Christians Should Stop Begging the State to Teach 'Our' Children Morality
Monday, December 3, 2007
By Nathan Radcliffe
Since his election in 2006, Ohio's Democratic Governor Ted Strickland has been working to eliminate funding for abstinence education in state schools. In response, Christian organizations throughout the state have been urging citizens to write to the governor and ask him to reinstate this funding. In a recent email,for example, the Ohio Christian Alliance wrote "We want our children to be exposed to the truth that it is in their best interest -- physically, emotionally and spiritually -- to abstain from sex until marriage!"
My first thought upon reading this was, "Well then folks... They’re YOUR children, so TEACH THEM already!"
When Christians send their children away to humanistic government schools and allow the state to take their money through taxation to fund "education" we should not be surprised that these non-Christian bureaucrats want to teach immorality.
The solution is not to keep sending the children tithe humanist schools where they are being taught evolution, pluralism, and situational "ethics" and then BEG the bureaucrats to spend MORE money to teach morality on the side. What a waste of effort!
We're fighting the wrong battle here! The solution is to take God's children out of Satan's schools and separate the school from the state. That is, we should PRIVATIZE education! Let's demand that our elected representatives stop taking our money and spending it on "public education" - period! We cannot expect a humanist school system to effectively teach morality.
Check out the Alliance for the Separation of School and State to learn more.(
The above article was posted with the permission of the author. Thank you Nathan for a great article.
Abstinence based sex education has proved to be effective in preventing pregnancy among teens. The condom-based sex education crowd lead by Planned (really preventing and destroying) Parenthood loathes any moral-based or virtue-based sex ed curriculum.
Abstinence should be taught at home, or if parents can send their children to a Christian school that would be great. However, as long as we are paying taxes, we should be voicing our preference for the teaching of abstinence in the government schools as well.
I wrote an article yesterday about Rep. Scott Garrett's bill, the LEARN Act, that may be a part of the solution - to take education out of the hands of the federal government and to return complete control and accountability - to parents, to teachers to the local community . . .
I agree with Nathan on this one. The role of government is to punish criminals, not to educate people. If we are to assume that public schools will always exist, then I would still say that abstinence education is a waste. If our money must be taken from us and used in the schools, then its best use would be educating children about mathematics, reading, writing, computer literacy, and vocational job skills. Leave the birds and bees talk to the parents, please. It is their parental right.