America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Who is America's Enemy?
A. China
B. Islamic terrorists
C. Russia
D. American leftists
E. None of the above
F. All of the above
If you answered F., all of the above, you got the correct answer.
A combination of China’s long-range planning and strategic perspective and outlook, its massive virtual slave population, its extensive and effective industrial and military espionage organization and America’s short-term bottom-line, instant gratification mentality and plain naivete has makes China a formidable enemy.
Al Qaeda and a benign and fearful population of Islamic lemmings, who for the most part cannot or will not stand up against the terrorists and their own radical imams, are also our enemies. At time President Bush must feel as if he is the only one who gets it. It must be lonely on top.
Russia is beginning to buzz American and other nations' foreign military bases with its warplanes. Heartened by big oil money of its own Putin is again flexing his renewed commie muscles. With a cold war mentality and a move toward communist total control Russia again assume’s its role as our enemy.
To make matters worse Russia is teaming up with China to conduct some military joint exercises.
An equally fearsome enemy of the United States is the growing leftist movement, a veritable cancer within our nation. The radical Dean-Pelosi-Reid Democrat leadership has assumed power in the Congress and they are on the verge of capturing even the Presidency albeit with a grossly inferior flock of candidates. The leftists are even influencing the GOP to a large extent - the top three GOP candidates could be mistook for Democrats. The leftist media is continuing to try to sway the public to believe leftist lies. The educators are brainwashing our children with socialist, secular humanist, moral relativistic dribble. Activist judges are misinterpreting, ignoring or reinventing the Constitution. The leftist led entertainment industry is corrupting our society.
The leftist mantra can be summarized by one word: lies. “Abortion is not wrong.” “Homosexuality is normal, natural, healthy and moral.” “Condom-based sex education is the only effective means of teaching our children the facts of life.” “Evolution is a scientific fact.” “Terrorists and terrorism does not exist, they/it are/is a figment of President Bush’s vivid imagination.” Lies. Lies. Lies. Lies.
So if you answered anything other than “F” you failed the first A Good Choice quiz. Begin visiting this blog regularly to experience the true rest (or other side) of the story.
Don't forget about the socialists of Europe and South America. Hugo Chavez, etc.