The Homosexual Agenda is Here and it is Clear
There definitely is a homosexual agenda. It is multifaceted and it has been and is a very effective. That does not at all mean that that it is a good thing, however. On the contrary, it is wholly harmful on a number of fronts. Today we will identify some of the strongest supporters. Then we will continue to unwrap this devastating plan. Next to the abortion atrocity, it is the most wicked movement in our nation today.
Teaming up homosexual activists are anti-American, anti-Christan amoral organizational and individual culprits bent on destroying America and its values. These culprits include the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Planned (really preventing) Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), the National Education Association (NEA), and the National Organization of Women (NOW), Hollywood, academia and much of the mainstream media. There is a whole host of homosexual groups such as GLESN, GLADD, etc. all purporting to represent homosexuals, lesbians, and bisexual and transgender individuals.
Through accomplices such as East Coast liberal Senator Edward Kennedy and San Francisco politician Speaker Nancy “I am the most powerful woman in the world” Pelosi, the homosexual activists are even seeking “special” rights, classification and protections beyond those accorded the typical American citizen under the U.S. Constitution. So-called “hate crimes” and “anti-discrimination” laws would have ultimate two-fold effect of elevating homosexuality to not only a protected status, but also setting in motion the silencing of true Christians’ free expression of absolute Biblical truth in regard to the basic immorality of homosexuality, as well as other sexual perversions. This silencing of all opposition is also part of the homosexual agenda.
The GOP is not innocent. Mayor Rudy and Governor Mitt seem to be riding the fence on their support for the homosexual agenda. When it is convenient they apparently support the homosexual agenda. Their words do not match their past actions. That is why I do not trust these two candidates.
Vitagliano in the article that I mentioned yesterday. quotes Paula Ettelbrick, who is the executive director of the International [Homosexual] and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, as having once stated: “Being queer is more than setting up house, sleeping with a person of the same gender, and seeking state approval for doing so . . . Being queer means pushing the parameters of sex, sexuality, and family, and in the process, transforming the very fabric of society. . . . We must keep our eyes on the goal . . . of radically reordering society’s view of reality.”
The homosexual activist will not settle for “tolerance” of their immorality, or mere “acceptance”, they want to have the stamp of approval on their perversion. What better way to claim the “right” to the privilege and benefits of “legalized” marriage? It is totally absurd to even attempt to compare perversion with the natural order. Unfortunately, this is what moral blindness does to you. Marriage is reserved as the exclusive and sacred domain of one man and one woman. Every American is free to marry anyone of the opposite sex assuming appropriateness of age and who is not already married. I believe that neither civil union nor domestic partnership should have any of the privileges or rights reserved for one-man, one woman lawful marriage. To corrupt he definition of marriage is to insult the natural family and is destructive to any society. It is a preposterous affront to society to demand marital rights for anyone but a married man and woman.
Furthermore, another important part of the homosexual agenda includes government school indoctrination of our children in the acceptability and normality and appropriateness of homosexual lifestyle and behavior at the earliest ages. Homosexuality is just another viable (actually it is a vile) alternative lifestyle worth consideration, recognition and honor. Brainwashing our children, often in direct opposition to the teaching of their parents, and done stealthily so that parents do not even know that it is happening.
Tomorrow we will conclude this three part series with some ways we can help stem the overwhelming tide and advancement of this hideous agenda.
Stay tuned for more
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