America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Senator Kennedy Schemes to Pass “Hate Crimes” Law
The following is the content of a letter I just emailed to my two U.S. Senators and to President George W. Bush.
I am appalled by the fact that Senators Edward Kennedy and Gordon Smith are, in essence, exploiting American soldiers who are in harm’s way by trying to force passage of pro-homosexual hate crimes language into law (SA 2067 to the Defense Reauthorization Bill HR 1585.). I urge you to REJECT any version of the National Defense Authorization Act IF -- as Senator Kennedy has proposed -- it contains language adding "sexual orientation" to federal "hate crimes" categories.
Please do not let Senator Kennedy exploit our military to push the homosexual agenda. The Senate must pass a National Defense Authorization Act that does NOT promote the homosexual agenda.
Senator Kennedy is a living and breathing example of why we need term limits in the Congress. Senator Kennedy, I think, would do just about anything to move his wicked and perverse agenda forward. His agenda includes preserving, protecting and advancing a woman’s "right" to kill her baby at her whim, it includes doing everything possible to legitimatize, protect and promote homosexuality as a healthy, natural, normal alternate life style and to remove all vestiges of God and Jesus Christ from the schools, the public square, government etc.
There is a major question about whether Matthew Shepard, the young man for whom the SB 1105 for the so-called "Hate Crimes" bill was named, was the victim of an actual hate crime. Apparently he may have been the victim of a crime of a person desperate to get money to feed his powerful drug addiction. Matthew Shepard was conveniently used as a victim of “hate crime.” The media picked up the ball and rolled with it, ala Dan Rather. Like the radical followers of Islam our radical left will use lies if it furthers their cause. They have used lies in establishing the “need” for abortion and now they use lies to try to establish homosexuality something other than what it is - deviant behavior.
Please contact your two U.S. Senators and urge them to vote AGAINST approving SA 2067 as an amendment to the Defense Reauthorization Bill (H.R. 1585). Toll free numbers to reach your Senators include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-225-3121.
Time is very short. Please act now!
I really agree with you!! I am surprised at some of the things our politicians think they can get away with... I think that new song by Eric Proffitt puts it best when it says "...this is not about religion, black or caucasion, or whether you're a man or a woman, this is all about the nation..." A man of integrity is really what we need here, not someone trying to push their own the way you can listen to that song on the authors site at
ReplyDeleteWhat is "pro-homosexual hate crimes language"?
ReplyDeleteI think you mean language that in its description of hate crimes includes, the crime of attacking or even killing people for their sexual orientation. I wonder if you could explain why you think such a crime is not a hate crime?
Something doesn't quite add up in your position.
You want to see this crime category dropped, and as an argument for this you suggest the murder of Matthew Shepard was not a hate crime at all.
You seem to argue that this crime category does not exsist?
So are you saying that there are no people that want to hurt gay people because of their sexual orientation?
As history learns us, violence towards groups in our society often originates from fear. Are you saying there are no people that fear homosexuality?
Because that is not true, many people in America fear homosexuality, you yourself are an example, you seem to have great fear for the 'homosexual agenda'
I believe fear of homosexuality comes from a combination of ignorance and sexual insecurity.
I'm a straight guy from Amsterdam
and from experience i can tell you homosexuals are people just like you and me.