I recently received a letter from President Bill Clinton seeking my financial support to advance the Democrat Party majority in the Senate. Obviously President Clinton was not aware that as a Democrat candidate, myself, in the 2006 primary election my positions were very conservative and almost totally contrary to those espoused by the Democrat Party elite then and now. Moreover, just as I did when the Republicans wrote to me asking me to contribute to their cause, I responded with a letter to the sender.
Dear President Clinton:
Thank you for your letter of June 25, 2007 requesting funds to help the Democrat senate campaigns.
You write of “governing in a way those benefits the most people” and which “ensures our successful future together.” “Governing for the common good,” you say. Five times you used that phrase in your letter. What ever happened to governing for everyone? Doesn’t the Declaration of Independence state, “ that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights”? Wasn’t the United States of America started for the benefit of all the people?
If you are only governing to benefit the most people; are you not governing at the expense of the some of the citizens? In other words, you seem to be advocating governing to hurt some. If you rob Peter to pay Paul and Andrew and who knows who else, then is not this governing to benefit the most people. You write about 8,000 people who would be affected for $250 billion of the death tax. Are you not hurting these people, their decedents, and their employees and employees’ families, not to mention the tax base that this $250 billion provides? You speak of college loans. Can’t people join the military and get an education by use of the G.I. benefit or low cost loan? Isn’t this a better way of supporting the country and the individual?
President Lyndon Johnson governed to help the majority with his Great Society welfare state program. What he did in essence was lock people into dependence on the government and made them unable to take care of themselves? Who was really helped under this grand welfare scheme?
Another Democrat President, Jimmy Carter, removed the United States from Panama. Now our enemy Red China controls both ends of the Panama Canal. He oversaw the end of the Shah in Iran and brought about the modern terrorist state and allowed American hostages to be held 444 days doing essentially nothing to gain their release.
Mr. Clinton, as President, you vetoed the ban on partial birth abortion, ordered the attack on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, which was eventually set on fire. Was this a trial run on how the government should effectively deal with Christians? Furthermore, in Somalia you sent troops to do a job, but not enough back-up of men and equipment was provided when they ran into trouble. Then you abruptly pulled the military out when some of our people got killed. This emboldened the terrorists to further attack the United States. China couldn’t get their rockets to work properly, so you allowed an American firm to go and assist them. Then China used this American given knowledge to target America with nuclear warheads.
I am really amused that you imply the Democrat Party would govern for a successful future. President Bush tried to increase oil drilling, approve the building of new refineries, and new nuclear power plants. The Democrats in Congress foiled this. President John F. Kennedy said the way to increase revenue to the U.S. Treasury is to decrease taxes, which in turn stimulates the economy. You and the Democrat Party leadership advocate increasing taxes, increase spending, shrink or even deplete the military, not have an anti-missile system and lose wars. It is woefully apparent that the Democrats desire the destruction of America for the Party’s ideas and polices are self-destructive. President Clinton, perhaps God has given you up to a deprived mind, you and your Party call evil good and good evil.
President F. D. Roosevelt spoke of experiment. America is not an experiment. Our Forefathers were Christians who knew the living God through faith in Jesus Christ. They lived in obedience to him. Liberty’s source is the Spirit of God. Obedience to God is what is needed and this benefits everyone. It appears that Democrats are opposed to God and do not want to live in obedience to Him. His judgment begins with climate change. This is followed by foreign harassment (i.e. terrorism). This is then followed by loss of sovereignty. If the people refuse to repent, then the nation is eliminated. Have you, sir, ever heard of Sodom and Gomorrah? They too refused to repent.
I strongly suggest, Mr. President that you repent of your sins, and personally invite Jesus Christ into your heart and life. A simple prayer would accomplish this, “Lord Jesus Christ, forgive me of my sins, and come into my heart and life today . . .
P.S.: Your request for my assistance in funding of any Democrat senatorial candidates or campaigns is denied for the reasons stated above.
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