Well the Speaker of the House Nancy "I am the most powerful woman in the world" Pelosi-led Democrat Congress did it. Tonight (Wednesday, just before 7:00 pm) they passed ENDA (H.R. 3685) by a vote of 235 to 184. There are many dangers that ENDA (the Employment Nondiscrimination Act). One thing it does is elevates “sexual orientation” to that of a protected civil right, which is especially insulting to blacks, the aged and the disabled.
What does this bill’s passage mean to Christians? It means that religious freedom for Christian employees and Christian business owners is in jeopardy. Religious freedom for Christian employees and business owners is in jeopardy!
Some of the dangers that would result from passage of this needless and heinous bill include:
1. Companies could not refuse to hire a man who wanted to be a woman, dress like a woman and use the woman's restroom!
2. ENDA abolishes the concept of male/female and forces employers to accept the idea that gender exists only in the mind.
3. Employers will be forced to defend against frivolous complaints about dress and grooming standards. For example, a man who wants to wear a mini skirt to work can complain that the employer is discriminating, when the employer is simply upholding a corporate image.
President Bush has said that he will veto the bill. A veto override would require 270 votes (2/3 of the House).
Call or contact the White House and ask President Bush to follow through on his promise to veto ENDA (H.R. 3685).
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
EMAIL: comments@whitehouse.gov It would be best to copy & past this email address when composing your email.
Liberty Counsel provided some of the above information on ENDA.
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