Today is part two of the two-part series (Click here for part one) on the heinous and totally unnecessary so-called Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) which recently passed the U.S. House of Representatives.
The movement to advance the homosexual agenda and the movement to keep and perpetuate a woman's "right" to choose to kill her baby, who is a living human being, are THE two major issues or threats face America. For me they are key determinants, deal breakers, as for whom I vote for in the 2008 primary and general elections for President and for Representative, for every elected office, for that matter.
ENDA, with an emphasis on the last syllable, "dah". What in the world is Congress doing passing such an abominable piece of legislation? There is only one reason and we will discuss it today. Again today I use much of the content of the Family Research Council's Washington Watch Weekly radio show from last weekend as the source of much of these two articles.
Congressman Randy Forbes (R-VA) had offered an amendment, a provision, to ENDA when it was being debated that simply said, “To the supporters of this legislation, you indicate that this is not going to impact marriage at all and that it is not going to impact the definition of marriage . . .” His amendment was on a motion to recommit.
The Forbes’ amendment simply said this, “Nothing in this bill can be used by a court to change the definition of marriage between one man and one woman. The Democrat led proponents of the bill defeated that amendment. They not only defeated that amendment, but when they did defeat the amendment, they had a huge applause from the majority. Tellingly, THAT is the bottom line, what they want to do in the true purpose of this particular piece of legislation. ENDA passed the House with a vote of 235 to 184.
Congressman Forbes identified three big movements that he sees happening in Congress now. ENDA encapsulates one of these movements.
Forbes indicated that the first detrimental movement taking place in the Congress is the removal of any kind of indication of FAITH at all in this country. This includes removing name of God from any display or acknowledgment of Him in the Capitol. . . For example, the new visitors’ center is being sterilized with revisionist history preventing the telling about our historical faith that we have had in this country. That is one major movement.
The second is a huge movement to attach HATE CRIMES legislation to our Armed Services legislation. And for the first time what this would mean is that literally pastors who get up in a church services and talk about the fact that marriage should be between on man and one woman or ANYTHING about HOMOSEXUALITY could be subjected to criminal penalties.
The third movement and that is what ENDA, if enacted, would accomplish is to now say that any hiring decision across the country, you can’t discriminate in any way based upon even a PERCEIVED sexual orientation problem. The real winners in this legislation are the trial lawyers because the HIDDEN clause in ENDA was one giving attorneys fees in any of these case. When a suit is filed, people are going to have to settle the suit because if they lose the suit, then they will not only have to pay penalties to the plaintiff, but also all the attorneys fees. Then the final thing was what is going to be the really bad part of this legislation – courts can use this legislation as a SPRINGBOARD to say that this slows the public policy of the Congress of the United States. With this public policy we cannot justify supporting ANY statutes around the country, state or federal that would say marriage is limited to one man or one woman. They will use this legislation to strike down those marriage statutes.
ENDA is part of the full court press of the Left. The worst thing is that the average American across the country doesn’t even know how that the Left orchestrated this move and how fast the new majority has acted to get this agenda on the table and moving forward.
First, people need to stand-up and realize what I said on the floor yesterday. Our country was built on a certain foundation of certain VALUES and BELIEFS that kept us strong and will continue to do so. We are seeing those values and beliefs constantly being eroded and the worst thing we can do is just sit in our seats and not stand up to make sure we are protecting those values and beliefs. People around the country ought to start stand up and say and act as they have had enough we are not going to the happen anymore.
The second good thing is we have a lot of good people in Congress who are trying to fight ENDA to make sure that this legislation doesn’t continue to expand like it is doing. Representative Forbes said, "I am optimistic that the President will VETO this legislation and give us another crack at trying to stop it." Forbes adds that he is “confident we will have enough votes in the House and Senate to sustain his veto.”
At the end of the radio program Ken Blackwell summarized by stating, “This is an important piece of legislation that will not be going away in this new Congress. The Democrat Party leadership will continue to push this RADICAL legislation through Congress.”
Blackwell then urged Americans to call or write an email to our Representative, our two Senators and President Bush and tell them how you feel about ENDA and what this will do to the first amendment rights of all Americans. You can visit to contact your elected officials’ ink or you can call 866-372-1212 for more information.
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