The trio, Barrack Obama, Hillary Rodham-clinton and John Edwards, are nothing more than 2 bit radical leftist politicians who are hell-bent on destroying America and remaking it into the image of some sort of socialist atheistic communistic global utopia
The only reason Rudy Giuliani is not included with the other leftists is because of his position on the war on terror, and his apparent understanding of this nation’s enemies. However on social issues he could be easily lumped together with the three liberal elite named above. The social issues are the most critical to the life blood of a nation. The social issues define the heart and soul of a nation.
The things that unite these three or make that four is their unabashed belief in a woman’s unequivocal “right” to kill her unborn baby – abortion-on-demand. The three, make that four aforementioned also wholeheartedly and unashamedly support the “right” of homosexuals to tout their perversity and to have their immorality justified and made "legal" and to be treated as normal, natural, healthy and “moral”. The three, make it four, by their demonstrative actions and positions, if not by their meaningless, empty words are untied in their contempt of the one true God of the universe and Jesus Christ, God-incarnate.
It is very important for the life and welfare of this nation that a true conservative, not a Bush clone or imitation pre-election promised “conservative” iike McCain, Romney or Giuliani are pretending to be, but a true principled conservative. Someone like Representative Duncan Hunter or Governor Mike Huckabee or Representative Tom Tancredo must grab the nomination from the main-stream media – establishment choice.
The voters, no America herself, must be given a clear alternative in 2008:
>>> Life (sanctify of personhood of human beings from conception through natural death) versus Death (abortion atrocity and euthanasia)
>>> Pro-family (one-man-one-woman marriage) versus Neo-“family” units (same sex and every other assorted antithesis of the natural family)
>>> American traditional values (adherence to the declaration, the constitution) versus Socialist-Humanist-Globalist values (atheism, communism, New Age religion)
>>> Willingness to battle the Islamo-Terrorists and their gumbas and backers and allies, the Communists, versus Unwillingness to do battle, to appease, to surrender and to shirk the responsibility to fight our sworn enemies.
We do not need a lukewarm, Bush-like “moderate” to run against these 2-bit radical leftist. I am afraid that President Bush has disgraced both the Conservative movement and the faith that he claims to be his, Christianity. No, we need a strong conservative voice. We need someone who is totally committed to Conservative principles and the ideals of our Founding Fathers. We need someone who will provide steady unwavering leadership even in the midst of bad press and poor poll numbers. Someone unafraid of doing the right thing at all times.
If we get any Democrat or any of the so-called media-sanctioned first tier Republican conservative fakers to be our next President we will surely be in trouble. The very sovereignty of this nation, the very welfare, the very existence of this nation is at stake.
I understand what you are saying, but I believe that no matter who we accept as a president they will understand what you are stating and change their ways, if needed.
ReplyDeleteThe only candidate I'm REALLY rooting for right now is Barack Obama. I believe he is a wholesome man who knows what he is doing and can handle the mess that America is unfortunately in.
America will do just fine with who we get... If we don't like them, then we will ignore them unless they put us, as a whole or individually, in jeopardy. If we like them, and hopefully we will, then we will do what we can as a nation and pull the weight that President Bush left behind.
Joshanna -
ReplyDeleteYou could not be more wrong. B. Obama is a radical leftist who would our country further astray.