Isn’t it ironic that famous NFL quarterback Michael Vick, pictured on the left, gets ostracized and punished for killing mere dogs, while the infamous and wicked Planned Parenthood Federation of America gets rewarded for killing babies? “What’s up with that?” I ask.
The media is all a twitter over the alleged cruelty perpetrated on a few neighbor stray dogs by Atlanta Falcons star quarterback Michael Vick. Sure it is not right TO abuse any creature. But, I cannot get very excited or upset about it while 4,000 HUMAN BEINGS are being systematically destroyed in various ways in abortion chambers and so-called “reproductive health clinics” throughout America this very day. Where is our perspective? Where is our sense of decency? It is all political Correctness run amok. Just weeks earlier the Planned (really “Preventing”) Parenthood Federation of America, whose main mission is the killing of America’s children, received an increase in funding from the Congress. Isn’t something wrong with this picture? Clearly!
Journalist Bill Wilson in his Daily Jot article today quoted his friend, Dr. Alveda King, niece of the late Dr. Martin Luther King. Wilson says that Dr. (Alveda) King makes a good point about the media frenzy surrounding the Vick dog fight indictment. She says, "The appalling cruelty to dogs described in the complaint against Michael Vick immediately reminds me of another kind of cruelty that is not only not punished, but is protected by our authorities. I'm talking about the incredible cruelty suffered by babies who are stabbed, have limb torn from limb, or have their skulls crushed in the womb by abortionists. The pain these children endure is undoubtedly excruciating, yet we close our eyes and look the other way in the name of 'choice.'"
Dr. King certainly puts things in perspective. Life is a civil rights matter. Life is far more a civil rights matter, than the vociferous homosexual lobby who demand to be treated as a discriminated class such as blacks, woman disabled or aged. However, babies do not have many moneyed champions as do the homosexuals or abortionists: Hollywood, main stream media, the National Education Association (NEA), financiers George Soros and Tim Gill, and nearly all the current leaders of the Democrat Party! Babies have a right to live as much as any one of us. Let's work for obtaining their rights and stop wasting time considering the "rights" of people trying to justify their immoral, unnatural, unhealthy and abnormal behavior.
It is a crime against humanity when the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) gets more media attention, air time, accolades and devotion than does any pro-life organization or positive pro-life story. This is wrong. The value of one human life, even the tiniest baby, is intrinsically of more value and worth now and in eternity than all the dogs and animals on earth today. That is how far this nation has degenerated the past 50-60 years. Thanks to extremists animal “rights” activists along with their willing accomplices in academia and the media, our society is expected to value dogs and snail-darters more than we do our fellow human beings. This is frankly duplicitous, disgusting and disgraceful.
. . . I heard Mark Levin the other night talking about Michael Vick's predicament and he said maybe the reason Michael and his cohorts were so cruel to the dogs is that our society has become so accepting of abortion. All of the abortions that have taken place as Michael and his accomplices were growing up made them cold hearted and cruel. Maybe he has a point. TD.