America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Tale of Two Mountains, Brokeback & Sinai
Sometimes I feel like I am living in the Twilight Zone or at least lost in Big Brother’s world of 1984. Each day I wake up and see the world has crept a little further leftward on the broad road leading to destruction. It is the radical leftists leading the way to such anti-Americanism and anti-God in many and varied aspects of our culture including entertainment and education. They use every means and method to push for the transformation of the democratic republic of our founders to some sort of ‘democratic’ socialist state or global utopia.
On May 13 reported something truly obscene in an article titled, “(Homosexual) cowboy love scenes 'traumatize' schoolgirl, 12, Family sues district for $500,000 after 'Brokeback' shown in class.” You can see here at the intersection of decadent entertainment, ‘enlightened’ education and the homosexual agenda that the student is forced to be exposed and to have to endure indoctrination to this immoral, unnatural so-called alternative lifestyle, which is embraced by such a tiny minority of American citizens. However, this moneyed minority, despite their size, is on a strident crusade to justify, rationalize and ‘legalize’ their wrong behavior at all costs. The homosexual activists and their leftist accomplices and supporters such as the teachers unions, Hollywood, radical leftist politicians, lawmakers and judges are working in a concerted effort to convert America’s children into thinking, if not embracing or actually succumbing to homosexual, lesbian, transgender or bisexual behaviors themselves.
At the same time the leftist education elite and their leftist allies work night and day to mock, to minimize, to marginalize, to remove the moral code, the Ten Commandments and all of its iterations and manifestations from American culture and life. God and Jesus have become four letter words to this crowd, which is hell-bent on leading this nation and as many of its people to hell itself. Evil is now regarded as good. Evil such as abortion (the rampant killing of babies), pornography, infidelity in marriage, and even sodomy is considered acceptable behavior and commonplace. Good such as the practice of abstinence before marriage, virtue, honesty, respect for all human life, traditional one-man, one-woman marriage and moral standards of any kind are ridiculed, mocked and even considered intolerant, hateful and ‘evil’. We sure have seen America turned upside down within the last 100 years or so.
America must now rediscover and return quickly to its moral roots which were grounded in the Judeo-Christian Bible, and the laws given by Almighty God to Moses on Mount Sinai or go the way of Greece, Rome and all the great but dead nations of the past. We must reject this evil-as-good philosophy of ‘Brokeback Mountain’ which is so promoted, prevalent and pervasive in America today. Instead, we must willingly accept and obey the good-over-evil choices expected and outlined in the law and instructions for life provided by God Himself on Mount Sinai. Make A Good Choice and reject the temptation to the easier ‘Brokeback’ climb and accept the more rewarding, more challenging, ‘Sinai’ life excursion.
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