The Mansfield (Ohio) News Journal had a small news note regarding Answers in Genesis' new Creation Museum, which opened in May. The Kentucky state naturalist, Carey Tichenor, is planning to visit the new museum on November 1st along with a group of 18 fellow naturalists. Why? Because after attending the Creation Museum a lot of Kentucky State Park visitors are beginning to question the information and explanations provided by the Park naturalists. The purpose of the visit to the Creation Museum according to Tichenor is "to better understand what visitors are asking, not to challenge religious beliefs."
The monopolistic state park naturalists with their pro-evolution bias do not provide the public with an even handed approach to the origin of life. The Creation Museum staff are not afraid to present both sides of the issue. However, the park naturalists are duty bound, just like the government school teachers to adhere to a one-sided, politically correct explanation of life’s beginning. Too long they have been unchallenged with all the political force of the powerful National Education Association (NEA) and the pernicious, godless American Civil Liberties Union.
Yes, Virginia (make that Kentucky) there is a viable alternative to the evolution theory, which is the junk science explanation of origins. Either intelligent design or Biblical creationism offer equally plausible explanations for the beginnings of life. It all comes down to a matter of faith. Do you put your faith in man’s inferior explanation for life? Or do you put your faith in God and in the Biblical explanation of life? Both take faith. I tend to believe God’s explanation over Charles Darwin’s. Darwin is a mere fallible mortal being, while the Creator is immortal and infallible.
Visit the Creation Museum near Cincinnati for yourself before the end of this year. Support the ministry of Answers in Genesis. Question the exclusive indoctrination of evolution theory as "gospel" in the government schools.
What evidence supports the hypothesis (it's not a theory) of Creationism or Intelligent Design? Not evidence that may or may not be damaging to evolution, but evidence that actually supports Creationism/ID.
ReplyDeleteI've addressed this point many times on my blog, specifically here:
Feel free to stop by if you want to debate this topic with facts. Thanks. Have a good evening.
On a day like this, 6 years to the day of the horrific attacks against the US, we should watch a video like this:
It puts things into the proper perspective.