The foolish Democrat leadership in Congress picks a fine time to bring u a sore subject that happened almost 100 years ago. Why now during an on-going war with Islamic terrorists? It is either sheer stupidity or something else. Turkey may be guilty of genocide, but why in the heat of a battle in the Middle East do we want to further alienate a country who has been somewhat cooperative, or at least neutral to our efforts to beat back the Islamic terrorists? I just can’t help but think that the Democrat leaders desires to deliberately subvert President Bush’s efforts to win the war in Iraq. The Democrats are that desperate to gain or retain power.
Mission Network News reports, “Turkey has hotly denied that the killing of nearly 1.5 million Armenians during World War I was genocide. However, the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee classified it as such on Wednesday.
“The resolution is a "dramatic shift of wording" that officially labels the events genocide. Turkey's president Abdullah Gul has called the action by the U.S. subcommittee "unacceptable."
“The U.S. government in the past has asked the Turkish government to provide more freedom for Christians. . . But it doesn't seem "that religious freedom was a key factor in having this resolution passed by the foreign affairs committee."”
“However, the effects of the resolution will impact the Turkish Christian community. . .
“The decision comes at a time when relations between the U.S. and Turkey are already tense. But as tempers mount, the outcome will affect more than politics. . . Since America is considered a Christian country, any American in Turkey could be targeted. . .”
So Congress is willing to put the lives of our military and Christians and Christian expatriates living in Turkey at risk, just to score political points.
In the matter of reparations to all blacks living in America by all whites living in America for something that occurred over 150 years ago, it is just divisive , polarizing and plain race baiting on the part of such “experts” in such tactics as Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. First blacks, then native Americans, then Mexicans, then . . . who else do we reimburse for past injustices? Let’s stop all this foolishness and let us return to the solid foundation of Judeo-Christian values and principles, on which our forefathers established this once great nation. Let’s reconcile and pay attention to each other out of love of God, country and each other, and not be forced by big government to pay reparations.
Where is the outrage of the present day genocide going on at a rate of 3-4,000 infants being slaughtered daily in the abortuaries all across our nation and the world, for that matter? That is the real genocide, the real injustice we can do something about today!
My impression of modern Turkey is that it is a highly secularized society. Most are Muslims, but do not take the Qur'an seriously. The fundamentalist Muslims are even persecuted, much like Christians are in the U.S. Muslim women are not allowed to wear ther head coverings in some public places (especially universities).