Why is it that a U.S. citizen needs a passport to go into Canada and Mexico and to come back again to the United States, yet the President won’t stop illegal aliens from entering the United States? He even puts border guards in jail for trying to protect the country from drug smugglers. Why is it that drug smugglers are provided immunity to testify against border guards? It almost appears that President Bush is being paid off by the Mexican drug lords.
I know now President Bush is not a true conservative. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) wrote the “No Child Left Behind” Education Bill and left out a provision for vouchers. In 2000, 2002, 2004 we kept electing Republicans. Still we saw the Democrat agenda being advanced. I was appalled when President Bush chose not to support the conservative candidate Rep. Pat Toomey in the 2004 Republican Primary election race for U.S. Senator in Pennsylvania. Instead President Bush supported the leftist leaning darling, Arlen Specter, who has before and since only been a thorn in the side of Bush and conservative causes. President Bush, Karl Rove and GOP leadership, a principled conservative would not do these things.
President Bush claims to be a Christian. Is he really? As the Commander-in-Chief he allowed evangelism at the Air Force Academy to be stopped when some atheists complained. Chaplains in the military are no longer permitted to pray in the name of Jesus. A General in Afghanistan said we are fighting Satan. But President Bush said that this is not the administrations position and said that the General was not speaking for his administration. The Apostle Paul, in the New Testament, made the statement that we are fighting against principalities and powers of evil in high places. We are, in fact, fighting Satan. Doesn’t President Bush realize this? The President is not fostering freedom of religion.
Historically acceptance of homosexuality by a society is the beginning of the end of that society. God has said that the land will cast out that society from off the land. Evil conduct, of which is homosexuality is a part is a reproach to any people. The GOP’s umbrella should not reach out so far as to embrace this immoral, depraved lifestyle. It is a clear violation of the Christian and conservative principles, which includes morality and decency. God made marriage and the family unit exclusively between one-man and one-woman. General Pace was correct when he recently said homosexuality was immoral in an interview by a Chicago newspaper. It is a tragedy that the Bush Administration did not confirm that this was their current thinking as well.
To Be Continued
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