long-time radio host's remarks were deplorable."Liberals went after one of their own so they can go after a true conservative talk show host" in the future, (Blackwell) warned. ”Blackwell also faulted Viacom, the parent company of CBS, which fired Imus but still owns Black Entertainment Television, a cable TV channel Blackwell said shows music videos that "denigrate women in general and African-American women in particular."”
Although I do not agree with Secretary Blackwell that Imus should not have been fired, I do agree with him that Viacom is just as guilty of exploiting and espousing racism as Imus. I also think Viacom and other pimps of perversion in the entertainment business should be “fired” by America, which should (1) stop buying their garbage, (2) ban the music from the public airways enforcing or passing indecency laws to insure this, and (3) restrict sales of the x-rated rap, etc. music and relegate this trash to the adult section of record shops requiring a person to be an adult to be able to make any purchase.
Lucas writes in referring to what Dick Morris, political advisor and consultant, said “a decade ago, 50 percent of viewers got their news from ABC, CBS and NBC nightly newscasts. Today, with the explosion of cable news, only 20 percent get their news from those networks.” Morris is quoted as saying, “The Fairness Doctrine only made sense at a time of scarcity and monopoly of media sources.”
The ultimate aim of the Democrat’s “Fairness” Doctrine is to restrain freedom of speech and to silence the voice of the opposition, ala totalitarianism.
I don't think Imus should have been fired. He should have been penalized in some way and then allowed to have another chance. The thing that's most troubling to me about the whole affair is that so many of these young athletes male and female of all races are starting to look like billboards with all their tattoos. We're becoming a nation of pagans. In Leviticus (I think it's chapter 19:28) we're told to not cut and mark our bodies. Paul wrote to the Corinthians and said that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost and that we shouldn't defile them in any way. It's a shame that so many people today don't pay any attention to what God says yet they claim to believe in Him. TD