America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Nancy the Menace
TD, friend of AGC forwarded the following content to us in an email. I tried to identify the original source, but just found similar content on various weblogs. We reproduce it here. Are their Americans who really support humble Nancy “I am the Most Powerful Woman in the World” Pelosi”? Read for yourself some of her startling statements.
”When questioned about recent stock market highs she responded "Only the rich benefit from these record highs. Working Americans, welfare recipients, the unemployed and minorities are not sharing in these obscene record highs".
"”There is no question these windfall profits and income created by the Bush administration need to be taxed at 100% rate and those dollars redistributed to the poor and working class".
”When asked how these new tax dollars would be spent, she replied "We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and minorities. For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a long ways to guarantee these people the standard of living they would like to have as "Americans” . . .”
There are many flaws in her thinking, including: (1) The fact that these windfall profits belong to the “American” people and not the corporations and owners and stockholders who put their investment at risk to earn them. Pure and simple Pelosi and her Democrat colleagues advocate socialism or communism over capitalism. They seem to foster and to agree that big brother government is the sole determinant of how to best distribute wealth, not the individual or the free market. (2) She seems to indicate that the illegal aliens in this country are as American as baseball, apple pie, mom, you or I. Even President Bush’s thinking is flawed in this area. He joins hands with the Pelosi’s seeking amnesty for all illegal aliens and their hoards of relatives.
Representative Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid, the so-called leaders in the U.S. Congress and their comrades-in-harm (and even President Bush on the issue of immigration) are leading us astray. They must be challenged, they must be stopped and they must be extracted from office at the next election.
By the way the word menace is defined as "somebody who . . . is a possible source of danger or harm to somebody or something else." You, Madame Speaker, are a menace. We thought that communism died with the Soviet Union, I am fearful that it is resurrecting itself right here under our very noses in the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Perhaps the Democratic leadership's desire to present the war funding bill with its built-in surrender date was not only to mock President Bush's anniversary of the famous "Mission Accomplished" claim 4 years ago, but also to celebrate the glorious socialist/communist high and holy day, May Day. You, Nancy, make Mao, Lenin and Stalin proud.
If you knew me, you'd know that I am one of the most partisan conservatives ever, but I really don't think Pelousy would actually say those things.
ReplyDeleteFor sure she'd never say "illegal aliens," so that one, at least, has to be fake. I have no doubt she believes what these "quotes" are trying to convey...she's too politically savy to say them in that way, though.
Greg, our communist threat didn't disappear when the Berlin wall was
ReplyDeletetorn down or the USSR disbanded. They merely went underground in
countries like ours. Actually they've been here all along - since theearly 1900's at least. They just increased their efforts to take usover politically and one of their main weapons is the media of which themain stream press is a part. They've been using entertainment such as movies, tv shows, music, etc. to indoctrinate our citizenry for decades. And it appears to be working. TD.
You said it so very well.