Ken Shepherd on writes, ". . . the media often pass off professional or semi-professional liberal activists as average Joes and Janes. The effect, of course, is to give a feel of authenticity to the problems, real or perceived, that these folks are struggling with, and often demand government intervention for. . . "
Michelle Malkin asks, "Why did so many of the questioners in the Nov 15 Democrat debate turn out to be activists of one kind or another?" Michelle Malkin provided the following video below which answers the question.
Dirty tricks seems to be the accepted way of operating for the Clinton political strategists. Senator Hillary Rodham-Clinton's campaign apparently has some dirt on the likewise liberal Senator Barack Hussein Obama, but won't release it (at least for now.) They plant doubts. They play politics of personal destruction. Nothing is beyond the tricks and tactics of the Clinton political machine operatives. Win at any and all costs is their basic goal.
P.S. Also revealing in this ploy is the part CNN played in the whole story. They are complicit in the planting . . .
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