Revising America
It is not only the radical leftist liberals in politics, the activist judges, the secular humanists and socialists in academia, but it is also some our government bureaucrats who want to see God out of the picture. They all share in the “who can best bash God” project. Recently there have been a series of God-bashing by federal agencies. Here are just three of the most recent.
The impudent Architect of the Capital bans religious references when issuing flag certificates. A young man from Ohio wanted to honor his veteran grandfather who proudly served in the military in World War II. Specific reference to God was deliberately purged from the certificate. This ruling was later rescinded.
The Veterans Administration, apparently some tenured civil servant with nothing better to do, censored religious references in the script used to describe each of the 13 folds of the flag in at 125 national cemeteries. The dastardly offense: on the 11th fold glorifies "the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob," while the 12th glorifies "God the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost." This censoring came after one “Dr. Newdow” type complained. This is outrageous and insane political correctness run amok. Read two recent articles article 1 and artilcle 2.
The latest dissing of God happened just last week to one of the sites I visited, the Washington Monument, during my recent trip to Washington D.C. Although I did not get a chance to enter the monument I read in Newt Gingrich’s book, “Rediscovering God in America, Reflections on the Role of Faith in Our Nation’s History and Future.” Listen to this. According to an Action Alert that I received today from the American Family Association, the National Park Service (NPS), a federal agency, has joined the Veterans Administration in establishing anti-Christian bigotry as public policy. The NPS has censored “God” from a key display of American’s Christian heritage in our nations capitol.
The reference is an engraving of the Latin phrase “Laus Deo,” which translated into English means “Praise be to God,” on the east side of the 100 ounce aluminum cap on top of the Washington Monument.
Since the actual inscription of the cap cannot be seen or read on top of the 555 foot stone column, the NPC created a replica which is on display in the white colored obelisk of marble, granite and sandstone.
Now “God” has been expunged from the plague containing information about the monument dedicated to our first President. In 2000 the plaque read:
The builders searched for an appropriate metal for the apex that would not tarnish and would act as a lighting rod. The casting was inscribed with the phrase, Laus Deo, (Praise be to God).
The NPS has since censored the last sentence form the latest version of the plague to now read:
The builders searched for appropriate metal for the cap that would not tarnish and would act as a light rod. They chose one of the rarest metals of the time – aluminum.
Additionally, the replica of the cap which is in the monument has been positioned so close to the wall that the wording “Laus Deo” cannot be read. Prior to the censorship by the NPS, the replica could be read.
American Family Association contends, and I agree wholeheartedly, that because of the NPS censorship, visitors including children to the monument now have no way to know that the words, “Laus Deo,” (Praise be to God, are inscribed on the original cap on top of the monument! This censoring of God will help establish anti-Christian bigotry into federal law. has an excellent article that deals with this matter.
There seems to me to be a growing, blatant bias and bigotry, a deliberate attempt on the part of government along with the “American” Civil “Liberties” Union (ACLU), People for the “American” Way, the “Americans” for the Separation of Church and State, academia, leftist politicians [such as Pelosi, Reid and Rodham-Clinton et al], the media, entertainment, etc. to insult, ignore and eliminate God and all Christian influence from public life of this nation. It is a malicious and deliberate attack on God, His moral absolutes (law) and on all those who try to respect and to live their lives in honor of and in recognition of and in obedience to Him and His principles and precepts. These wrong-headed and wrong-principled people are destroying the very foundation upon which our great nation was built and established. It is time to draw the line in the sand. It is time to stop the encroachment of our liberties.
These insults to the God who has blessed America so abundantly are by a government under a “Christian” President. What in the world would be happening under godless radical socialists like Senators Rodham-Clinton, Gore, Obama or Edwards?
Sign the petition to President Bush asking him to rescind the action to ban the recitation now in use. It will immediately go to the White House. I did this this evening.
Send President Bush an email asking that he rescind this anti-Christian censorship by the NPS. Click here to send your email. I did.
The actual person to discover this Washington Monumental revisionism was a pastor out in California. His whole story with photos can be read at Apparently he is also Chuck Norris' pastor--who went with him over to Iraq recently.