America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Monday, December 17, 2007
American Solutions’ “The Platform of the American People”
Newt Gingrich has spearheaded an attempt to “unify” average citizens, Republicans, Democrats and Independents, where we share commonalities into impacting respective party and candidate platforms going into 2008. I think he is saying that what unites us is being lost in shuffle of partisan politics and in the intense special interest lobbyists at work in Washington, D.C. It is the special interest groups that have the ear of Congress, not the electorate. The special interests get what they want, but the country gets further and further divided and nothing seems to get accomplished. I can agree with that.
I read the "Platform of the American People.” It tackles some weighty issues, which seem to get continually placed on the back burner of the Congressional stove. This platform seems like a good starting point for getting some things done. Here are the major categories found in this document:
· American Values and American Solutions
· English and American Civilization
· Immigration, the Border, and Assimilation
· Science and Technology
· Prizes (for creative ideas/ways to solve problems)
· Energy and the Environment
· Taxes and Jobs
· Social Security and Retirement
· Freedom of Religion
· Defending America
There are many excellent ideas in each category. The former Speaker of the House is a brilliant teacher and strategist. This is the only organized effort to do something coordinated and constructive in term of real solutions that I see in the political arena. It seems that both the Democrat and the Republican parties have lost sight of principle and seek only the attainment and preservation of power and at any and all costs to America and the American people.
Here are a few question that beg for American solutions:
Ø Why has the fence on the southern border that Congress and the President authorized and funded not been built? Why are illegal aliens continually invading this nation?
Ø Why do we keep falling behind the rest of the world in science and technology education while pouring obscene amounts of money into an unproductive, ineffective and inefficient bureaucratic, monopolistic union-manipulated federal controlled education system?
Ø Why has the Social Security System not been fixed?
The bottom line is that Speaker Gingrich is trying to address the desires of the people over the desires of the moneyed elite in various fields and industries.
I am not sure if Gingrich’s group has the same definition as I do when they outline the first two statements:
“There are values which unite a large majority of Americans,” and “We want to strengthen and revitalize America’s core values.” The associated polling data taken for the American Solutions for Winning the Future are at least 80 to 10 for both of these statements. Americans overwhelmingly see the importance of American values. To me the values of the sacredness of life from conception to natural death, the preservation of the traditional one-man, one woman marriage and natural family and a return to absolute parental control of education are among these core values. I am not sure if that is what American Solutions for Winning the Future identifies those core values as being. If it does than I most definitely would be supporting “The Platform of the American People.”
You can read the document on here. The website has a lot of good resources to view and to even sign-up to become part of the solution, instead of of being part of the problem by allowing our representatives to get away with doing nothing . . . Let’s begin to hold our elected leaders accountable to us and not only beholden to moneyed elite, powerful lobbies and global corporate entities.
Good work, Newt.
I am begging Newt to contact McCain and advise him that he has to take the gloves off and in a constructive manner, show the proof of who is responsible for the majority of the decisions on the FreddyMac GinnyMae debacle.
ReplyDeleteHe also needs to publish the documentation regarding Obama's affiliation with Acorn. This man is unprincpled and dangerous and I am worried about my country.
This goes beyond partisan politics - my fear is that this man is looking to create World Order where he will be King.
Whatever beacon of light we are to many disadvantaged people in this world, that light will go out when Obama gets his power.
PS His wife, Michele, scares me just as much.
I am agreeing with the Anonymous 100%. These people seem to be trying to set something up to destroy the America we know and our military has shed so much blood to preserve. The soldiers that have lost their lives under the auspices of the American flag are doing it now for someone or someones that do not honour our flag. This country was build on a lot more than people picking cotton, etc. Can we even imagine the lives given for our freedom. Now the first thing we hear, it seems, is something good for the terrorist. People need to wake up and the ones that can do something to protect America, do it. What can my voice do? All I can do is vote and pray, and hope to be heard.
ReplyDeleteNow I think I am getting a picture of what has happened in American as of lately. Maybe we have brought a Torjan Horse into our capital. Using the lure of a big carrot before the donkey (American voters); the carrot being money and power,etc.the door has been opened and the horse brought in. The horse didn't try to deceive the voters by showing any respect for the American flag. It was flaunted, our military snobbed and at the same time the horse didn't deny (as far as I know) his contacts with contacts of terrorist. I can't seem to getan answer to how a person can even put his hat in the ring that doesn't honour our American flag. Shouldn't there be a law against this that would automatically disgualify him as a candidate for the American president?
ReplyDeleteThe people that have their hands out for the stimulus money do not care who pays in the long run, nor do the people trying to pass this debacle. Also there are the ones drowning in debt that might be responsible for bringing this on themselves that are looking for a liferaft no matters whoelse suffers...their children, grandchildren, etc.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with Moon. These people trying to push this stimulus know what people will grab for....more money, And this ensures them long terms in offices. Not all Americans are dumb enough to fall for this simple fact. I believe this is totally against what America is all about. Now what can be done but talk about it? How can people that can begin doing something about this not do it? Hussein Obama has his henchman,(a political supporter, esp. one motivated by the hope of personal gain). According to news, as I understand it, he is in total support of the tax evader that will have an office of support. What will happen to Obama when he fails these supporters? They will scurry to come up with someone else. Totally non-American priniciples.
Now we see definitely where our country is headed unless we have a move of divine providence. The heroes have swooped down with there capes flapping in the wind with a big "S" on each cape. This doesn't stand for Superman.It stands for "Socialism". Our Supermen have crawled under theirs beds peeking our once in a while asking, "Has it all gone away?"
ReplyDeleteNow we are getting set up for an oil rich country to come in and buy out America unless we have "the divine intervention".
Now I am hearing that ammo will lose it's power after a certain date after purchase. Sounds like we are getting more defenseless. Who is this supposed to protect.? time? Doesn't sound like it will be our homes. Putting all this stuff together,(during the campaigning,(affiliation with ACORN, contact with terrorist contacts), and after election), doesn't anyone realize what Hussein Obama might be setting up?
ReplyDeleteI heard an observer of the presdential plane landing say that it just didn't have that certain feeling one can get when our preident's plane lands. It might add for myself it's an "empty suit" feeling.
According to the some of the latest news, I understand that it reads Hussein Obama will now try to force our medical profession, that doesn't want to be a part of the "murdering regime" on unborn babies, to do the grotesque deed. The gun that is doing the killing is actually in Hussein Obama's hand. The liberals behind him are literally accomplices. I am not talking about birth control pills, saving the mother,etc....I am talking about killing an unborn baby in the womb or whose head is out of the womb. They refuse to call this child a human being because he is a few hours old in the womb. That is actually the beginning of its aging process and continues on until death in later years after birth. After birth someone that kills over and over, maybe using the same techinique, is described as a serial killer.
ReplyDeleteA tax on the miles we drive? Ending a war that isn't over? I believe he is a pawn in "the hands", but a very willing pawn.
Our great nation whose freedom has been bought with much blood shed, is now the big juicy bone in the liberal's mouths. When a dog is through with a bone, he buries it.
One of tonight's headlines reads....."Hugo Chavez declares war on opposition media", and another reads....."Gibbs challenges those who oppose Obama." Sound similiar? Our modern day Paul Revere,Rush Limbaugh, is under the gun for warning Americans of what is really going on under Hussein Obama's regime. What a courageous man with great love for America. Freedom of speech? When has America ever had a president that wasn't opposed by some fellow Americans, and now our freedom of speech is threatened. If ever America needs for someone to speak out, it is now.
ReplyDeleteThese fast moves Hussein Obama is making, of course, are to secure worst plans for our future.
Just as a side note. I believe Hussein Obama made a statement sometime ago that......our Star Spangled Banner song is too violent. If he did indeed make this statemeet, what greater atrocity of violence is it to murder unborn children. Is it true that when a baby's head is out of the womb, a instrument is inserted into the base of it's head to pincture it's brain?
Americans with interest in our true American values now huddle around our radios and televisions listening to and watching),(Voice of America?); these brave voices trying to wake us.
ReplyDeleteThe Voice of America radio was used on the day of the Normandy Invasion, and our American troops had victory for American freedom.... even the troops that didn't come home.
Our wonderful British allies have always stood with us. Now someone is tryng to make them look less in Ameican eyes due to the last visit to the white house.These allies should have much honour. The American White House we have respected and loved is no more right now; even with some past presidents not giving it the honour it should have had. I think, if a building could drop it's head in shame, it would now and apologize to what America is all about... "America, forgive me for housing such atrocities that are now taking place."
He doesn't honour our flag, our troops, and whatever else that hasn't been exposed .....yet.
Now Hussein wants to patty cake with the terrorist leaders. Is he that naive, ignorant, or does it fall into his, from the start, plans? He hasn't any military savvy ,in my opinion, and is trying to weave a tight web using the finacial crisis. I think this strategy was set in motion long before the election.
Hold up your head, White House! Even with our number one enemy.(enemies) housed in you right now, I have faith in that true American spirit. Has it ever truly failed?
When will this madman be stopped? Is this less than an traitorous effort? Past presidents have been impeached for far less atrocities. American freedom is in more danger than ever, I believe. Our British allies are snubbed...why? I think it is to weaken America defenses, of course. His most dangerous step and effort will be to try to turn America against Israel, and according to the Bible, the nations that turn against Israel will be destroyed.
ReplyDeleteI feel that the countries that desire to trod America down have kept a respectful distance,respecting the blood bought strength of our great nation, are now feeling a weakening in our defenses, and right they are, if Hussein Obama stays in power, and they are waiting with salivating mouths and bared fangs.
Just suppose that the recent threat on Washington ties in with Hussein Obama's remark in one of his earlier books stating that he will stand with the Muslims if "push comes to shove", so to speak. Now if it is to be an amazing attack on Washington, that will amaze the world, could it be that Mehsud, the Taliban chief, plans on seizing the White House without destroying any structures?
ReplyDeleteSince the terrorist have used other methods to attack America, this recently threatened attack would be different; therefore, a "surprise" method to the whole world. What greater surprise than to see the terrorist controlling our capitol?
According to Alan Keyes, Hussein Obama wasn't born in the U. S. If that is true, Hussein is an imposter, and if that is true, we haven't a president at all.
There were many lives lost when the legal American immigrants began to move into native American territory. What else could be done if this nation was to ever grow, utilizing the civilized America's growth. Many lives were lost when America had to defend itself during the American Revolution. Many lives were lost when Japan attacked America on America's soil. What about the Twin Towers?
ReplyDeleteNow we are hearing solutions to world peace by weakening America's defenses by people that don't have a clue..., if they do, their agenda is wicked. Now let's see, first they spend money that isn't there. Now they will highly, unreasonably, tax the commoner, but wait, making sure their pocket books are secure from this atrocity. Now they work to weaken our military's strength. Also at this time, the personal firearms must began their demese. Is this to take the guns and ammo out to the criminals hands? They will keep or get theirs some way. No, it is to weaken the home defense. Why?, Hussein knows, but won't tell. Another part of the "secret changes." Please now, they want to bring in the illegal immigrants so they can be at the polls for the next election, probably saying, "these wondeful Democrats have let us come over to take everything we can from the legal American work force. Now we must exercise our voting privleges to keep our benefactors in power."
The mighty Democrats are destroying Ameican. Why? They think to keep themselves in power?, and that will surely secure their pockets books, and my,my,..what POWER they can wield! No way, they, if they are successful in doing what they plan, will have America and all the benighted ones that put Hussein in power, going down with the rest of the, the courageous that are fighting with all their mights to defend our great nation. Thankfully, there are still people who think like true Americans. These voices are now beginning to be heard. I don't think these American destroyers will be the victors, but I do believe the fight must continue to save America,.... fast and furious until this is achieved.
Are we still hoping against hope that this bizarre thing in Washington will stop, and America will regain some sense? This is a "Sherman Tank" spirit rolling across America like never before. Does Hussein think he will get all of America's enemies on his bandwagon before he really begins trying to grind America down?
ReplyDeleteNow he is using the technique of threats to put fear in people that take a stand. Sounds like a country that will throw people in prison, or put them before a firing squad if found disloyal to the "cause."
As far as Hussein having the expertise to be president in any way, I think of it as a master surgeon having to invite the neighborhood grocery butcher into the operating room to do the surgery.
Is it wrong to demonstrate to get America's attention against these ingrates of freedom? Can't one be angry to see the attach on American freedom? The message Hussein wants to send to the benighted people in our country is that he is seeking peace with other countries that would desire to have America dragged down to their level. The people that put Hussein in office thought he was a shining, do good, kill the poisonous snakes, King snake, but he has shed his skin and exposed the diamonds and rattlers.
The Husseinites know, they really do know, that the talk show conservatist, Mr. Cheney, others, that are speaking truth, are shouting over and over the "ball is red." The red ball being the truth about what is going on in Washington and the liberals, (most of the intellects), see the "red ball", and refuse to admit it. And this will continue. The benighted ones see color as their reason to back the liberals.
ReplyDeleteRecently one that I had admired once has shed his skin, and also backs color, and not salvation for our great America.
The socialist agenda know the ones that are shouting and speaking out to save America are speaking truth, but they are drunk on power, and still backing the dictator of America. I feel that the symbol of the Democratic party once held its head pretty high, but even the donkey is blushing shame now.
America doesn't have a president now, but a socialist dictator, and I can't address his name as president. This is not disrepect, but respect for the office that has housed our previous presidents.
Now the terriorist might be relaxing in the glow of what and who are well on the way of trying to do what the terriorist haven't been able to do.....destroy America.
So we speak out, and we speak out, and we speak out, but what will put this debacle to rest?
The limited intelligence of Hussein, or other wana-a-be people know only how to wield astonishing commands. They haven't the leadership skills for America, the America we have known and loved even with some lesser successful presidents, but the bottom line with those presidents, they believed in America, and did love it and respected our flag.
I recently read an article concerning the Americans that are buried on foreign soil, 10,000....dying for our freedom, plus thousands more not only dying for our country, but coming home very disabled and helpless in many ways, while some, that can start the ball rolling, are sitting on their hands, (seemingly loving their positions more than America), and letting this Hussein group try to destroy when our military has given the highest calling ....their lives. Who in leadership can measure up?
Until we have a divine intervention through a "special calling", we are about shouted out, but not down.
Well, it looks like Hussein has the go ahead on his famous project to destroy America. No stops for Mr Hussein? Why is he moving so fast? He has to before he is put out of office. Democracy is great, and always has been until enough radicals can vote someone with his intent into our honoured office. There hasn't been any rules set up to debunk someone like this person evidently. What Americans can do after the voted in one destroys so much is to pick up the pieces and future Ameicans can help pay the price. In the past this has happened, but this character who shouted, "change", isn't making mere presidental bad decisions, he has planned, with much help before he was voted in, to do this abomination to our country.
ReplyDeleteNow this might seem far out, but what if he is setting up a regime to take America's guns, and then bring a militia force to invade private home making sure they haven't any weapons to defend themselves when his Muslims make their move. Well, he has already accomplished some bazaar feats.
I received an e-mail concerning the patriots that used their bodies,and died, to hold up the American flag during the American Revolution as the British forces shelled our flag to shreads, but, yes, Frances Scott Key said, "our flag is still there."
I recently was given a chance to enter a comment concerning the upcoming campaign. I tried to submit it, but was given a notice the the web page could not be found. I was e-mail a notice to get a new password. When I tried that, I got the same notice. Now I am wondering if the liberals have invaded my computer.
ReplyDeleteThis was and is my comment
Keep your bogus stimulus!
"We the people....." are taking back our whole country,The United States of America!
I certainly would like to enter it where I first tried to.
Recently someone from Kenya was on a talkshow. The person was informing America that Hussein's Kenya father is a Colonial, which is someone seeking to rule, and have absolute power, and that Hussein has been taught by his father how to obtain these desires.
ReplyDeleteIt goes right along with the first comment posted on American Solutions' comment page. Hussein certainly fits the part about "looking to create World Order."
I have recently read a book about a WWII P.O.W., and what seeing the American Flag meant to this person after being freed from prison. Now I am reading about a P.O.W. of the Vietnam war. Brave courageous people; true American's that Hussein is not worthy to shake their hands. He knows nothing of the "American Way."
ReplyDeleteThe American Flag is a spiritual symbol of freedom and stength of a country....not just a piece of material to fly or wave. Hussein wouldn't honour it.
Much blood has been shed to honour our flag, and he has the gall,(others or just as guilty), to dishonour it. I think that subject has been pushed under the rug.
This interloper is trying to tear down the respect of
the oval office as rapidly as
he can. It is a high office
and he is dragging it down to
base practices with the latest
"beer bash." Who does he think
he is to rip apart the prestige
of our nation's capital? The "dead dog" syndrome is what we have
when no one will rise up and
take command of this debacle.
That is base behavior in our capital in trying to sit around the round table raising the beer mugs to brotherly camaraderie. It seems he would be doing the country a greater service in other areas instead of trying to magnify this situation.
Well, the magic carpet is still sailing in full regalia, and all the other little carpets fluttering rapidly behind.
May God please have mercy on a country that has given so much for it's freedom and American Way. May the blood that has been shed cry out to your soversignty to intervene before irreplaceability destroys America.
Recently, I heard a recording of a man calling the protesters of another of the atrocities being pushed on Americans,as "mobs." Of course, I couldn't see his face, and didn't catch his name, but I had this image come to my mind of a character from an old horror movie; fangs dripping with venom, squinty eyes shifting from side to side, and then!!!backing off into the shadows with skinny shoulders shaking with a hideous snicker. And then vanishing in a big puff of sulfurous vapor.
ReplyDeleteNow that is what this election has come to. I have tried in all honesty to find something positive for America in this presidency season, (how foolish of me)and something or somethings just keep confirming it's not going to happen. Just a few crumbs being thrown out to keep some of the public following the parade scrambing after the crumbs, lookng around and saying,"See, Hussein surely cares for us."
As I listen to the news and talk shows, it seems Hussein is able to drive all the nails in America's coffin as he wishes....constitutes included. What if the bona fide terrorist would take over the Capitol, and not someone under the cloak of a president? Are there and was there ever any plans made to take command and secure the Capitol for Americans when a traitous situation is holding court? Is there anything that can prevent this destruction?
ReplyDeleteIf the Redcoats had of come back after the American Revolution was over and invaded our capitol, I think there would have been courageous Americans on hand to capture it back immediately. There is something in our constitution giving a certain group of people authority to stop traitors. Where are our defenders?
Is it true that Hussein has someone spying on the internet to check on something going on with another government take-over plan that disagrees with his plans? Is this real?
Is it any wonder Hussein won't pledge allegiance to our American flag? That was the biggest farce this country has ever let pass, and if that wasn't a wake-up call to America?...,however, a wake-up call is still sounding an alarm.
It looks like the Patrick Henry days have returned. To my understanding, people that oppose what is going on in Washington, the big push for power, is being labeled as "racist" if they don't just lay down and be quiet. Is this the American spirit that Americans have fought for for many, many years? Where are these scare tactics coming from? I have only read about them in underground activities or foreign countries where people have lost their freedom through fear gendered by a group that want complete power.
ReplyDeleteIf they can only push this latest tactic through, they see themselves really gaining absolute power. It's not about helping the American people, it's about atrocious control under a dictator.
I pray that enough American and America ally blood that has been shed for American freedom, will gain supreme favor in the heavens to stop this.
Congress probably understand their days are numbered. There will be new election choices soon. Hussein knows this also, but if he can just use them to gain more control,he will and he is trying to do it speedily while he can.
Sorry, Hussein and constituents, the true American spirit is still alive and well. There is a holy pledge to the American freedom rising up like a sleeping giant to defend what is rightfully theirs. It has always been there, but hasn't been threatened like this before. We still have thousands of courageous Americans willing to take a stand whatever the cost.
American solutions should change their name to America's Taliban!
ReplyDeleteIt's no time to relax with this latest development in Washington. It is their time to regroup and come back with the same thing, but worded differently. We won't be surprised.
ReplyDelete"Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." We know what we stand for. We know who has attacked America. We know what we are fighting for. We know the true reason. There isn't any name calling that can deter us. I once was told that if a man knows he is right, nothing can stop him.
ReplyDeleteI believe the Husseinites have under estimated the relentlessness of the hearts of Americans. Here is what it looks like to me; "We the people...." are tryng to be funneled down into a situation of no control of our lives. First the Americans are forced into a debt of no return. Now the health plan. Now our social security is being given to the illegals, so that they can have a vote to keep Democrats in power. Hussein's aim is to have complete control of America. That is what it is all about. The Democrat party that we have known in the past is no more. This is a new "party." Even the "old guard" Democrats have been and are being duped.
ReplyDeletePower corrupts; total power totally corrupts. The definition of corrupt is: adultered or debased by "change" from an original or correct condition.
Now we get to the accusation of "racist." Not so with me, and many others. In college, a young Afro-American woman would tell others, "She's all right." Numerous times my mother showed nothing but kindness to her friends and taught us the same. I just have enough sense to recognize color is not the issue
in this destruction of our country.
Obviously the qualifications to be president of the United States of American doesn't apply to Hussein. It seems to me that he is being allowed to destroy all that America is about. Since he doesn't meet the true qualifications ....upholding, protecting, respecting our flag, (which is much more than the material it's made of), etc., therefore; he isn't an American president, but an interloper,and he doesn't deserve the title of President. He has all the protection of an American president, and the support of the American congress; and they are worse than he is because they have been taught and know what a president should be. Impeachment would be too mild a punishment for an enemy of our country. Presidents that have been impeached did far lesser damage than Hussein is doing. So you see we haven't president at all just someone posing as one.
ReplyDeleteSo if you don't agree with the destruction of our country, you are a racist? What an insult to anyone's intelligence. That is the most bizarre description of a "racist" going; coming from the most elementary brains. Intelligence went out the window on that. That is exactly equal to telling someone if they won't walk down the middle of a busy street, they are discriminating against that street.
ReplyDeleteI have this "vision" in my mind's eye of a ladder,somewhat liken to Jacob's, extending into the heavenlies but not quite as high. On the top of the ladder is a turning platform. On this platform is a person with their hands extended over their head as in the stance of a boxing champion. A golden cap is fluttering in the heavenly breezes as the platform slowly turns counterwise. Once in a while one gets a glimpse of silver initials outlined in diamonds or rhinestones: BHO. All the world can see this spectacular thing, and are in awe of it's majesties.
ReplyDeleteBut at the bottom of the ladder something just keeps happening. As the man of the dream begins to climb the rungs, they keep shattering under his feet and hands.
Only a dream, Hussein. Only a dream. This might work in some countries, but not the USA. Reminds me of someone with "new money." They do not know quite how to handle the "old money" social skills or much of anything else except to kowtow in wrong places.
He has now saved thousands of lives by telling the American people to wash their hands and cover their mouths when they cough. I can believe he thought that up, and didn't have to have his Husseinites telling him what to say. I'm not being facetious. I believe that was an original thought for him.
ReplyDeleteI would have thought the criterion to be president of the United States of America would have included honouring our stars and stripes, and respecting the U. S. A., (not kowtowing to other countries while apologizing for the U. S. A., putting America in the most dangerous financial situation ever, these bizarre czars in power, etc.
I don't know if it's true or not, but I have read that in time, he will have his civilian police in power. Do not these fools that are followers of his not know where he he is trying to take our country?
I have just finished reading a book written by a woman that was a prisoner of the Japanese during World War II; she and her two year old son in one camp, her husband in another. I know that is over and done, but the statement made by her captures sounded familiar. The Japanese were going to take away the American's "proudery and arrogance."
Hussein is still bucking the blood that has been shed for American freedom. How long can he get away with this? He isn't a fool in one way. His loyal followers are the fools because they think they will still be on the magic carpet when it lands on the turf of the castle in the sky. I can't get away from the thought or question in my mind. Why wasn't there ever anything put in qualifications to be a president of the USA that would pertain to a person that dupes the people while the plan is to destroy America? And then he proceeds to do so. We can beat on that door he is hiding behind, shout protest loud and clear, climb on the roof and drop messages down the chimney, and he is laughing up his sleeve. Well as far as that goes on the qualifications, the birth record is still in question, no loyalty to our flag, etc.....It was a wonderful feeling,(with all his faults), to read about President Bush visiting Fort Hood. He still has that aura of a real president.
ReplyDeleteHussein isn't fool as far as knowing exactly what he is after. How far he can go depends how long it will take before the fools wake up. They might be like a children's story I read as a child. It was about greedy mouse. He was crossing the bridge with a jar of money. He fell off the bridge still holding on to his wealth, but wouldn't let go when he fell in the water. So he drowned.
If my understanding is right, the American people that can't or won't buy into this insurance debacle will be jailed or fined? If that isn't coming out of the bowels of communism tell me what it is.
ReplyDeleteAmericans haven't any protection from a group of radicals that by crook and crime have gotten themselves in our whitehouse and "we the people" hands are tied. Hussein is riding the crest of the waves that will destroy our country unless he is stopped.
I will be the first to admit I am somewhat ignorant on just how the politcal system works, but it doesn't take the most informed to figure out that Hussein isn't qualified to be president of our U.S.A. Something must have been set in stone somewhere that says that snyone can be voted into office and remain while destroying our country, because that is what is going on.
American soldiers are fighting and dying for our freedom?..while someone in office is free to destroy without firig a shot...yet.
The health issue isn't about health, but it is about bringing anyone into our country with full benefits, and that means the vote to keep this wickedness in power.
I can't get away from the thought that someone(s) can't do something to protect us....someone that is a "neutral" to the "parties", but has the power to protect America.
Awhile back, it was on the byways and airways that America was in for a big surprise from the radical Muslims. Not long after, we began to experience the "surprise" the high office.
And now, the beat still goes on. Hussein is still the Muslim,(so he admits), dictator.....and America hasn't any protection from one that is destroying our country along with his henchmen. Whether born here or not, they aren't American, especially the Kenyan. I haven't been guilty of name calling to satisfy, and it doesn't do any good. but what I say, I believe to be true
ReplyDeleteWhy is he in there? Because benighted Ameicans on both sides, liberal and conservative trusted. Why didn't someone think of something like this happening? We have fought for American freedom too long have it ursurped overnight by these traitors. What can be done about someone like this taking our our country? It seems not much except talk shows trying to open people's eyes. They are the true "Watchmen on the wall", as far as being in the public eye or ear. Others are doing all they can at this point.
This Hussein has been in the making for years. He got the vote of his culture because of his color. The Democrates used these people promising "pie in the sky", but they will not be protected anymore than others. It didn't matter what he stood for. He got plenty of other's votes for whatever reason. The money that backed him came out of the Chicago thug syndrome, and foreign countries that have used him and will continue to do so unless we have a move of Divine Providence using people that have strong backbones, and love of our America more than ill-gotten wealth as the expense of this blood bought, and still being blood bought, country.
No laws set in granite have ever been established to protect our country from this. Does someone beg to differ?
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "American Solutions’ “The Platform of the American ...":
ReplyDeleteAnd now, the beat still goes on. Hussein is still the Muslim,(so he admits), dictator.....and America hasn't any protection from one that is destroying our country along with his henchmen. Whether born here or not, they aren't American, especially the Kenyan. I haven't been guilty of name calling to satisfy, and it doesn't do any good. but what I say, I believe to be true
Why is he in there? Because benighted Ameicans on both sides, liberal and conservative trusted. Why didn't someone think of something like this happening? We have fought for American freedom too long have it ursurped overnight by these traitors. What can be done about someone like this taking our our country? It seems not much except talk shows trying to open people's eyes. They are the true "Watchmen on the wall", as far as being in the public eye or ear. Others are doing all they can at this point.
This Hussein has been in the making for years. He got the vote of his culture because of his color. The Democrates used these people promising "pie in the sky", but they will not be protected anymore than others. It didn't matter what he stood for. He got plenty of other's votes for whatever reason. The money that backed him came out of the Chicago thug syndrome, and foreign countries that have used him and will continue to do so unless we have a move of Divine Providence using people that have strong backbones, and love of our America more than ill-gotten wealth as the expense of this blood bought, and still being blood bought, country.
No laws set in granite have ever been established to protect our country from this. Does someone beg to differ?
According to the latest news, an American cartoonist is on an American Muslim's hit list. Now you see what American has come to. Can they get by with this? Will Hussein step in here as fast as he did with the military general? No he won't because he seems to be opening the door as fast and as wide as he can for this to take place in the American that he has been put in place to bring down and put under Muslim control.
ReplyDeleteHis faithful ones that back him while he is taking American down will not be included in his entourage if he reaches the plateau he is aiming for. They won't be needed anymore. The mosque the Muslims hope to build in New york could be their headquarters for more control. He seems to be oblivious to these happening, but he is well aware.
Paul, filled with the Holy
ReplyDeleteghost,speaking to Elymas, the sorcerer, said, "O full of all subtility and all mischief, thou child of the devil, enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease to prevent the right ways of the Lord?" After this the sorcerer was struck by blindness sent from above.
When Devine Providence comes on the scene, all heads turn. America desperately needs this devine intervention, and I believe Devine Providence will intercede.
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
It's not about a president leading America for it's own good according to him and his entourage.
ReplyDeleteIt is about tearing America down and putting it under goverment control. Hussein has gone after everything he can to be under his control, (Muslim control, eventually). He doesn't do all this thinking by himself. He is someone's "boy." He must be stopped.
He cares nothing about the Mexicans or the American black people. He is after their votes and nothing else. He is under demonic influence in a big way. He must be stopped. Who can stand against him? He must be stopped.
The people that are screaming, "Racist." know it's not about racism. If stopping the enemies of America from destroying our country that thousands of our American people have died for is being labeled, "Racist", then call me a racist, but I'm not in the true sense. Lie down and close your mouth in fear or you will be labeled a racist. That is a lie as most of this regime is based on.
There was a woman speaking on one of the radio talk shows recently, and she was praising Hussein as being the most powerful person in the world and she was so proud of it. Well, Satan has power, and Hussein's power is evil and destructive.
Wake up, America!