It is opening day for Major League Baseball. Tom Hamilton is back announcing the play-by-play on WTAM radio for the Cleveland Indians. It is Easter which brings open season for many leftist liberal elite again to mock the Lord and God, Jesus Christ. Easter is probably the greatest, most significant time of the year for true Christian believers.
It has become almost an annual ritual each Eastertide for the liberal leftists in the arts, academia, entertainment and media to ridicule, insult and even blaspheme Jesus. Jesus is the Rock on which leftist liberals, atheists and their comrades must mount an attack. They are intent on chipping away at America’s foundation. They try to intimidate and to marginalize and above all to minimize the major impact that this God-Man has made and continues to make on this wicked world.
This year the Discovery Channel aired a crockumentary which offered “proof” of the mere humanity of Jesus allegedly finding His bones. This is in direct contradiction to the Biblical account accepted and by Christian believers worldwide. This fantasy video production was meant to make money and to shatter the faith of weak Christian and was generally insulting to Christians everywhere, not to mention dishonoring to God Himself.
Just last Friday MSNBC reported that a naked 200 pound sculpture made of chocolate depicting a bald Jesus Christ would be on display in a Manhattan Hotel in New York City. The online article said, “A planned Holy Week exhibition of a nude, anatomically correct chocolate sculpture of Jesus Christ was canceled Friday amid a choir of complaining Catholics that included Cardinal Edward Egan.”
“The "My Sweet Lord" display was shut down by the hotel that houses the Lab Gallery in midtown Manhattan, said Matt Semler, the gallery's creative director. Semler said he submitted his resignation after officials at the Roger Smith Hotel shut down the show."
This mockery would not be tolerated in any “peace loving” Islamic country if the subject of the display was the prophet Mohammed would it? The “artist” would most likely be missing a part of his own anatomically correct body, his head. Apparently, Christians are expected to “tolerate” this good natured bashing. Furthermore, it seems to that the Christian religion is the only religion which I not off limits to lambasting by anyone anywhere.
Sadly even the Easter Bunny is accorded more positive press and respect than the Savior of the world, the One and Only forgiver of sins and reconciler of man to God! How far America has regressed or de-evolved!
A.J. Sterling in a Fox News video reports, “Some call it art. Other(s) call it blasphemy. A new piece of art showing Senator Barack Obama as Jesus Christ is now on display at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.” I know Jesus and B-man, you are no Jesus! Barack Obama is an empty suit, a media invention.
Obama is a man of leftist liberal principles and values, who like many Democrat Party leaders, he pushes a predominately anti-Christian, anti-traditional agenda for America agenda. He is a socialist using any association with Christianity for political purposes and denying its power and its core truths. Actually he and his liberal cohorts may be better portrayed dressed in red and holding pitchforks.
Jesus Christ is the very antithesis of all radical liberal ideals, thought and values. He and His followers represent the major roadblock to leftist liberal elite establishing a one-world socialist utopia. His values, thoughts, principles, precepts and practices are vehemently contrary to a woman’s “right to kill her child on demand” (abortion), to the acceptance of homosexuality behavior as normal and moral, to the teaching of moral relativism and situational ethics in our schools, and to the teaching of evolution as the explanation for the origin of man and not God’s creation.
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